Chu Feng probably knew the current situation of "himself" and the magic night family. He had a bottom in his heart, so he turned back and continued to sit still.

Wait until sunrise

Outside came the voice of his wife, Jingxiang Fujino.

"Honey, I'm out for breakfast."


Chu Feng responded to this sentence in a slightly dignified voice.

Leave the secret room of the pavilion and walk down the narrow Japanese corridor. A piece of sunshine spreads all over the living room through the Japanese sliding door.

On the table, Huan Yezuo knelt down on the mat, and Fujino Jingxiang quickly prepared breakfast and put it on the table.

Although wearing a slightly rustic apron, it can be seen from her face that Fujino Jingxiang is well maintained. At the age of 30, her face looks younger than many 20-year-old girls.

Because she married the owner of the magic night family, her temperament is more dignified and elegant, with a unique charm of adult sex.

Breakfast is very simple, two fried eggs and a glass of milk... In addition to magic Yezuo's plate, he added a ham sausage. Children of his age really should eat more and develop quickly.

Magic night Yue usually has a lot of work tasks. Although it is far less miserable than that squeezed by 996 and high school homework, as a family owner and a father, he can't finish what he has to do in 24 hours a day, so he must make some choices.

Therefore, the food at home is very simple, which meets the basic nutritional needs, and the greedy thing is fast and convenient.

Without extra communication, the family of three quickly started breakfast, just like every day in the past.

In the face of two strange people and his identity as his wife and son, Chu Feng did not show any discomfort... After all, he had played an emperor and then played the identity of the head of the family, it would be too easy to control him.

While eating, his eyes were secretly observing the performance of magic Yezuo and Fujino Jingxiang.

Fujino Jingxiang shows the image of a perfect wife. In fact, she has a lot of anxiety in her heart and deep worries about things in the family, but she doesn't show these emotions, because she knows how much burden magic night Yue carries. As a woman, she can't help share official affairs, We can only take good care of the family as much as possible... Sweeping away from the living room and dining table, we can see that all the utensils, floors, cabinets and door bars in the family have been cleaned very clean. We can see that Fujino Jingxiang works very hard, but this is also an expression of catharsis.

Although Huan Yezuo seems to be a good child, he feels a little absent-minded when he eats, as if he has some trouble in his heart and can't say what's on his mind.

"Xiao Zuo, are you looking for other friends to play with recently?"

A magnetic sound broke the silence.

Chu Feng was eating with dishes and chopsticks. He looked like a father. He had nothing to talk about and asked some idle questions.

"Well... No, I feel a little boring recently."


"Yes, I just want to find someone to play with, but I don't know who to find. I always feel empty." magic night Zuo lowered his head and ate two mouthfuls. Suddenly, a sentence jumped out of his mouth, "if only my mother could give me another brother!"

Fujino Jingxiang "puffed" and smiled and touched the small head of huanyezuo.

"Little guy, what are you talking about? Regeneration can only help you have a brother. How can you have a brother?"

Chu Feng was calm on the surface and affirmed his conjecture in his heart.

From these signs, we can see that although the magic night crow has erased its existence, people in this dreamland will feel abnormal.

After breakfast, Shizuka Fujino sent fantasy Yezuo to Ninja college.

After wearing the clothes for attendance, Chu Feng also went out and continued his previous work according to the information of the copy.

It can be said that this daily work is really boring.

Just walk around the main city, say hello to your subordinates and ask about the situation... In fact, these problems are superfluous at all. If anything unusual happens, these ninjas either rush to solve it or ask other ninjas to solve it together. Where do you need to ask one by one

But what.

His job is to repeat these superficial efforts.

This is another way for the imperial high-level to suppress the magic night family.

After a round of patrol, Chu Feng entered the intelligence office in the main city and listened to his subordinates report some recent things according to the Convention.

"By the way, Lord magic night Yue, we found some sawdust and footprints in the pavilion leading to the North last night. It is speculated that there are traces of Ninja moving at high speed. Look..."

Among them, a ninja came to his desk and handed some sawdust wrapped in plastic bags to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes, glanced at the sawdust and said in a deep voice, "this is from tianwu Pavilion."


The Ninja was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Chu Feng to see the source at a glance and felt a little surprised.

The eternal God's eyes can analyze all things and recognize that this special wood is used to build the tianwu Pavilion of the imperial senior military affairs office. This kind of wood is generally strong and not so easy to wear... Unless the Ninja rubs it down slightly when telling to move.

He immediately thought of the Ninjas who left the city last night.

"Minister, what do you think?"

Chu Feng knocked on the table and said, "let people strengthen patrol and alert these days."


With that, the Ninja stepped down.

It is worthy of the Ninja empire. You can catch everything

Chu Feng scolded in his heart.

Even some small pieces of wood wiped off can arouse suspicion

It deserves to be an empire created by these people who specialize in assassination intelligence.

The whole senior management is a group of well-trained talents.

Just then.

There was another knock outside the door.

"Minister, the commander asked you to go to his office!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly.

Imperial commander?

Isn't that the reed heart Half stepping into the coffin?

Originally, Wei Mingxin had claimed that he was going to abdicate, but recently, he became active again, sat on the throne again, and was still in charge of the overall situation with a body about to go to the earth.

The magic night family was marginalized by Wei Mingxin. The dead old man took the initiative to find himself. I'm afraid it's probably not good.

However, Chu Feng was happy.

This time he went to the highest level of the whole Ninja empire.

Sign in there and maybe you can get something good?