"Bang bang!"

A fire burst out of the mine in the north of the Ninja empire.

"Luo Nanping, I have to kill you today!"


In the light of the fire, a ninja in night clothes jumped out of the smoke. It can be seen that his clothes were ragged and his face was colored. He was very embarrassed.

Immediately behind, a spirit beast as big as a hill, with snow-white hair and a wolf head, but with a lion like body and wings behind it, was obviously a spirit beast of extraordinary blood.

Behind the spirit beast, there was a ninja who looked at Luo Nanping with anger in his eyes.

"You guys, blow him up with explosives!"

Luo Nanping's face was very ugly, which obviously underestimated the difficulty of his opponent.

"Hum, you are just a group of greedy rats like those despicable people in your guild!"

"The spirit beast gift I prepared this time is for you!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to dare to choose the Yishou family. The scrap iron you made is not worth mentioning in front of my white haired lion and wolf!"

Behind him, there were several ninjas of the spirit beast family, who controlled the spirit beast with extraordinary blood lineage and rushed towards the Ninjas of the Yishou family.

In mid air.

All kinds of pupil surgery produce colorful explosive sparks.

It seems that the super pupil of these two guilds are still close to each other.

Because the pupil force between each other is similar, it is difficult for mind control pupil surgery to kill opponents.

Only physical attack.

Luo Nanping's pupil technique is a little interesting. He turned into several soldiers in front of him.


His super pupil doesn't look very high-level. After the little fat man got a powerful spirit beast, these fancy pupil techniques don't look enough.

When Chu Feng arrived at the scene, he saw that the super pupil of the Yishou family fell into a disadvantage.

The opponent is the super pupil of the spirit beast family.

"What is the reason why the two guilds started fighting in the early stage?"

Chu Feng frowned.

Although the three different camps of the Empire are also hostile to each other, there is also a super pupil camp of the anti imperialist alliance, which has not been solved.

Unlike other copies, the number of super pupils of the anti imperialist alliance may be relatively large.

According to his observation, the total number of super pupil people in the three empires is about 100. However, in previous copies of ninja world, the anti imperialist alliance has reached hundreds.

This foreign problem has not been solved, so there are internal worries.

It's a mess!

A golden light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes.

Or first find out what the reason is for the two people to fight like this.

In front of the screen, switch to a super pupil trading panel.

At this time, sun Nanping and little fat man still kept the kneading face shape of the heavenly pagodas.

The two of them seem to be trading.

After the little fat man chose 80000 Zhutian points, he clicked to confirm before sun Nanping put his items.

This sun Nanping is a greedy guy!

Originally, this transaction involved 80000 sky points, which is not a small amount.

However, the little fat man's careless way of doing things just gave sun Nanping a shameless opportunity.

you 're right!

As soon as he turned his thief's eyes, he didn't put any items in the trading column. He clicked to confirm on the spot!

Bai whored the little fat man for 80000 days!

This is 80000 heaven points!

The little fat man was stupid on the spot. Before he reacted, the other party's people disappeared on the spot and went offline directly!

He was stunned.

When he opened the panel, he subconsciously wanted to connect with super pupil and questioned what sun Nanping meant.


"The other party has cancelled your super pupil connection!"

This is probably the feeling of pressing the send button and finding a red exclamation mark next to your message box... The next second?

The little fat man is angry!

He was furious!

How could there be such a brazen person in the world?

He turned on the computer, crackled on the keyboard, posted sun Nanping's shameless things on the super pupil forum, used up all the silver tickets, and set the top of this post for a month, just to let Sun Nanping die in the super pupil world.

As a result, what we get is the sarcasm of a group of people.

Instead, they think sun Nanping didn't do anything wrong. On the contrary, the way a little fat man does things is very stupid.

No matter who you trust, you can't do this.

What's more, it's a transaction between hypermydriasis.

Seeing that you can take 80000 heaven points for nothing, which fool will miss this opportunity?

For a time, the replies below the post all laughed at the little fat man's IQ.

The little fat man's mentality collapsed!

He lost 80000 heaven points and spent all his silver tickets. It was himself who died in the society!

This feeling

It's so sour!

He vowed that if he met Luo Nanping again in the next copy, he must be frustrated and turn him into a blind and useless man. He would spend money to let him wear women's clothes, dance Secretary dance, blissful pure land and fierce man new treasure island, and then make a video and send it to the whole platform!

In short

How miserable you can make each other!

Even at all costs!

The picture is over here.

After reading the little fat man's experience, Chu Feng prayed silently for the silly, lovely and poor child.


Open the eternal God's eyes!

Chu Feng's eyes flashed a cold blue.

"The cold ice of the nether world!"

Next second.

The little fat man suddenly felt his soul cool, and the whole body was frozen out of ice residue!

"Lie down..."

Before he scolded, the ice had sealed his mouth, and the round body rolled down from the back of the spirit beast.

If you fall on the ground, I'm afraid there will be only broken ice on the ground.


Several super pupil people in the same camp saw the little fat man fall down and quickly controlled the spirit beast and hugged the big ice.

"It's so cold!"

Several super pupils felt a chill coming to their faces!

Sun Nanping was stunned when he saw this scene.

In their own camp, there should be no super pupil?

It is estimated that the little fat man has offended someone, so he should be punished?

"Ha ha ha, wait until you thaw first, and then tell me this!"

Sun Nanping laughed happily, showing his villain's face and a proud look.

While rescuing the little fat man with the super pupil of the spirit beast family

The ninja of the Yishou clan quickly left here with a load of goods.

Chu Feng turned his head, looked at the goods and nodded.

"I saved your life today. I hope we can quickly make our magic night family's thousand machine umbrella."