New super pupil talent - reincarnation pupil!

When the eternal divine eye was upgraded to level 6, he obtained a very powerful pupil technique, which Chu Feng has never used.

"Pupil copy!"

This skill can copy an ability of the other party's pupil surgery.

Although there is only one

But it can be used as the biggest life-saving card!

In the face of high-level pupil users, Chu Feng's real card is not "water in other days".

But he can copy each other's pupil technique and return it to the other body!

Is unlimited monthly reading strong?

It's really strong!

However, this highest pupil surgery has a fatal disadvantage, that is, it can not be offset.

Infinite monthly reading creates a real dream.

Two real illusions are superimposed together, which is also a real illusion.

At that point, the dreamland is no longer a dreamland, but a reality.

What happens between the two realities is naturally determined to be a superimposed reality.


The party who uses the supreme illusion first will definitely suffer.

Because the backhand is used, the backhand can take the initiative.

As long as Chu Feng forces the other party to use the real card, he can turn the other party's card into his own use and counter the other party.

The magic night crow miscalculated on this point.

Black spikes run through the body of the magic night crow.

Ninjas of the magic night clan have strong pupil skills, but their defense and life recovery speed are mediocre.

Not much better than the average ninja.

What's more, after using the infinite monthly reading, the magic night crow has no pupil force and can't perform other pupil techniques.

Not everyone is the same as Chu Feng. When he awakens a variety of super pupil, the congenital pupil force is very high.

After losing the last card, the Tiantong smiled, like giving up and relieved.

"You are an interesting enemy. I think I can rewrite my destiny, but the final destiny is killed by the rewritten destiny. Maybe this is my destiny."

The magic night crow closed his eyes.

"I hope... After you get my eye, you can see the truth of the world instead of mine."

Next second.


The dream is broken.

Chu Feng stood alone on the wasteland. In front of him was the residence of the phantom night family after it was destroyed.

In the distance, the Empire was in ruins.

Chu Feng looked at this scene and suddenly became silent.

This destroyed Empire, reflected in his eyes, seemed so real for the first time.

It seems to be a completely destroyed real world.

Just like the world outside the heavenly towers.

He shook his head, withdrew his mind and stopped thinking about these unimportant things.

Open the panel and the system will pop up a prompt——

"Congratulations on passing the task of reincarnation copy: the real world!"

"Unlocking the achievements of this reincarnation copy for you..."

"You kill the Tiantong of reincarnation copy and get an additional super pupil talent [reincarnation pupil]. You can open the super pupil panel for details!"

"You have unlocked all achievements of reincarnation copy and obtained SSS level evaluation!"

"Reward heaven points + 0!"

"Reward evolution point + 0!"

"You have unlocked the exclusive reward 'special permission' for SSS score - [unlimited vest]!"

"[infinite vest]: you can edit your display Title freely. Special note: this permission is only open to individual hypermydriasis. Please don't claim that this is a VIP service to avoid lowering the grade!"

i see!

Chu Feng looked at this copy and understood the rewards of Zhutian point and evolution point.

At the moment when he broke the reincarnation, he had entered another copy.

The copy task of ninja world, everything, has been cancelled!

It is equivalent to jumping from one task to another hidden task.


Even the copy world has changed!

In the copy world where the magic night crow is located, there is no challenge task. You can enter this line only after destroying the whole Ninja empire.

In this replica world, the towers do not intend to release missions, so there will be no redundant rewards.

Only the additional super pupil talent and the exclusive reward will be fixed after being judged as SSS level evaluation.

This SSS level reward is no longer a halo of the heavens, but a special permission

Infinite vest!

It's good for you to hide your true identity

After entering the copy, even if you trade with others, as long as you change your vest, the other party will not know his true identity.

It is also a more practical permission capability.

Open the super pupil panel and a new interface appears in front of Chu Feng——

Superpupil: the pupil of reincarnation

Equal order: order 1 (290010 / 1000)

Ability: Reincarnation illusion

Reincarnation illusion: you can create a reincarnation illusion to simulate everything around you.

Note: every three stages, the pupil of reincarnation will acquire a new ability and strengthen its own ability.

Chu Feng saw that he still had 290010 evolution points, which could not be used up. At present, he strengthened the pupil of reincarnation to level 6.

"You spent 1000 evolution points to upgrade the pupil of reincarnation to level 2!"

"You spent 5000 evolution points to upgrade the pupil of reincarnation to level 3!"

"You spent 20000 evolution points to upgrade the pupil of reincarnation to level 4!"

"You spent 50000 evolution points to upgrade the pupil of reincarnation to level 5!"

"You spent 100000 evolution points to upgrade the pupil of reincarnation to level 6!"

Open the panel again——

Superpupil: the pupil of reincarnation

Equal order: 6 orders (114010 / 200000)

Abilities: Reincarnation illusion, reincarnation (New), unlimited monthly reading (New)

Reincarnation: in the copy task, when a target dies, you can use reincarnation to restore the other party's state to before receiving fatal damage (limited number: 3)

Unlimited monthly reading: you cast unlimited monthly reading on a target to create a real fantasy. The longer you use it, the consumed pupil force will increase exponentially.

"It is worthy of being the pupil of reincarnation, and its ability is too strong!"

Chu Feng couldn't help feeling a little dumb.

This reincarnation is invincible!

It is equivalent to that you have three chances to avoid death in the copy.

Moreover, this opportunity can help others use it.

It can be used not only for hypermydriasis, but also for some key characters in the copy.

This is equivalent to mastering a huge bug plug-in!

Unfortunately, it can't be used in reality outside the copy of the towers, otherwise it would be too rebellious.

As for unlimited monthly reading, let alone more.

The magic night crow has shown the terrible ability of unlimited monthly reading.

Being able to create a real fantasy is equivalent to dragging the opponent to a territory where he wants to play as much as he likes.

Of course, the disadvantage is that the pupil force will be consumed quickly.

Therefore, this is a card used against the strong.

"You have completed the copy of reincarnation world. Do you want to quit?"

In front of you, an option appears.

Chu Feng did not choose to quit immediately.

Before leaving this copy, he has one important thing to do.

That is

Explore ancient heaven!

Each time you enter the next copy, you will automatically refresh the opportunity to explore the ancient heaven.

Chu Feng certainly won't forget such a thing.