
The door of the chamber of secrets was closed again.

"Emperor Wu of Zhou specially asked me to enter the secret room to speak. I'm afraid there's some amazing secret behind it."

Chu Feng was moved and felt that Emperor Wu of Zhou was so mysterious. I'm afraid there's another reason.


Emperor Wu of Zhou dragged half of his body buried in the Loess and sat down slowly on a stone bed.

"Xuan'er, I didn't expect that you would find the destiny seal."

He sighed and then said, "in fact, this destiny seal is almost useless."

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that the fate seal he found was going to be useless?

Then, Emperor Zhou Wu explained, "are you surprised? You should know how terrible it is when you hold the destiny seal."

"However, the more terrible a weapon is, the greater the disaster it will bring if it falls into the hands of outsiders."

"I knew for a long time that concubine Luo you, that stupid woman, would certainly be used by people of evil families outside the country."

"At that time, I realized that if the fate of the whole Zhou Dynasty was entrusted to a small jade seal, the continuation of the imperial dynasty would not be long-term."

"So I made an amazing plan..."

"That is, integrate the destiny seal into my body!"

This time, it was Chu Feng's turn to move.

No wonder Emperor Wu of Zhou was chosen as the pupil of heaven!

He had long considered that the power of the seal of destiny was so great that as long as he held it, he could destroy the whole Zhou Dynasty.

Sharp swords are often double-edged.

You can kill yourself while cutting off the enemy.

In order to stabilize the continuation of the imperial rule, Emperor Wu of Zhou made a very bold decision

Integrate the destiny seal into your body!

Then, he can inherit the destiny seal to his children.

The emperor personally selects the successor and melts the destiny seal into the body, so that the possibility of being used by outsiders will be minimized.

In the future, there will be no women like concubine Luo you, who will endanger the government, and may even steal the seal of destiny, and finally flow into the hands of the evil families in the foreign world, resulting in the destruction of the whole Zhou Dynasty.

Emperor Zhou Wu sighed.

"Unfortunately, it's a trip against the sky to integrate the destiny seal into the body."

"I'm forced to act against the sky, so I don't have much life left."

"Half of the power of destiny seal has actually been integrated into my eyes..."

"This destiny seal has not had such a strong power for a long time."

"However, your accomplishments in dragon Qi control are far beyond my imagination. Therefore, holding the destiny seal still makes people think that the destiny seal is still complete."

"In fact, the power of this destiny seal is less than half of the original."

"The remaining half should be refined by you."

"Since I've refined half of it, you won't suffer the same experience as me if you refine again. Besides, your skill of resisting dragon Qi is even better than me, and the risk of refining destiny is lower."

"Xuan'er, are you willing to inherit my mission, integrate the destiny seal into your body, continue to inherit it, and maintain the rule of the Zhou Dynasty?"

Emperor Wu of Zhou looked at Chu Feng and asked seriously.

As if on his shoulder, carrying the fate of the mountains and rivers.

Chu Feng nodded solemnly: "father emperor, in the future, I will eliminate evil and clear away evil obstacles in exchange for a clear and bright peace and prosperity!"

After hearing this, Emperor Wu of Zhou couldn't help laughing.

"What a peaceful and prosperous time!"

"Worthy of my son!"

"I always feel ashamed of your mother and son. However, your spirit makes me feel that I can rest assured of everything next."

"Father, I will teach you the destiny in my body!"

Say it.

The body of Emperor Wu of Zhou gradually dissipated into particles of light all over the sky.

Then, these light particles gathered into a golden sea of dragon Qi, and all poured into Chu Feng's eyes

At that moment.

Chu Feng felt that his eyes saw the Dragon trend of the whole Zhou Dynasty.

Overlooking the land of China, it looks like a golden diving dragon sleeping on the earth.

Next second.

In front of Chu Feng, a line of text popped up——

"You have accepted the inheritance of Emperor Wu of Zhou and obtained additional super pupil talent [destiny pupil]!"

"Because you play the identity of the ninth Prince and get Tiantong, open a special task!"

"Stage task: after thoroughly refining the seal of destiny, you will open the secret room to eliminate the remaining forces of other princes and super pupils of other camps, and enter the second stage."

"Special copy task: eliminate foreign evil families and completely consolidate the ruling position of the Zhou Dynasty."

"Note: if you can't complete a special task, it will be deemed that this copy task has failed, you won't get any reward settlement, and you can't get additional super pupil talent."


The role-playing personal information panel has also changed——

Name: Zhou Yuxuan

Age: 16

Identity: Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty

Destiny value: 99999999999+

The ninth Prince has been recognized as the successor by Emperor Wu of Zhou. Of course, this destiny value is high enough to burst the table!

"I see. I have to refine the seal of destiny before I can leave here..."

Chu Feng murmured to himself.

When Emperor Wu of Zhou refined this half of the seal of destiny, he went against the sky.

It can be said that it has opened up a precedent.

If you refine the latter half, the difficulty is not so high.

in other words......

He will not die like Emperor Zhou Wu.

However, refining the seal of destiny is still risky.

Moreover, you must completely refine the seal of destiny in order to obtain the real pupil of destiny.

Chu Feng no longer hesitated, immediately opened the eternal God's eyes and began to refine the destiny seal in his own body.

Because of the precise control of the eternal God's eyes, Chu Feng did even better than Emperor Wu of Zhou!

And their own risk is much lower.



"What the hell happened?"

In the Juxing building, which is hundreds of kilometers away from the palace.

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at the panel and the value reached the infinitely exaggerated destiny value. He was almost dumbfounded!

She had heard that the Apocalypse ceremony was opening.

Presumably, after the ceremony, the copy will enter the second stage.

The destiny value of the nine Prince camp has remained at 23.

It is estimated that the initial value of other camps is not so high

It's so pathetic that people can't see it!

little does one think......

Almost suddenly, the destiny took off!

And the numerical value suddenly exploded to the point of exaggeration without seeing the end!

"This... What happened?"

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at his panel and felt as incredible as a dream!

PS: why do you think of the plot of Patricide? The prophets this time didn't guess right!