"Master, are you going the wrong way? Why haven't you been to the Central People's Hospital for an hour?"

On the road, Chen Bo looked at the scenery outside the window, getting darker and darker, and the surrounding area became more and more remote. He couldn't help asking.

in fact.

Chen Bo also found something wrong.

However, the car he took was a taxi, usually with relevant units and institutions, and its safety was much better than that of a free ride.


Rob an old man who has no money. Where is the value?

"Sorry, old man."

The driver turned around, took off his sunglasses and suddenly burst into a strange light in his exposed pupils.

"Your ability is a little special. I wronged you as the key to open that door!"

Chen Bo was stunned. He couldn't understand what the other party was saying.



What kind of mess are these?

However, when Chen Bo looked at each other's eyes, he suddenly felt dizzy.

His consciousness sank slowly, his eyes closed and he lay down towards the side of his seat.

The driver put on his sunglasses again and arranged his mask.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the taxi sped up on the highway, like a runaway wild horse, heading for the remote suburbs in the distance.



Chu Feng continued to look at the data of the copy of the evil god while going to the heavenly towers.

In the setting of evil god copy, only strange talk can deal with strange talk.

Pupil surgery is useless.

Strange talk is not life, but more like the rules of a horror game.

Without knowing the rules, strange talk sounds really penetrating.

However, if you know the rules of the game in advance and how to use it, the strange talk will not be so terrible.

This little game is far from the task of the heavenly towers!

"Hua Zijun in the toilet, the face stairs, the swimming pool turned red at the party, the moving Mona Lisa, Fujiang students who can cut infinitely, and the isometric mirror in the studio next to the campus..."

These seven strange talks emerged in Chu Feng's mind. He was thinking about how to use the relationship between the strange talks to achieve the trigger conditions of Tiantong's task.


Chu Feng has entered the fifth floor of the heavenly towers.

The elf in charge of guidance came to Chu Feng and helped him choose a copy.

Just then, a voice of conversation came from the side.

"Junjiejun, our people are ready to enter the world of evil gods!"

"Well, can you guarantee that I won't die in the copy?"

"Don't worry, according to the mechanism of this copy, we have selected six trained Longguo super pupil. They have signed a super pupil contract and can cooperate with you."

"That's all right!"

Chu Feng frowned as he listened to the conversation.

Like someone from the cherry blossom country?

Although listening to the language is from the cherry blossom country, and the speech speed is very fast, in the super pupil era, foreign languages will be automatically translated and understood.

Well... It's the first time I've met a foreign super pupil.

Moreover, according to their meaning, it seems that seven people form a group to carry out the task together.

Chu Feng hesitated to wait for the next batch.

However, on second thought, it is estimated that other super pupil people who enter the copy of evil gods also form a team and will not enter alone.

After all, it is a copy of survival. If you are surrounded by teammates, there is a caregiver.

Even if we wait for the next batch, we may still be the same team super pupil.

Moreover, it is estimated that there are still a few super pupils who attack the copy of evil gods on the fifth floor.

If you miss this trip, you don't know when to wait until the next batch of super pupils who enter the copy of evil gods.

Chu Feng made a decision.

Grab the position!

He pretends to choose a copy here and is actually watching the trend of the super pupil team opposite.

You can't choose a copy in advance, otherwise they will find a way to avoid it when they know it.


When they come together, everyone enters the copy

Chu Feng didn't believe it. He couldn't rob any of the seven people opposite.

While browsing the copy information, he quietly observed the situation of the opposite team.

Super pupil from cherry blossom country, whose full name is junsuke Hamasaki, seems to have some special task, so we came here to form a team together.

Chu Feng also read relevant information when surfing on the forum.

There are boundaries in the super pupil era. Generally, it will enter the super pupil era of which country to connect in.

in other words.

The super pupil of the cherry blossom country has come to the dragon country.

Judging from each other's words, he seems to have some special tasks when he comes here.

"Oh, let me see what secret you have!"

Chu Feng secretly opened the supreme pupil, moved his mind and designated to watch junsuke Hamasaki's past about this copy.

The next second, the picture in front of me changed dramatically.

In a small conference room.

Behind junsuke Hamasaki, there is a projection screen, which plays videos of evil gods, all of which are information about the strategy.

Under the seat, there are six Super pupil people who look like other team members.

Junsuke Hamasaki pointed to several pictures on the screen, "this time, our course of action is very simple, to help the strange talk of evil and eliminate the strange talk of good."

"As long as we create more negative emotions in this school, the mirror in the studio, that is, Lin Han's chaotic soul, will tend to talk about evil."

"At that time, we just need to help the strange talk of evil, swallow up all the strange talk of good, and evil gods will come."

"My pupil skill will seal the evil god in the mirror, and you only need to inject the power of the guardian spirit into Lin Han at that time. Don't let the target die. This copy can win SS level evaluation."

"Do you understand?"


The picture is over here.

Chu Feng's eyes had narrowed slightly.

That Junjie knows the copy route of Tiantong?

Using strange talk to eliminate strange talk, whether helping the evil or helping the good, can make the final strange talk integrate together and make Lin Han appear.

Junsuke Hamasaki is also an old capitalist.

The following super pupil soldiers are estimated to be relatively strong scattered soldiers. They can go to powerful guilds and perform some scattered entrusted tasks according to the super pupil contract.

Generally, only the super pupil with special ability can receive this kind of work.

The pay is often higher and freer than the guild.

They will not condescend to a guild. They will only take tasks they like and recognize with high remuneration, and they are all professional teams.


There is often an information gap.

The client is the party who made the super pupil contract.

Therefore, deeper copy details will not be told to them at all.

For example, the route chosen by junsuke Hamasaki is not SS level, but SSS level.

But if it is SSS level, the required employment fee will definitely double.

In fact, junsuke HAMAZAKI knows the Tiantong line of the evil god world, but he deliberately doesn't say it. He just wants to hire these scattered soldiers and use them as guns for himself!