"Why, not convinced?" Zhao Hu sneered. "I'll give you three days. Three days later, you'll wait for me here. If you can catch my three moves, I'll let bygones be bygones!"

"Three moves?"

Zhao Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Hum, I'll be afraid of you!"

"After that three days, you'll give me three free punches here, ha ha ha!"

After that, Zhao Hu laughed and turned away.

The surrounding melon eating people did not watch the excitement, but also left one after another.

Zhao Feng was suddenly in trouble and looked a little gloomy. He left here and was ready to find a quiet place to practice well.

He didn't notice that a figure quietly followed up!


The colorful world of martial arts is limited to the strong and arrogant.

The day of most martial arts disciples is particularly boring.

Zhao Feng stood in front of a wooden stake, took up his horse steps, smashed every fist on the stake, and kept making a dull noise.

After some understanding, Chu Feng knew that Wu Dao was divided into nine.

The first three are the quenching environment. Martial artists need to start from the foundation and boil their own skin and flesh.

Therefore, the martial arts practitioners in this realm, like ascetic monks, are completely self abusive from the perspective of modern people!

Zhao Feng practiced as usual. He had a childlike heart and focused on his boxing.

In the eyes of outsiders, of course, nothing special will happen on Zhao Feng's day.

However, after Chu Feng opened the most important pupil, he found the aura of Qi on Zhao Feng's head, sometimes a dark dead light.

This death light contains palpitating power, which is a sign of the ferocity of blood light!

But next to the dead light, another golden dragon continued to flow.

"The omen of great evil and the photos of great good luck are woven."

"This is to die and later life!"

"Who else can save him except father Goldfinger?"

"It seems that I really didn't find the wrong person!"

"He is the pupil of heaven!"

Chu Feng further confirmed Zhao Feng's identity, and a trace of excitement appeared in his heart, but he was soon restrained by his reason.

This is not the time to do it!

It is forbidden for the Zhao family to kill each other. If they go up at this time, can they beat Zhao Feng? In addition, if they are known by other senior leaders of the Zhao family, there must be a lot of trouble.

We must wait for an opportunity

The evening was dark and dark clouds were surging.

The cold wind, carrying a trace of uneasy breath, patted Chu Feng's face and made him frown.

Looking up, I saw a large cloud gathering in the sky, and the electric light was shining among the thick clouds, such as thunder dragon winding, suddenly a burst of thunder, and the people's ears were buzzing. I felt that there was a sultry breath in my chest, which was difficult to spit out.

The depressed breath made Chu Feng feel that something strange was about to happen!

Not far away, there was a voice of a young girl with a little fear.

"What a terrible thunder and lightning. It won't be the test of the task, will it?"

"Didn't we choose the martial arts world, so we won't face the test of the doomsday disaster?"

"Who knows, look at the description of the system yourself. There is another requirement for the task, that is, we should survive."

"It's not that some martial arts saint is there to cross the robbery!"

"Forget it, let's hide and say!"

Some super pupil people were also flustered in the face of such a vision, and discussed with their allies.

After all, in the field of Zhao nationality, there are alliance super pupils around them, and they will not face danger. Therefore, some super pupils do not deliberately hide their identity, but in Chu Feng's eyes, this practice is not rational.

Seeing that the sky had changed, Zhao Feng hesitated for a while. He also put away his boxing and walked back to his home.

Chu Feng kept a distance from Zhao Feng and quietly followed him.

If it were at ordinary times, Zhao Feng might be able to detect the trend behind him.

However, the thunder in the sky covered up all other movements and just gave Chu Feng a perfect opportunity to sneak!

At this time, even those with hypermydriasis choose to return to their homes.

Many people with hypermydriasis formed a group to discuss what to do if there was a disaster next

"No one in this group of super pupil people should know the intelligence of Tiantong people."

"Therefore, they won't guess the drastic change of the weather, which is related to the emergence of Tiantong..."

"So far, I'm afraid only I will take action at this time!"

Chu Feng's eyes moved and he felt that he had a great opportunity in his hand!

The fierce thunder in the sky frightened many people with hypermydriasis.

The whole Zhao nationality is quiet in the majestic heavy rain, which will be very beneficial to their next actions!


However, Zhao Feng stopped in front of a wooden house and seemed to hesitate for a moment before pushing the door in.

Chu Feng quietly came to the side of the house and found a corner to lean against, ready to wait for the next development.

"Xiaofeng, it's raining so hard outside that your clothes are wet. Your mother will change you into clean clothes."

"And you must be tired after practicing this day. I made your favorite salt baked tofu..."

Mrs. Zhao's nagging voice came from the room. It can be seen that she is a mother who cares for her children very much.

But Zhao Feng kept silent, as if he had something on his mind.

At this time, Zhao Feng's father suddenly said, "Xiao Feng, if you can't enter the inner door in three months, it doesn't matter. If it's a big deal, we'll go back to our house and return to the clan life..."

Before Zhao's father finished, Zhao Feng suddenly roared reluctantly.

"No, I won't!"

Then the door was suddenly opened and a figure broke into the rainy night.

"Feng ER..."

Behind him came Zhao's father and Mrs. Zhao shouting eagerly.

Chu Feng's expression moved.

"The time has come!"


When Zhao Feng rushed outside the door and ran wildly for some time, he suddenly stopped and looked up.

The sky was full of lightning, as if the whole world were surrounded by thunder!

A deadly breath suddenly poured into Zhao Feng's heart, making him want to run in an instant!


Next second!

A strong thunder like a bucket suddenly fell from the sky and was bombarding Zhao Feng!

He felt that his world fell into darkness in an instant

Consciousness was constantly blurred. Before falling down, Zhao Feng suddenly saw a dark eye staring at him.

Before he could react, the next moment, the eyeball suddenly penetrated into his pupil!

Among the chaotic sound of rain, there seems to be a sound of footsteps, which is constantly approaching themselves.

At the last touch of consciousness, Zhao Feng seemed to hear a teenager of his own age muttering not far away:

"Finally found you!"