"Last one!"

The arrow as bright as a meteor shot from the star grabbing bow on Chu Feng's hand and ran through the head of the last animal tide super pupil.

When he opened the panel, the system had already popped up countless prompts, and the evolution point had already exceeded the points needed to upgrade the fourth level of eternal God eye.

"Your evolution point has reached the standard of upgrading eternal God's eyes."

"Do you choose to evolve the eternal God eyes to level 4?"

After Chu Feng chose to evolve, a new panel appeared in front of him——

Super pupil: Eternal divine eye

Grade: Grade 4 (36010 / 50000)

Abilities: super vision, blood strengthening, divine memory, martial arts reproduction, thousand blade divine front, nether cold ice, distorted void (New)

Distort the void: you can distort the surrounding void, lock the eternal God's eyes on the object, and transmit it to any distance in your field of vision. The farther the target distance, the larger the transmission span and the higher the pupil force consumed.

(your thousand blade divine blade can attack with 16 divine blades!)

(your netherworld ice has been strengthened and can freeze stronger target enemies!)

"Twist the void..."

Chu Feng pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "my thousand blade divine front has very strong destructive power, but its casting speed is relatively slow, and it also needs to fly to attack the opponent."

"This pupil technique can play a great role in the face of fierce beasts. Because the fierce beasts are huge, the thousand blade God front can easily hit the target."

"However, if you deal with high-level martial arts, even martial arts saints, it will be difficult to hit each other..."

The life level of the martial arts saint has been transformed, and the speed is so fast that it is difficult to capture the figure. It is like a face-to-face, and the other party has killed you!

It's too difficult for qianblan Shenfeng to hit such a target!

However, with the ability of "twisting the void", Chu Feng can directly transfer the thousand blade divine front to the enemy's body to kill his opponent in a second!

Cooperate with "Youming ice" to slow down the enemy's movement speed, then the effect will be more obvious!

"I've killed all the animal tide superpupils."

"Now, the copy should be about to enter the third stage."

Chu Feng opened the panel and saw that the value displayed in the column "remaining number of hostile hypermydriasis" had become "0".

The first stage of the copy is that each super pupil cultivates according to his own role and camp, commonly known as the "development stage".

The second stage is the confrontation between the super pupil of each camp.

So, the third stage

Should be to face the final boss!

Just then.

The system suddenly pops up a prompt——

"All the super pupils of Xia Jiuyou's forces have been killed. Now they have officially entered the third stage of the world copy of martial arts - defeat Xia Jiuyou!"

"Background: Xia Jiuyou realized that more than half of his plan had been destroyed. He was so angry that he wanted to control the beast God of Hengduan Mountain and use the last means to defeat King Guanghan!"

"Task: cooperate with King Guanghan to defeat Xia Jiuyou and live to the end."

"Final boss: Xia Jiuyou"

"Risk factor: extremely high!"

"Note that your performance in killing the boss will determine your final score. Detached performance can unlock special achievements. If you run away, your score will be greatly reduced."

At the last stage, Chu Feng almost understood the mechanism of the whole copy of the heavenly pagoda.

"The first stage is for the super pupil in each camp to choose their own appropriate strategies and become stronger quickly according to different playing directions."

"In the second stage, super pupils from different camps will carry out confrontation mode. Only those who live to the last super pupil camp can enter the third stage."

"The final boss in the third stage is very powerful. He needs to rely on various advantages obtained in front and cooperate with his own camp to kill..."

"If the strength of the final boss is too strong, and the super pupil who came to the third stage can't complete the killing, isn't it a failure of the task?"


The difficulty of the heavenly towers is much higher than expected.

Just against the enemy's hypermydriasis, there are various uncertain factors.

The first floor is OK. If the team is not popular at the top, it may not be able to beat the final boss even if it passes the second stage!

Chu Feng took out boxes from himself.

"Fortunately, I got a lot of treasures along the way, enough to promote me to the saint of half step martial arts!"

"Cooperate with the eternal God eyes of the fourth level, and even kill the martial Saint alone."

"Moreover, Xia Jiuyou is still trying to control the beast God..."

"According to the process of the plot, it is estimated that the third stage will not start until Xia Jiuyou successfully controls the beast God, but now he comes to this stage ahead of time, which is equivalent to Xia Jiuyou's lack of the help of the beast God, and his strength may not be stronger than that of King Guanghan."

"When I have four levels of eternal God eyes, I don't even need to upgrade to a martial saint, so I have the strength to kill Xia Jiuyou alone!"

Open the boxes, which contain all kinds of precious pills.

It was the booty picked up by Chu Feng who killed the super pupil of Xia Jiuyou camp all the way!

When Chu Feng killed several enemies, he opened the supreme pupil and saw their "destiny".

According to the original plan, when the beast tide destroys Yuyang City, the super pupil of the hostile forces will kill the super pupil of the three families into Yuyang city and prevent them from returning to Guanghan City safely.

Therefore, during this period of time, these hypermydriasis will leave their original location, so they will choose to take all their treasures with them.

After the first stage, Xia Jiuyou also selected many super pupils with outstanding potential to reward various pills.

Some pills, because of their high grade, can't be taken immediately with their current cultivation, but they were hunted by Chu Feng. These pills naturally fall into their own hands!

"My eternal God eyes have risen to the fourth level, and my blood ability must be stronger!"

During this time, Chu Feng has been hunting the super pupil. From the third level, his cultivation has been in the sixth fold of martial arts.

However, now the eternal God eyes have reached the fourth level, and the ability of blood strengthening is much stronger than the second level!

Even if you take these pills as snacks, they won't have any side effects!

Before killing Xia Jiuyou, Chu Feng immediately found a safe cave, sat down and began to take pills.

The first one was the "ten thousand yuan pill" he had bought from Xuandan Pavilion.

After taking "ten thousand yuan pill" and running "Juyuan xinjue", Chu Feng began to practice.

And the speed of absorption is much faster than he imagined!

After only half a day


Chu Feng's body suddenly set off a vigorous wind.

"Martial arts is seven times more important!"