After the epileptic boy was taken away in black, the class soon regained an active atmosphere after a brief calm.

In a collective, there are always a few activists who can come out and drive the atmosphere.

Singing, giving snacks, performing awkward performances on stage, making videos and sending them to the circle of friends for public execution... On this great day of graduation, the students here can always find a point to cheer themselves up.

There are also some students who are discussing their future majors and seem to recognize the reality that they can't attack the heavenly towers.

After they had a little understanding of the world of the heavenly towers, they had completely awakened. Although many people can awaken their superpupil, only a few can reach the third floor of the heavenly towers. If they only reach the third floor, they can not bring earth shaking changes to their lives. They can achieve the same achievements through later learning and efforts.

Seeing that most people's situations are the same as themselves, their hearts are balanced.

The gap between people is always reflected by comparison.

After the class had a party, a classmate suggested that when we got out of school, we go to have dinner, karaoke and watch movies. Everyone agreed.

When the class meeting was almost over, teacher Qu waved to Chu Feng.

The whole class quieted down.

Chu Feng again!

Although Chu Feng didn't make any special moves, when the students in the class saw that he was called by teacher Qu alone, all kinds of conjectures would emerge in their minds.

Although I knew that the world had nothing to do with me, Chu Feng appeared around me. He was the only student in the class who hit the second floor of the heavenly pagoda and was specially recruited by the super pupil college.

Since the advent of the super pupil era, I feel that he has been out of tune with his classmates.

And this feeling comes from the improvement of each other's class.



Like the last time, teacher Qu didn't take Chu Feng to the office, but went to a special base set up in the corner of the school.

Near the school gate, a small tent was set up. At the door stood a few plain clothes in black. There were a few students who registered and carried out various tests.

Chu Feng saw that one of them, in black and plain clothes, was carrying the "pupil force detector" he had tested himself last time and was testing other students.

To be sure, this small base is a special organization for people with hypermydriasis.

"You go inside and find a bald uncle in plain clothes. He will tell you the details of the college."

When he came to the door, Mr. Qu gave an instruction.

Chu Feng nodded and stepped into the tent.

In the base, there are some plain clothes in black standing in twos and threes, some are on guard, some are knocking on the special instruments in their hands, and they can't see the origin, which makes people feel that they are new scientific and technological products after the advent of the super pupil era.

At a glance, there is a bald head, which is particularly conspicuous.

Obviously, teacher Qu is talking about him.

Sitting in a simple office chair, bald plain clothes are using computers and looking at equipment. These machines are very high-end. They should be connected directly by satellite, and the security will be higher.

Seeing Chu Feng coming over, the bald plain clothes raised his head, showed soft eyes, and motioned to the next chair.

"You are classmate Chu. Sit there."

Chu Feng nodded and sat down.

I saw the bald plain clothes turn around, and a slightly magnetic voice sounded nearby: "don't resist, I'll take you into a safe place to talk."

Next second.

Chu Feng saw each other's eyes and turned into an empty gray.

His soul felt a slight sense of invasion and subconsciously wanted to release his pupils to fight.

But remembering the instructions of baldness, Chu Feng calmed his pupils and accepted the change.

The picture in front of me suddenly changed, as if I had entered a new space.

In a pure white space.

Balding stood in front of Chu Feng, bowed slightly and saluted.

"Welcome to my dream space. Those of us who are engaged in key information transmission are generally capable of weaving dreams."

"Here, information exposure can be avoided to the greatest extent."

"So, you don't have to worry about talking here, you will use any threat of information disclosure."

"And I myself have signed the super pupil contract and will never do anything contrary to the content of the contract."

Chu Feng nodded and said, "I know this. Teacher Qu also talked to me."

"Ha ha, it's really fate for you to meet such an excellent super pupil teacher."

Bald plain clothes smiled and then cut to the point: "you should have a lot of doubts about Kassel college, right?"


Chu Feng directly admitted this.

He has heard that many well-known universities have the meaning of transforming into super pupil college, but Kassel college has heard the name for the first time.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, because this school doesn't intend to be established in reality, but directly in the super pupil era," explained the plain clothes in black

Chu Feng's eyes flashed an unexpected color for a second, and they soon understood this practice.

The super pupil era is not only a strategy for the sky towers, but also a lot of places that can be developed at the boundary of the world.

Such as the space of the heavens.

Some big guys found that by consuming the sky points and making special transactions with the derivative life of the super pupil world, they can open up a space and set the world as their desired effect.

The colleges of zhutianta mainly exchange replica information. In the era of super pupil, they can also use pupil technology without scruples. In reality, if they establish colleges, they have to worry about identity disclosure.

Such colleges are not particularly convenient for exchanging information.

If it is a college established in the super pupil era, the above problems will be solved.

Even, because of the particularity of the space of the heavens, the transmission of information and social interaction are limited to the identity of the super pupil world, which does not involve reality, and is more safe, fair and efficient.

"In fact, this school is still a pilot practice. I don't know whether it is feasible or not."

"The sky space obtained by the high-rise takes a huge amount of sky points. It is not even as simple as a space. Special rules can also be set in it."

"It's equivalent to a small world."

"The price paid is also quite high for now."

"Therefore, I'm afraid there is only one college in the world that is located in the super pupil world and is specially set up for the top super pupil."

"Congratulations, classmate Chu Feng. You have obtained the qualification to settle in Kassel college."

"I hope you can shine in the heavenly towers in the future!"