"That's what happened!"

When Haofeng told the whole story, the scene was particularly embarrassing.

Shushan elder has let the monks in.

This is the evolution point of white flower!

However, just waiting for Tiannan to start, the system suddenly pops up a prompt.

"Due to unexpected changes in the replica, it has entered the third stage ahead of schedule."

"Mission: kill Shura"

"All the remaining super pupil survivors will form a unified camp against the final boss - Shura."

"Risk factor: impossible to pass"

"Strength estimation: half a step of the mortal world"

"Estimated customs clearance possibility: 0.00001%"


Looking at this task prompt, all the superpupils present were dumbfounded.

Now, regardless of the Buddhist, Shushan and Shura lineups, all of them have only one goal - to unite and kill the final boss Shura.


One in 100000?

Isn't this fun?

According to the prompt of the system, it is not difficult to guess that in the normal plot line, this task has no intention to let them deal with this level of boss at all.

Everything is killed by Haofeng.

Don't pit your teammates!

Even the opponent is in the pit!

It's not as simple as sending heads to super ghosts. It's simply to equip the dragon with six gods, and then point a movable super buff, becoming a neutral wild monster that no one can deal with.

cheat your papa!

Now, the largest pit B has become a teammate of the same camp. According to the mechanism of the heavenly towers, killing the other party will not only fail to obtain the evolution point, but also be punished.

It's hard now!

Looking at Haofeng, everyone's eyes are full of disgust.

The big pit God also looks like a shriveled eggplant. He has completely lost the air of instructing rivers and mountains in the past.

Not to mention the superpupil here, I felt a burning pain on my face when I looked at this operation.

Just then.

A terrible breath suddenly came to Shushan.


"All of us, all of us, have devoted our whole lives to fighting against the devil!"

The leader of Shushan shouted loudly and launched the clan protection array of Shushan.

Now, it must be a time for everyone to work together against Shura.

The wine Taoist is gone now.

Even the cultivation of the leader of Shushan mountain is just the early stage of the Taoist realm.

And Shura's strength has reached half a step of the mortal fairy!

When the wine Taoist passes away, there will be no red immortals in the world.

No one can hold this demon.

Tiannan, Haofeng and others did not dare to neglect. They all showed all their accomplishments and injected them into the Shushan sect protection array. They just wanted to delay for a longer time.

When Shura can't kill creatures and absorb blood essence, his energy is also limited.

The monks in Shushan can absorb the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth and fill themselves.

In theory, as long as you can hold on, you have a chance to defeat Shura.

At a glance, Haofeng found that a person with super pupil in Shushan was about to use pupil technique.

He immediately shouted and interrupted, "don't use pupil surgery. There are very high-grade pupils on that guy's body. You will only be eaten back!"

The super pupil was so shouted that he didn't dare to use it again.

Tiannan's heart is also very confused about why such an unsolved enemy will appear in a copy.

Logically speaking, this is only the second floor of the heavenly towers. When the opponent's cultivation is too high, it should be solved by pupil surgery.

However, the other party has higher-order pupils, which makes the pupil surgery of almost all super pupils completely ineffective.

Such an unsolved opponent should appear at a higher level.

A second floor, how did you make such a monster?

What devil did Haofeng dig out?

There's no time for him to think.


There was a loud noise from the protectorate array in Shushan!

Shura's hands condensed a huge sword composed of magic Qi and smashed it at the parapet of the array like pulling a hill!

The light curtain outside the protectorate array was like broken glass, with cobweb cracks.

Hit it again!

The trace has expanded to a quarter of the whole array!

third time!

The crack has spread to half!

"How could this happen?"

Looking at the paper crisp protective clan array, the whole Shushan mountain fell into deep despair.

They suddenly realized that if the wine Taoist was not in front of them, let alone Shushan, the whole world could not escape a huge crisis!


The wine Taoist has lost!

Who can stop Shura?


Finally, the protectorate array could no longer support and fell apart.

"Everybody, do your best, run!"

The leader of Shushan took a deep breath and turned Zhenyuan into a roaring river. At the same time, it also announced that Shushan would be destroyed from today.

Countless disciples showed despair in their eyes, but they could only bite their teeth, walk and escape.

As far as you can escape, as far as you can!

Compared with ordinary people, at least they are friars, who can fly against the sword, disperse and flee everywhere, and the survival rate is still relatively high.


Breaking the sect protection array in Shu mountain, Shura didn't bother to look at them and went directly to the lock demon tower.

Although the ancient demons outside were almost killed by him.

However, there are still demons sealed by Shushan mountain for thousands of years in the lock demon tower.

The ancient demons in here are not necessarily less than Shura!


Shura broke the Shushan formation and came to the lock demon tower for the first time

Can you say?

Next second.

A huge sword shadow condensed from Shura's hand again.

With the sword light falling on the lock demon tower.


The lock demon tower, which has been dusty for thousands of years, has finally been untied!

Dozens of ancient demons rushed out of the lock demon tower and issued a Soul-catching howl, frightening hundreds of miles around!

That day.

Human beings finally recall the fear of being dominated by demons!

Free again, these ancient demons, the first thing to do is to revenge madly!

Revenge on these humans who have imprisoned them for thousands of years!

Blood suddenly filled the earth.

Luo Yu.

All the land is being trampled, destroyed and destroyed by the ancient demons.

Only a day passed.

Human cities are reduced to ruins!

He released the lock demon tower, but Shura did nothing. He just chose a position and stood quietly. There was blood essence around him.

When all the ancient demons left, the lock demon tower was silent again.

Not a single figure.

In the distance, a Shura, the size of a hill, sat somewhere, closed his eyes and didn't know what to do.

And on sunset cliffs.

A vague and hazy figure sometimes appears next to a grave and sometimes disappears.

From the vague outline, you can see the figure, which seems to be sleeping.

I don't know how long it took

His eyes opened slightly, and the golden light flashed through his pupils,

And the figure, with his open eyes, became more and more solid.

PS: this chapter is an increase of 584 votes. Do you deliberately not vote at ordinary times? The number of votes is ten times that of yesterday! I didn't think about it before offering a reward. So many! And the elder brothers in the group came to vote, just to see my women's clothes... Ah, no, see my update. Cough, the author's manuscript has been exploded. A burst of liver pain! Another weak reminder, the silver ticket must vote for the latest chapter~~