Countless messages flashed in front of Chu Feng!

The power of the empty pupil cutting in the form of "Mi Tian" is huge, even far beyond your imagination!

Looking at the mess in front of him, Chu Feng was shocked by his strength for a moment.

Although I don't know how many shuras he killed with this move, there are only single digits left for the enemies who can still move.

Shura, who reaches the congenital environment, is closest to the position of "breaking the wall", so it is also the center position closest to the pupil cutting.

Almost, completely destroyed!

The last remaining Shura in the Qihai realm also looked at the surrounding hell like scene with dull eyes, as if he had lost his God.

Chu Feng closed the eternal God's eyes and got up.

His eyes, now a little dry, also feel very tired.

This is a rare situation.

The empty pupil cutting in the form of "Mi Tian" can be called the unique skill of Chu Feng!

The pupil force consumed is naturally the most.

in fact.

Chu Feng's ability to launch such a powerful pupil technique when the eternal God's eyes are only five levels is also due to his supreme pupil.

Awaken the supreme pupil.

Chu Feng's pupil force is much higher than other super pupil people.

Coupled with the eternal God's eyes, it is an additional second super pupil.

Has two different superpupils.

Then the basic pupil force is more abundant.

If not for the pupil power of the super pupil of the same level, relying on the fifth level of eternal God's eyes, it may not be able to play such a powerful combination skill.

At least it's also the strength of step six up.

While the nine elders were still trapped in the chaotic space of the woman in black, Chu Feng hurried over and solved the last few Shura superpupils.

You can't let the elder of Shushan rob your head.

So you can't get the evolutionary point?

Release the cultivation accomplishments of the golden elixir realm, Chu Feng's body turns into a streamer, and instantly solves several Shura superpupils in the Qihai realm.

Even if you don't use the pupil technique of eternal God's eyes, Chu Feng's cultivation is too much higher than the enemy. You can kill second time directly.

The eyes of the woman in black stared at Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng came out, she had noticed it.

There is only one possibility for their plan to fail completely - that is, Chu Feng who stays in the lock demon tower.

Just now, the blade suddenly cut across the space is undoubtedly a pupil technique.

Since you can kill your opponent every second, of course, you can reasonably infer that the other party has the ability to ring the holy bell across the air.


Their complete defeat this time was a miscalculation that there would be super pupil to stay in the lock demon Tower!

"Very good. I have written down today's events!"

It's rare that a woman in black looked at Chu Feng, not much anger, but deep fear.

It's unheard of to be able to destroy his subordinates in an instant with the power of one person!

The woman in black can become the leader of Shura this time. There is also the support of the guild behind her. Naturally, I guess Chu Feng's identity and strength are very good.

She could only secretly scold her bad luck in her heart, and then there was a ripple around her body, and she fled thousands of miles away in an instant!

With the departure of the woman in black, the bodies of the nine elders suddenly relaxed, broke away from the confinement of space and recovered their action power.

Their first sight was on the distant sky. Although they didn't see the "eye of heaven", they could guess that the existence helped them.

"Thank you for your help!"

The leader of Shushan mountain worshipped the sky.

Although I don't know why the power to help them exists, there must be some etiquette.

Then, the nine elders turned their eyes to Chu Feng, showing surprise.

"Are you the disciple of the wine Taoist?"

Chu Feng nodded and saluted with fists: "younger Lu Yu, meet the leader and elder."

The leader of Shushan couldn't help showing his appreciation.

"It's worthy of being a disciple of my ancestors. In just a few months, I have already achieved the cultivation of the golden elixir realm. It's really awesome for later generations!"

Chu Feng said modestly, "it's all taught by the old man!"

Hearing the old man's address, the headmaster seemed stunned.

However, he immediately laughed and said, "you have something in common with that boy."

"In that case, I'll give you a magic weapon!"

While talking, a sword made of emerald turned into streamer and escaped into Chu Feng's hands with the finger of the leader of Shushan.

"This sword..."

Chu Feng's eyes moved.

He knows the sword.

It is from the fate of the wine Taoist that the young man used his sword.

The leader of Shushan said lightly, "I think you have a fate with this sword. Anyway, no one can use it in the mountain gate. It's better to give it to you."

"Perhaps this is also a wish and regret of the old man."

Chu Feng was also welcome. He thanked him and took the sword.

Just in time, his accomplishments have reached the golden elixir realm. With a magic weapon, his strength will increase a little.

The leader of Shushan turned around and looked at the cabin where the wine Taoist lived from a distance.

Such a big thing happened, but the wine Taoist didn't come out of the hut.

I don't know what the old man is thinking.

However, from the eyes of Shushan leader, Chu Feng read a dignified color... And deep worry!

What's wrong with the wine Taoist?

If he was the ancestor of Shu mountain, his accomplishments might even reach the realm of mortal immortals.

Since it is a mortal immortal, the flesh should have reached the realm of immortality?

If so, the wine Taoist should be invincible. What kind of problems can happen to make him fall here.

The leader of Shushan glanced at the scene and said in a deep voice, "from today on, Shushan should strengthen its preparedness to prevent such changes from happening again. All the disciples patrolling today are arrested in the accountability hall and questioned one by one. What's the matter with today's situation?"

From the leader's tone, it's not hard to hear the seriousness of this matter.

Of course, because the elders of Shushan don't know about the super pupil, in their eyes, Shura, who invaded the lock demon Tower this time, is just a group of younger disciples in the congenital environment. They can't turn over any storms. They should ask questions inside Shushan.

As for the giant eye on the sky, they have the right to be a big man in the upper world. How can they doubt Chu Feng.

Chu Feng naturally wouldn't explain anything more.

In addition to the woman in black, he can be said to have destroyed the whole Shura group with the power of one person.


Shura is not completely without resistance.

The woman in black finally seemed to absorb the essence left by Shura's death and climbed to the golden elixir realm.

The so-called Shura is upgraded by killing.

As long as there is killing on the earth, they can quickly improve their cultivation.

Releasing the lock demon tower should be the same idea.

Although Shura is dead, the realm of women in black has also climbed to the same level as themselves. One person is ahead of the whole audience, and there is room for turnover.

You can't underestimate the enemy.

Chufeng open panel.

Kill 84 Shura superpupils, and he won 160000 evolution points at once!

It only takes 100000 evolution points to evolve the eternal God's eyes to level 6!