"You guys, hurry up. Even buildings in this damn place have eyes. Don't act at will."

"Let's go according to the pre specified plan. Don't go wrong with anyone, or the whole team will die!"

"Do you understand?"

"I see!"

Several super pupils of the anti imperialist alliance communicated in a low voice, and then moved in the direction of the arsenal.

Their movements were very light, avoiding the traps and eyeliner of the Ninja Empire ambush, from several guardians not so tight gap, over the wall, sneaked into the imperial city.

It can be seen from the route that these super pupil people already knew the situation of the Empire like the back of their hands. It was only the first action. It looked like they had rehearsed countless times.

of course.

In the night, a deep look looked at the direction they moved.

It's Chu Feng.

"Anti imperialist alliance?"

"Unexpectedly, they ran to the Arsenal!"

"It's a little interesting!"




A slight footsteps came gently to the interior of the arsenal.

The Ninja guards here are extremely strict, and there are countless mechanism traps hidden in the dark.

Take a few steps forward. If you accidentally touch a thin thread of a mechanism, there will not only be countless concealed weapons in all directions to attack, but also trigger an alarm and alarm all the garrison ninjas in the arsenal.

As long as they dare to make a mistake, there will be no return!

However, in the anti imperialist alliance, hundreds of super pupils chose this team to act as a pioneer team, which must have a reason.

The super pupil standing in the front, code named "Disarm", has the ability to invalidate nearby mechanical mechanisms.

With his eyes, a trace of dark blue light burst out. Soon, there was a "click click" sound from the nearby wall.

This is the ability of concealed weapons to be "disarmed", which gives an invalid response.

What poison darts, alarm lines, ground spikes, poisons, mechanism squints... But all weapons that can be used to guard the Arsenal will fail at this moment.

"Done, you can come down!"

The first one to jump down was a woman in tight clothes and extremely agile.

Looking along her close fitting clothes, you can see the perfect curve and development.

Of course, none of this is the point.

The moment the woman jumped down, a complex texture appeared in her pupils.

It seemed that what came into her view was a completely different visual effect.

The structure and construction of the arsenal, as well as the Ninjas distributed here, all fell into the eyes of women and were found in key positions one by one.

"Ah Hui, have you confirmed the situation here?" disarmed and asked in a deep voice.

Ah Hui's super visual ability is special, so people in the team won't call her nickname.

In fact, there are many super pupils that can analyze the structure, but few can analyze all the structures at a glance like ah Hui, and can lock the enemy's location immediately.

This kind of super pupil is also the most popular in the team.


Ah Hui's voice is very cold. Her temperament is not as close as her name.

"Well, come down?"

Rub, rub!

With several footsteps falling, the original two shadows immediately became five.

Disarmed eyes, swept back, and then his face changed.

"Where's ah Qiang?"

"Didn't he come down with you?"

They were stunned, then looked aside, but found that ah Qiang was gone.

"Cough, I'm here!"

Ah Qiang turned over carefully.

"Why are you so slow and give us a shot?"

Disarmed and frowned, obviously dissatisfied.

Ah Qiang said with a silly smile, "I'm not afraid that my action is too big and startles the Ninjas here, so slow down a little?"

Hearing this reason, the look of disarming slowed down and didn't say much.

There are six people in their group.

Disarm and destroy concealed weapons. Ah Hui investigates intelligence.

You Huan is a super pupil of mind control. When the enemy finds out, he immediately controls the situation.

The pupil technique of blasting is explosive and also a card. In case of emergencies, his pupil technique can create a big explosion and create a space for everyone to escape.

Ye Ye is a little girl. You can tell by her name. She is a wet nurse.

The rest is ah Qiang.

In fact, a Qiang doesn't have any powerful pupil skills, but he is very rich. Every time he enters a copy, he can buy the best Zhutian inheritance.

Although his pupil technique was very useless, when he came in, his strength was full.

At the same time, there is a strong body like steel and cement.

Originally, this team doesn't want to take ah Qiang. The super pupil who depends on krypton gold is certainly not so good.

However, they are afraid that when their pupils are exhausted, they have no tricks to deal with the next situation.

Call ah Qiang, even if you have added a soldier with continuous output to the team, your body can resist some damage.

The disadvantage is... Ah Qiang sometimes can't keep up with the team's actions.

But judging from the situation just now, ah Qiang has a brain. He knows that his strength is too strong. He will make some sounds when he comes down, so he lightens his action a little.

Although the technology is not very good, but at least the consciousness is not poor.

"Youmeng, now you are responsible for walking in front. If someone comes from the opposite side, use pupil surgery immediately. Don't hesitate!"


Youmeng is a mature and steady middle-aged man. As soon as he opens his mouth, he gives people a reliable feeling.

"Ah Qiang, you're at the back. Don't act easily without our orders!"


A Qiang opened his mouth and smiled, revealing his big white teeth.

When these ninjas move forward carefully

They didn't notice that a Qiang behind him flashed a golden light in his pupils

you 're right!

This ah Qiang is Chu Feng!

He saw the personnel combination of the team with his supreme eyes, and immediately recognized that a Qiang was a huge loophole.

Originally, a Qiang was temporarily put together with these super pupil people. The most important thing is... This guy didn't connect with others!

This gave Chu Feng a chance to sneak into the anti imperialist alliance!

Not long ago, he signed in and obtained advanced transformation. I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

Sure enough, in the case of no super pupil connection, these super pupils can't notice at all. Ah Qiang has changed.


"The anti imperialist alliance sent a vanguard team to sneak into the imperial Arsenal and steal the detonator."

"When the detonating charm is enough, they can blast the gate at the top and open a hole for the anti imperialist alliance's troops to enter."

"Then, these super pupil people used the aboriginal ninjas to send them. They sneaked into the main city of the Empire and assassinated Datong Lingwei Mingxin."

"Ha ha... This plan is a little bold."

Chu Feng smiled.

With his most important pupil, he glanced at the disarming. All the plans of the anti imperialist alliance were reflected in Chu Feng's eyes through the picture of fate.