"Sofa! Sofa!"

"Insert an eye and wait for the big man to release inside information."

"Level 10, should be a member of a super guild. The visual information is more reliable."

"It should be a big man who happens to match with Feng Shen."

"Sit and wait for the big man to tell a story."

This "too south" experience is obviously very old. Wait for the popularity of the post to warm up a wave, and then talk about the main content.

Just released.

The number of post replies has reached hundreds.

Among them, there are many veterans of lv6 and lv8, and even some big men with a higher level than "too south" come to watch.

Although they know that this "too south" will never tell the key information.

However, there is too little information about "Fengshen" on the Internet.

Rare is precious.

Even the slightest bit of information related to "Fengshen" can get great attention.

When the number of replies to the post reaches 2000 and the number of views has been nearly 100000

"Too south" finally began to tell his story in this copy.

More from the perspective of onlookers to describe the image of "Fengshen"——

"This copy, I'm lucky to be in the same camp with the gods."

"My first impression of him was during the test meeting. At that time, there was a master worship meeting, and our accomplishments were generally about the triple realm of the sea of Qi. However, the Fengshen at that time already had the triple accomplishments of the sea of Qi."

"From then on, I knew the identity of this big man. It's definitely not simple."

"However, during the worship meeting, the leader took the initiative to accept the God as a disciple, but the God did not accept it, but worshipped under the door of the wine Taoist."

"From that day on, I didn't see the figure of the big man again until the boss was killed by a sword in the third stage."

The first half of the post is suspended here.

All the watchers are absorbed in reading this text in the forum.

Don't mention ordinary hypermydriasis. Any copy thrown to them can be seen as a story.

"Too south" also deliberately sold a pass, but also filled up the expectations of the story of Fengshen!

Even some guild leaders sat in front of the computer and waited eagerly.

"Please update!"

"Hurry up, I don't have time to click on the follow-up!"

"The silver ticket has been given. Ask the boss for speed!"

After about five minutes, the content of the second paragraph was sent out by "Tiannan".

"Because the Fengshen leader chose to worship under the door of the wine Taoist, I picked up a bargain and was able to worship in the yuxu palace. When the second stage came, I practiced until the middle of the birth."

"At this time, the copy starts the second phase of the task."

"Each of our Shu mountain disciples must choose a task from the sect and go down the mountain to experience."

"In fact, this just gives us a stage to fight against the super pupil of the other two camps. I understand everything."

"It's added here that since the Fengshen worshipped under the door of the wine Taoist and was not under the jurisdiction of the elders of Shushan, we can freely choose whether to go down the mountain for the second stage, which is why we haven't cooperated with the Fengshen."

"However, the later development of the second stage is not what we expected - according to the progress of the copy, the super pupil of the three camps are fighting fiercely in Luoyu."

"At the beginning, we agreed with Buddhism to live in peace and fight against Shura together."

"No one thought that when he came the next day, Shura suddenly disappeared!"

"The Taisheng bell of Shu mountain rang on that day. We didn't practice in Langya Mountain for a few days, but we received a notice from zongmen asking us to go back. Of course, we had driven away the Buddhism before that."

"Afterwards, we learned by asking Shushan disciples that Shura invaded the lock demon tower on that day, but the action failed and almost wiped out the whole army."

"At that time, Feng Shen worshipped under the door of the wine Taoist and went to the lock demon tower to practice..."

"Why is Shura's action so tragic? The only possibility is that Fengshen stopped all this!"

The second paragraph ends here.

Now, all the super pupils who watch the post are not calm!

"Do you mean that Fengshen killed all Shura superpupils alone?"

"Is that too cruel?"

"Wow, how strong must that God be to destroy Shura alone?"

"I can't believe it."

"In fact, it's not impossible. The post owner has said that the Taisheng bell rings, which shows that Fengshen has the help of Shushan high-level officials. It's not surprising to do this."

"Also ah, Shura should have calculated that all the super pupils went down the mountain. Before that, he made a plan to attack the lock demon tower for the high-rise of Shushan mountain. However, when Feng Shen worshipped under the door of the wine Taoist, it became a variable and disrupted Shura's original plan."

"So it is!"

In fact... The truth of the matter is more exaggerated than these watchmen imagined.

At that time, the elders and leaders of Shushan were trapped by the ink-white pupil technique.

The super pupil of Shura is basically killed by Chu Feng alone.

Of course, "too south" is too lazy to correct these trivial things.

Then there is the third paragraph——

"This copy, we never expected that when Shura died, the Buddha hid a huge plan, because Shura's death can be carried out without scruples."

"However, before that, we must talk about the hidden event of this copy - the past of the wine Taoist."

In the third paragraph, "too south" gives a brief overview of the disciples of the wine Taoist priest from their sweetheart being killed by the ancient demon, then falling into the Shura Tao, killing all the ancient demons outside the lock demon tower, and finally being sealed into the Buddhism by the wine Taoist priest's sword.

Seeing the super pupil here, they basically understand the identity of the wine Taoist and the origin of Shura.

The last fourth paragraph——

"However, Haofeng's plan to control Shura with soul taking failed completely!"

"On the contrary, we have raised an ultimate boss whose strength is comparable to that of a half-step Red Fairy. Even the system determines that we can't beat at all!"

"We don't even have the qualification to fight the boss. We will be killed by the ancient demon freed from the lock demon Tower!"

"Just then, there was a sword light on the other side of Shushan mountain, which turned into ten thousand ripples and swept the whole Luo region."

"All the ancient demons were killed by that sword!"

"When we sent it to Shushan, we just witnessed the scene of the Fengshen big man killing Shura with a sword in the realm of mortals!"

"If there were no gods, there would be no chance of winning our mission!"

"Finally, we all dragged the blessing of the Fengshen leader. We not only cleared the task of the heavenly towers, but also got a high evaluation collectively."

"Praise the gods! Moda!"