"Don't try to change the subject without talking about these disappointing things."

Jiang Pengji gasped wearily, turned her body, directly took Wei Ci as a large pillow and went to bed.

Weici was stiff at first, and his muscles tightened up.

After a while, he said, "is the Lord asleep?"

He spent most of his life with Jiang Pengji and knew how bad his sleep was.

Not to mention a little big noise, even if someone tiptoes beside her, it can wake her up.

Jiang Pengji closed her eyes and muttered.

"I'm already asleep. Do you have the heart to disturb my good dream?"

"Yes, the Lord is asleep." Weici said with a wry smile, "the ground is cold. With all due respect, I'll take you to bed."

The indoor floor is paved with solid wood. It is hard, cold and uncomfortable to lie down.

As soon as Jiang Pengji heard it, her ears would stand up.

She warmly opened her arms, "come on, come on! If Zixiao can't hold it, I can hold you."

Wei CI said, "since the Lord is asleep, don't talk in your sleep."

When Jiang Pengji glanced, she doubted whether Wei CI could pick herself up.

Although she was born slender, she was tall and muscular, and her actual weight was a little heavier than that of an ordinary adult man.

Whether Weici could pick her up, Jiang Pengji didn't hold much hope.

It turned out that she really underestimated each other.

When Wei CI heard Jiang Pengji laughing softly, she was as smart as him. Naturally, she knew what the other party was laughing at. She couldn't help blushing.

Although he picked up Jiang Pengji, he was still very laborious, so he breathed a little.

From the original place to the bed, the distance between two points and one line was only a few steps, but Wei Ci was so tired that his forehead was sweating.

"Zixiao's strength should be well practiced." Jiang Pengji rolled into the bed, clamped a corner of the thin quilt with her toes, threw it casually, and then rolled her body around, just covering half of her body. "Otherwise, it's easy to lose her strength in the future."

In the dark, Wei Ci's eyes were somewhat helpless.

He is not the first brother. Of course, he understands the connotation of each other's words.

Knowing Jiang Pengji's temperament, Wei CI didn't dare to answer indiscriminately so that the other party wouldn't advance an inch.

Jiang Pengji accurately stopped Wei Ci from taking another thin quilt and teased him with a smile.

"Sleep in a quilt! Zixiao in summer is lovely."

Wei CI replied, "so in winter, the LORD hates kindness?"

"No." Jiang Pengji said, "the Lord in winter can please Zixiao."

Wei Ci was stunned for a while before he understood what she meant. He was so ashamed that he couldn't speak.

His heart was angry and his tone was a little angry, "who likes it?"

Your Majesty in the last life is so cold and serious. Why is she so glib in this life?

He carefully lay down next to the edge of the bed, his neck tightened, and Jiang Pengji forced him to move in.

Wei CI had no choice but to admit his fate. He didn't escape the fate of being a pillow in summer.

Your Majesty in the previous life somehow knows to restrain. In this life, she is more and more lawless.

"I like it." Jiang Pengji said.

Wei CI had no choice but to lie flat.

Just -- how many times a year can you be harassed?

Today, let her do it.

Wei CI guessed right. Jiang Pengji came secretly and could only stay for two or three days.

The next day, she ran away.

Either take Shao Guang or Zhang Ping, stare at the scorching sun and carefully inspect the construction progress everywhere.

I can't see her at all except at night.

After three days, Jiang Pengji should leave for maruzhou.

"The world often says that you have thoughts every day and dreams at night. Zixiao should think about me more. This is an order."

Jiang Pengji whispered in his ear.

I don't know whether the sun is too big outside or I'm too nervous. Weici feels hot and sweaty all over.

"Mercy wants to share his worries and labor for the Lord. He has no time to think more."

Jiang Pengji was so angry that she couldn't do more because others were present.

"You wait - don't cry then."

Weici has no fear. He will be safe for at least the next ten years.

"Congratulations, Lord!"

He bent over and bowed.

Jiang Pengji smiled angrily. She said to Zhang Ping and Shao Guangdao, "xiheng and Chongming, I forgot to explain something to Zixiao."

Zhang Ping and Shao Guang thought they were going to talk about business, so they winked back.

Jiang Pengji grinned, revealing several white teeth.

Wei Ci's heart cooled and he had an ominous premonition.

Seeing Jiang Pengji off, Zhang Ping and Shao Guang find that there is something wrong with Wei Ci's mood.

They thought Jiang Pengji and Wei CI had a serious discussion, which added a little anxiety to their hearts.

In fact, Weici just didn't slow down God.

The skin at the clavicle rubbed with the clothes and pulled up a fine pain.

"Nothing." Weici's face comforted them normally.

In another place, Jiang Pengji, who was already on the road, had a licorice in her mouth, and the live barrage was hot.

[outfit 13]: anchor, you don't mean what you say. Didn't you say that this live studio is very serious? Why rob my male god?

[selling wine for you]: I'm so angry. It's rare to have a male god who falls in love at first sight. Finally, he was bitten by the anchor. Big skin eye!

[a beaver flower presses the Begonia]: my heart is broken. It's said that the anchor is very serious and won't drive easily?

These are the cries of the blue bullet screen audience.

Although the red army occupied an absolute advantage, the endless stream of high-value male gods still attracted a part of the blue audience.

Among the many male gods, Weici's appearance is the best, and because he has played so few times, his gold content is the highest.

Jiang Pengji just boldly grabbed Wei Ci's collar and took a bite at his collarbone, which broke the hearts of the blue audience.

What's more heartbreaking is that I don't know if Jiang Pengji did it on purpose. She just picked Wei Ci's collar, but it also blocked their perspective.

Absolutely on purpose?

Compared with the blue audience's wailing, the red audience is laughing.

[old driver Lianmeng]: yo yo - our little pig can finally eat cabbage. My father is happy.

[sneaking into the African chieftain]: it's not easy. I've been chasing it for nearly seven years. My daughter's first kiss was finally sent out.

[Mo Lingyin]: bah, what kind of first kiss is this? Ben Baobao has been expecting the anchor to cook the frog. The anchor grinds haw and refuses to talk. Dare you ask - who has boiled hot water for several years? Chew and chew. What kind of hero is blocking the camera?

They only saw Jiang Pengji nibble at Wei Ci, stunned that they didn't see each other show a trace of redundant skin.

How angry!

[a civet]: you don't understand, anchor. It's called possessiveness. If I had a boyfriend like a kind beauty, I would be stingy.

[silent Ya]: if I had a boyfriend like CI Mei, I would have knocked him out and cried on the mop!

Jiang Pengji looked at the barrage and smiled without saying anything.

Yes, she is stingy. She won't fight!