"What's going on?"

"Calm them down -"

The Gaoyue people master the powerful art of defending animals. Fierce animals are as clever as milk cats in front of them, and rarely get out of control.

The orc guards obey orders and try to tame the restless beast with instructions. Unexpectedly, it is counterproductive.

Not only did it not work, but it made the fierce beast's mood more and more manic, and the beast's pupil burst out bloody fierce light.

"Waste - every one is waste!" The Gaoyue patriarch sitting on the elephant's back pulled the canopy fence with his hands. His rough and crazy face added a little pale, without any previous complacency. He scolded, "don't control them yet -"

Fierce beasts are so manic that their usual passwords don't work. Orcs can only use whips to deter them.

Unexpectedly, a few whips went down and completely ignited the fierce beast's anger.

A tiger with a blue and white forehead roared wildly and jumped at the orc on the back of the fierce beast with a big mouth like a blood basin.

The orc man didn't expect to be knocked down by his docile pet. Before falling to the ground, his face still looked a little incredible.

Before he struggled, the big tiger with a blue and white forehead had opened his mouth and bit his neck. His heavy breath hit the skin. The sharp teeth like a sharp knife were embedded in the fragile flesh and blood. With a little force, the orc man heard the sound of broken neck bones before his consciousness dissipated.

The smell of blood diffuses and completely stimulates the bloody nature of fierce animals.

As the ORC was bitten to death by a blue and white fronted tiger, other fierce beasts rushed to other orcs.

The original orderly army of beasts is now in chaos. Screams overflow from the Royal beast population. Before they call for help, the normally docile and clever fierce beasts have taken their lives away. Bite, nibble, or use sharp claws to divide the orc's body.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched in amazement, and the barrage on the screen was not updated yet——

In their memory, the giant pandas, who are dull and cute, burst out one by one with mobility inconsistent with their bulky body,

The forefoot used to embrace bamboo has become a sharp weapon for harvesting orcs.

The seemingly gentle and harmless palm directly dented the orc's head.

The audience also know that the giant panda's molars are very developed, even the most powerful among carnivores, but their impression of how powerful they are still at the stage of gnawing bamboo. Now I can see with my own eyes that people can chew human femurs three or two times——

On the battlefield, thousands of black-and-white tuans surrounded the Gaoyue army from all directions. Their round faces, which should have been cute, flashed with frightening ferocity. The audience watched in silence, and the Gaoyue people surrounded by giant pandas and other fierce animals were flustered.

Fierce beasts are the cards for the Gaoyue family to fight. Controlling fierce beasts to kill the enemy is their specialty, but the combat power of the Gaoyue family is not strong.

They were so confident that they didn't think about the possibility that the fierce beasts broke away from their control and turned to help the enemy fight them.

"No, don't come --"

During the fierce beast uprising, the orcs of Gaoyue nationality were frightened to death. The fierce beast once completely tamed by them has now become the most terrible black-and-white impermanence. Because of strong fear, his eyes were very wide, and his eyes were filled with water vapor and blood——

Orcs tried to resist fierce beasts with whips, swords and halberds, but with little effect.

Even if one or two were beaten back, there were countless hungry and thirsty beasts coming one after another, opening their bloody mouths and pouncing on them.

Giant pandas, the seemingly lovely iron eaters, show the public what "bears cannot be judged by appearance"!

They run and chase the orcs, and their fat rippling in a lovely arc with the movement.

However, no one appreciates this beauty at the moment.

Because once knocked down by a giant panda, it will weigh like Mount Tai, and other black-and-white dumplings will be stabbed.

Although the Gaoyue people are the enemy, the mood of the people is very subtle to witness them die without a whole body in the siege of fierce animals.

During the herd riot, the canopy on the elephant's back was thrown down by them. The Gaoyue clan leader and elders sitting in the canopy fell half dead first. Before they got up, fierce animals out of control rushed one after another, and sharp claws and teeth greeted them.

After a few breaths, there were only broken bodies with scars, flesh and blood turned out and blood gurgling on the ground. They opened their eyes before they died. With the cessation of breathing, the strong desire for survival in the fundus of the eyes gradually extinguished, and only terrible fear remained on the face.

Jiang Pengji, who dominates all this, plays the jade flute.

She can't play the flute originally. Although her posture is very beautiful, it seems that she wants to become an immortal. In fact, she's just playing nonsense.

Feng Jin and others don't know the inside story. They thought she really used the flute to resist the beast.

In order not to disturb her, I can't bear the ugly flute sound.

Wei Ci, who is vaguely aware of the inside story, can't cry or laugh. He doesn't tell. He continues to pretend that nothing is wrong and keeps up with Feng Jin and others.

"This battle -- I'm afraid it's the easiest and most unforgettable battle I've ever fought in my life -"

Meng Hun muttered softly. His eyes stared at the enemy for fear of any accident.

Facts have proved that his worries are superfluous.

Those fierce beasts only ravaged the Gaoyue people and pressed them on the ground with violence. How can there be air traffic control over them?

"Wouldn't it be beautiful if it would be so easy to fight in the future?"

Feng Zhen sighed.

Tens of thousands of our troops are in formation, flags are flying, drums are ringing, and the big guys have a high momentum. They want to string the Gaoyue nationality into mutton - what's the result? From the beginning to the end of the war, they didn't even shoot an arrow, not to mention killing an enemy!

The whole process of watching the Lord play the flute, endure the magic sound through his ears, and watch the Gaoyue people eat their own fruit.

No one believes it!

If the war is so easy, Feng is willing to listen to this flute all his life.

As soon as Fengzhen's voice fell, the sharp and noisy flute stopped suddenly——

As the flute sound disappeared, Jiang Pengji's eyebrows frowned, her ruddy cheeks turned pale, and her forehead was sweating.

"Lord -"

Wei Ci was close enough to hold Jiang Pengji's shaking body.

The other party clenched the jade flute with his right hand, put his left finger against his sweating forehead, and flashed his black eyes like paint.

"I'm fine -" Jiang Pengji took a deep breath, raised her tight lips and smiled. Her pale cheeks suddenly came alive. She said to Wei Ci, "I've just had too much fun. I almost forgot to be measured. Don't worry, I'm in good condition. Just have a rest."

A flash of clarity flashed across the bottom of Weici's eyes.

The Gaoyue nationality controls all kinds of animals to resist the enemy. I don't know how much energy it takes. My Lord did it all at once. There must be a burden here.

"Sometimes the manpower is exhausted. Please pay more attention to your body. If the LORD takes charge of everything, isn't it that the servants are incompetent?"

Feng Jin and others have similar ideas to Wei CI.

As everyone knows, Jiang Pengji suddenly stopped, not that she had no spare power to fight again, but just because the subsystems joined hands to attack and try to escape from prison.

When Weici said this, he paved the steps for her.