"Show me --"

Jiang Pengji asked with burning eyes. Although it was a request, Wan Xiuer had no room to refuse.

Wan Xiuer said, "the residence is a little far from the camp. Don't send someone to prepare cars, horses and guards first? You are a vassal on one side. If you are alone, you can't have any accidents - they are still planted in the inner yard of the previous residence and can't run away."

Jiang Pengji didn't listen to these words. She took Wan Xiuer out of the military account and said to the service waiting outside, "prepare the horse!"

She is resolute, and cotton is a major event related to people's livelihood. She doesn't want to wait for a moment.

The war was too rough. I don't know if it disturbed those cotton plants.

The duty officer pulled Dabai to her, and Jiang Pengji turned over and jumped on her horse's back and stretched out her hand to Wan Xiuer.

The other party subconsciously stretched out her hand and felt that Jiang Pengji put her on the horse.


Before Wan Xiuer could react, Jiang Pengji ran out of the camp with her horse, and the first few servants got on the horse and followed her.

However, his Lord's mount is too powerful. Dabai hasn't had fire for a long time. He can't stop as soon as he runs.

When several attendants and guards arrived at their destination, Jiang Pengji had looked around those cotton plants for a long time.

Wan Xiuer was still in shock. Her clothes were messy, her refreshing sideburns were scattered on her shoulders, and the Pearl Cui originally used to fix her was gone.

Look at that. I thought my Lord had pressed people on the ground.

"Why did you come --"

The panting soldier was stunned and subconsciously apologized.

Jiang Pengji said, "forget it. Go get a shovel and dig all these trees away. Remember not to hurt the roots."

"Oh? Oh!"

People were stunned and then reacted. They went to find shovels one after another.

"Be careful. When you dig it out, the roots must be covered with soil -"

Jiang Pengji commanded the whole process, and the soldiers were trembling and walking on thin ice.

It's not that they are timid, but most people who have seen Jiang Pengji kill the enemy on the battlefield will be afraid of her.

Busy to sunset, the trees were carefully moved out. In order to facilitate the movement, they also found a huge pottery jar!

Jiang Pengji made several holes under several earthenware jars to facilitate watering in the future.

Cotton is not high. The three plants are only four or five feet tall. Panzhihua is a little higher, but it is just over ten feet tall.

Seeing that they were moved out safely, Jiang Pengji was relieved.

Wan Xiuer was a little curious.

She knows that Jiang Pengji is a person who does great things. If this thing is useless, the other party will not be so nervous——

"What's unusual about this thing?"

Wan Xiuer has been planting for several years. In addition to unique patterns, dried flowers can be used to fill pillows and mattresses. It seems that they have no other purpose.

Because of cotton and kapok trees, Jiang Pengji's favor with Wan Xiuer has risen to a higher level.

She said bluntly, "naturally, it can protect all the people in the world from cold."

Wan Xiuer blinked.

Of course she wouldn't doubt Jiang Pengji's words, but -- do these plants really have such great skills for viewing?

So that all the people in the world will not be cold?

Can't even a saint reincarnate do this?

"You have made great contributions!" Jiang Pengji pressed her hands on both sides of her shoulders. "I don't thank you for your kindness. I'll meet whatever you need."

Although she was separated by heavy clothes and mink cloak, she could still feel Jiang Pengji's thin hands.

Very powerful, inexplicably gives people unprecedented stability——

Wan Xiuer didn't believe such an ordinary promise before, but the speaker was Jiang Pengji. She believed it.

"I can't stand such a promise."

"When a gentleman makes a promise, the five mountains lean towards each other!" Jiang Pengji stressed that she did not say it casually.

Wan Xiuer's face turned red, and she threw jiang Pengji a white eye and said angrily, "you -- after all these years, your glib ability has not retreated. You said that to Jingxian, but now it's me. Who else do you want to say that to in the future?"

She clearly remembered that when Jiang Pengji's gender was exposed, many noble women mocked, and Wan Xiuer was also sour.

I didn't expect Jiang Pengji to copy Wei Jingxian's words to her.


Can't you change it!

Jiang Pengji: "

Wan Xiu'er puffed a smile, "that's all. I believe you are. I don't ask much. Just give me a place to live."

Jiang Pengji said, "well, I'm sure I'll give you a good supply."

This made Wan Xiuer very happy. Her smile these two days was equal to the sum of previous years.

Although Jiang Pengji knows cotton, she can't raise it. Instead, Wan Xiuer has dealt with these for several years and has more experience than her.


Jiang Pengji asked her, "what are your plans in the future?"

Wan Xiuer gathered her long messy hair and said with a smile, "what else can you do to protect her?"

Jiang Pengji shook her head and explained.

"I mean - do you want to do something in the future?"

Wan Xiuer's hand was frozen in her ear. Did she hear right?

"I, I have no strengths, a woman, what else can I do?"

Jiang Pengji said, "Now you have an advantage that others can't compare with. After fighting Cangzhou, I must rest a little for a few months. Militarism is not the right way, and I have to give the soldiers and the people a chance to breathe and cultivate. I'm going to select some good fields to plant these cotton, accumulate experience and good seedlings, and then select suitable places to expand the planting scale. There's also a news from maruzhou, Huijun's spinning wheel has made a breakthrough, and the spinning speed is very fast. If the two are one, I don't know how many people can benefit. "

Wan Xiuer was stunned and confused.

Although she didn't understand, Wan Xiuer knew that Jiang Pengji wouldn't cheat her on such a thing.

This must be a good thing!

Wan Xiuer was a noble woman of the gentry before she got married and a noble woman after she got married. Her marriage was unhappy, but her quality of life was good.

It's really hard for her to deal with cotton planting.

However, Wan Xiuer experienced a disaster and knew that there was no shelter in troubled times, and her life must be no better.

Don't say it's good, even if it's not good, Jiang Pengji suggested that she do it, and she wouldn't refuse.

At the other end, Feng Zhen was frightened to learn that his lord left the barracks with his horse.

There are still enemy disabled soldiers outside. If the Lord accidentally meets a gangster, be careful to roll over!

Feng Zhen was anxious and assigned a group of people to escort him to Jiang Pengji.

The horse bumped his ass!

Hurry up and slow down, just in time to catch up with several soldiers carrying pottery VATS planted with cotton and kapok trees and move them to the car.

Be good——

Isn't this lady Wan's baby?

The LORD brought lady Wan here and asked people to dig out all these trees. What does she want?

Feng Zhen got off his horse in a panic, raised his hand and threw the headband around his neck behind his head, glancing at his eyes.

Guess what he saw?

He saw his Lord and Wan Xiuer go out of the courtyard side by side. The former talked and laughed, and the latter hung his head and twisted his sleeves "shyly".

Wan Xiuer's hair was scattered and her clothes seemed to have been sorted out. She was so surprised that she was really thunderstruck.


Wei Ci——

Wei Zixiao——

You stepped on your horse and took this scourge!