"Report to the leader, the plan of annihilation evil city failed, the black ball exploded in the city, and the four high priests and all the people of annihilation evil city were basically dead!"


The leader of the evil family immediately jumped up and asked angrily, "what's going on?"

"No... I don't know!"

That subordinate flustered!

"Those four fools are so angry that they can blow themselves up with an evil gas bomb. What a brainless thing!" the leader of the evil family stamped his feet angrily, "where are their troops now?"

"It seems that... Has invaded Qunan city!"

"So fast?" the leader of the evil family was shocked.

He hurried to the middle of the hall and took out a crystal ball, which immediately showed the picture of Da Zhou's army.

"Why are there so many people?"

"Are they crazy? Basically, the whole people of the Zhou Dynasty came to join the army!"

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill all their people?"

"No, Da Zhou is at least tens of thousands of miles away from here. How did they rush here so quickly?"

The picture of the crystal ball soon gave the answer to the leader of the evil family!

Chu Feng, sitting in the center of the army, stood on a high dragon platform with a silver light in his eyes.

The boundless dragon Qi gathered in the air above the army, forming a golden dragon hovering above the nine, constantly providing dragon Qi for the soldiers below.

The general standing at the four corners showed his dragon Qi fighting skills and led the soldiers behind him to kill through the lines of defense of the evil family!

The high priest, the main combat unit of the evil family, could not organize any effective attack at all, so he was broken one by one!

Because the evil family has always ignored the life and death of the evil people at the bottom, the remaining evil families could not form a united front, so they were completely defeated.

These dead evil families turned into powerful killing intention and gathered in Chu Feng's eyes.

His body also condenses a seal of Shura.

After cleaning the city, the next goal is the main city of the evil family!

"All the troops, line up and move on!"

At the command of Chu Feng, all the soldiers who were still scattered all over the place immediately returned to the position arranged by their original array and formed a complete square array again.

The Golden Dragon in the sky also intends to turn into a charging posture.

Then, the army seemed to jump like a dragon, thinking of the main urban area in an unstoppable attitude!



When the leader of the evil family saw the killed Dazhou army, he felt that his brain was completely down!

"How did they use dragon Qi outside the great Zhou Dynasty?"


"The guy sitting on the Dragon platform is the emperor?"

"The Emperor himself took the lead in the charge?"

"Is there a mistake!"

The leader of the evil family felt that he couldn't understand this scene at all!

No war can drag the emperor Lao Tzu to the battlefield, can it?

Aren't you afraid of death?

However, the expression of the leader of the evil family not only did not have any joy, but also became completely ugly.

He finally understood that the great Zhou Dynasty was going to play for real!

"Immediately summon all the high priests, open the main city defense array, organize these guys to attack the main city at the first time and wait for reinforcements!"

"Also, catch all the evil people in other small cities and refine them into evil gas bombs!"

"We still have millions of inferior evil families. Catch them and refine them. I can't. dozens of evil gas bombs can't kill these mole ants!"

However, when the order of the evil family leader was just issued

A subordinate immediately ran back in panic.

"Report to the leader, the evil people at the bottom have scattered and run away. I'm afraid they can't catch them back!"

"These scum fleeing from battle are not worthy to be our evil people!" the leader of the evil family was angry. "What about the evil family in the middle?"

"Also ran away!"

"Up... Up?"

"Basically, it will be killed by Zhou's army!"

The leader of the evil family took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and said, "since they insist on coming to die, don't blame me for being rude!"

Next second.

The leader of the evil family drew a knife on his right hand, and the dark blood flowed on the ground, forming a strange pattern.

With his mouth singing mysterious mantra


A violent vibration suddenly came from the ground, and the whole land of the evil family seemed to be lifted up!

Countless monstrous Colossus of demons suddenly rose from under the buildings of the main city!

Like hills, the whole body is filled with a terrible smell of yin and evil, giving people an incomparably strong sense of oppression.

And there are thousands of such demons!

After all, the main city of the evil family has lasted for thousands of years. The last means to move out is definitely the level of destroying the sky and the earth!



The shield of the main city of the evil family is like a piece of paper in front of the Zhou army that formed the Golden Dragon!

After breaking the city

Thousands of magic statues appear around the army like a hill, showing great suppression!

Many soldiers saw so many giants and rushed here at the same time. Their breathing became much heavier. A cold sweat came out of their forehead. They felt a threat of death enveloping them.

Feeling the morale in the army, Chu Feng seemed to be weakened by the ultimate big brand moved out by the evil family, and Chu Feng no longer hesitated.

His mind moved, and the three pointed two edged knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

The color of the pupil also turned into scarlet blood, and the black Shura mark was continuously condensed on the body.

After the massacre along the way, the pupil of Shura of Chu Feng has basically been ignited!

The seal of Shura condensed on his body can completely resist the damage brought to him by the three pointed and two edged knife!

Next second.

Chu Feng's whole body is surrounded by powerful thunder!

Holding a three pointed two edged knife, he waved forward.

Suddenly, the nine day thunder turned into a powerful light and swept away all around.


When Lei mang just swept over these demons, the powerful heaven robbery thunder immediately smashed the bodies of these demons into powder!

It seems that these magic statues are building blocks made of scattered stones, which are vulnerable at all!




Several terrible thunder mans swept out of Chu Feng's hands.

One second before, these demons were powerful, but the next second, like toy puppets, they collapsed instantly after being hit by lightning from a three pointed and two edged knife!

Thousands of demons and gods were blown into powder by the thunder of heaven's robbery in a simple swing, and there was no residue!

The leader of the evil family looked at his last card through the crystal ball, which was easily disintegrated by the other party, and his whole body was paralyzed.

His eyes were fixed on the picture of the crystal ball, full of disbelief.

"No... impossible!"

"When was the great Zhou Dynasty..."

"So strong?"