The truth is sometimes so cruel.

The truth that these seven middle schools can still stay here is that these children are the descendants of evil gods. If they leave, the end will come.

They would rather constantly send some orphans and problem teenagers over than face the real evil gods.

As for why it is a problem boy

Usually, can people be willing to send their children to such a place to study?

Can you tell your parents that there is an evil god hidden in No. 7 middle school? Please send your excellent children to teach evil gods what is the truth, goodness and beauty in the world?


No one wants to do that.

Moreover, after Lin Han's soul split into seven strange talks, huazi was born. Her IQ is very terrible.

False beauty, in her eyes, is a more ugly evil.

This is not a cable car problem, but the so-called... Adults' inaction and powerlessness in the face of evil gods. They can only let the problem rot and drag there, but they can't solve it.

The descendants of evil gods want to be free

Only by themselves!



After that night, quangu Yutai felt that he had matured a lot.

Instead of complaining about the injustice of the world, he thought more about how to change all this.

"Huazi, I'm going to deal with the strange talk of the three evils."

Quangu Yutai is too serious.

Huazi was silent for a moment: "at that time, evil gods will still come. Do you want to deal with that level of existence?"

"Not only me, but also my master." quangu Yutai grinned.

"You may all die."

"So what?"


Huazi looked at the boy's serious expression and finally sighed helplessly.

"Well, actually, I like you very much. If you die, I guess I'll be very sad, too?"

"Er... If you were the legendary miss huazi, I might be very happy to hear you say this. But you are huazi's brother, so forget it."

"Brother? I'm your brother. I'm a hundred years older than you, okay!"


This seven middle school has been established for hundreds of years.

The seven strange talks were basically born in the old school buildings. At that time, the old teaching buildings were still used. Lin Han was the student of that period.

After the birth of the seven strange stories, the old school building was abandoned and a small area was set aside from the backyard as the location of the new school building.

In terms of area, the old school buildings are at least three times as many as the new ones, or even more.

Quangu Yutai was silent for a moment and said seriously, "huazi, my wish is to eliminate the strange talk of evil and end the advent of evil gods. You will help me, right?"

Looking at the young man's tender and firm face, huazi moved slightly in his heart.

He finally nodded, "I'll help you."

"OK, tell me what to do!"

"Only strange talk can deal with strange talk..." huazi's eyes twinkled. "The face stairs are mainly talking. With a voice containing the power of bewitchment, induce others to step up the stairs. As long as you step on that face, you will basically fall to death."

"My kitchen knife can be used to cut Fujiang, but it can't cut stairs..."

"So, if you want to go, please move another strange conversation."

"However, it is also very difficult for strange talk to kill strange talk, especially the face staircase. It can only be contained, but it can't be killed."

"It really depends on you to let Lin Han's neutral soul feel goodwill and make a choice. Then the war between strange talk will tend to the good side from the balanced Libra."

Quangu Yutai understood the meaning of huazi and nodded: "it's good. At least we can't let the stairs kill our classmates and create a negative impact."

"Now you need to go to the old school building immediately and find the Mona Lisa hanging in the corridor of the studio." huazi no longer hesitated and directly gave the strategy.

"Is it a strange talk?"

"Well... But it's still a good strange talk, and it can deal with face stairs, but it's not easy to negotiate."

"No matter what, just deal with it. Let's talk about the later things."

Quangu Yutai turned down from her bed and was ready to quietly turn out and go to the old school building for strange talk and Elimination!

Young people's action is good!

Huazi cast envious eyes.

But... Sometimes just actions need to pay an unexpected price!



Quangu Yutai found his memory much better.

He clearly remembers the location of each surveillance camera.

When No. 7 middle school built a new school building, it obtained a considerable construction fund. It is also to watch the children here, so cameras are installed at the door and in every corner of the corridor.

Quangu Yutai carefully bypassed the surveillance camera, stuck in the blind area of vision, turned down from the balcony, jumped into a flower garden, jumped down again, jumped directly from the second floor, rolled when landing, and was not injured.

Just then.

A bright flashlight suddenly came from a distance!

Quangu Yutai's reaction was extremely fast. He passed like a wild cat in the dark. He quickly slipped a shovel and hid behind a post.

"Who's there!"

Not far away came the magnetic voice of a middle-aged man.

Quangu Yutai secretly glanced at the figure over there and found that the other party was wearing civilian police clothes and embroidered with medals on his chest. This afternoon, he met the other party in the office of the teaching director and had an image.

"The guard didn't go?"

Quangu Yutai frowned and felt that things were a little tricky.

He didn't expect that these policemen should stay directly in No. 7 middle school. Maybe they know... The intelligence of evil gods?

The policeman's senses were very sharp. He felt someone nearby and hurried to come and scan around.

The footsteps of the other party are getting closer and closer.

Quangu Yutai was a little nervous, and a cold feeling came from his left eye again.

His breathing suddenly calmed down. He tried his best to slow down his heart, listened carefully to the footsteps of the police, judged the other party's position, and moved to the side step by step.

After turning around the pillar, quangu Yutai has been hiding behind the pillar and keeping a parallel position with each other, commonly known as "card vision".

Finally, the police didn't see anyone, thought it was an illusion, and then patrolled elsewhere.

When the footsteps went away, quangu Yutai carefully came to the corridor entrance leading to the old school building, but found that there were several policemen standing there, responsible for the night watch.

Moreover, new iron railings were installed at the intersection, which made it clear that they did not want students to enter the dangerous place again.

The intersection of the old school building was sealed, and many police were watching. Quangu Yutai frowned and thought about how to enter the old school building.

Huazi suddenly floated to one side and pointed to an iron railing.

"From there, turn out of the school, then follow the grass to the old school building, and turn over the railing at the back. It should be no problem."

The wall in the school is three meters high, but it is difficult to strengthen quangu Yutai.

In the dark, quangu Yutai nodded to huazi and motioned clearly and silently.

He quietly climbed over the wall, moving as fast as a shadow, without making any noise.

Other policemen patrolled less carefully when there was no light at night. They couldn't see a figure moving rapidly from them in the grass outside the fence.

There was also a funny voice nearby: "the old school buildings are dead. Those students in the middle of the night don't have the courage to enter this terrible place again?"

"It's hard to say. Those thieves are very bold. They can do anything without parental education. Let's check it quickly and don't have any more accidents."

The response was a slightly serious voice.

From these conversations, quangu Yutai can be sure that they are not aware of their actions.

Bypassed the most difficult guard level.

Quangu Yutai turned over the railing of the old school building and came to an old playground.

What came into his eyes was an abandoned swimming pool.

The old playground of No. 7 middle school is very large, with all kinds of facilities. There are also students swimming here.

However, since the pool drowned, it has been blocked.

Quangu Yutai walked over and was suddenly stunned.

The pool has long been abandoned and hasn't been used for a long time.

It should have been covered with barren weeds, but now I don't know why it was suddenly filled with water.

In the moonlight, the water reflected scarlet light.


There was a red wave in the pool and rushed towards quangu Yutai.

"Be careful!"

Huazi hurriedly pushed quangu Yutai aside, picked up a kitchen knife and slashed the scarlet blood.

The knife can cut off the water.

However, huazi's knife gave a magical ability. After being cut by the knife, the blood stopped in mid air and spilled on the ground like losing control.

Next, the blood suddenly condensed into a huge monster. He looked at huazi with a bad face and said with a sneer: "hehe, isn't this huazi Jun? He was attached to a little Zhengtai. I heard that you like Laurie best. Don't you hate helping boys realize their wishes?"

"You can't manage my business!"

Huazi sneered.

"Come on, we are all separated from one soul. We should be our own talents. How can we turn our arms out?"

The blood condensed into a monster's posture, a bit like a small Godzilla dyed red. In his closed mouth, he made a hoarse and ugly voice.

"Let me see... Today, the face stairs took the lives of several boys in the old school building and injected a lot of fresh blood into my swimming pool. If I guess correctly, you should find Mona Lisa to deal with the stairs?"

"You can't manage my business!" huazi sneered. "If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Blood water Godzilla's face also pulled down, "do you think I will be afraid of you? Maybe Fujiang will be afraid of you, but I won't!"

Huazi turned to look at quangu Yutai and said in a deep voice, "go find the Mona Lisa in the studio and I'll deal with him."

Next second.

The blood suddenly rushed at huazi.

Between the strange talk of good and evil, it can be regarded as an enemy.

When they meet each other, they are extremely jealous and want to solve each other immediately.

A blue ghost fire floated to quangu Yutai's side.

Then the ghost fire spoke.

"Take me and go."


Quangu Yutai no longer hesitated, taking advantage of the gap between the blood pool and huazi, rushed towards the old school building.

"Want to go?"

With a grim smile, Godzilla separated a stream of blood and rolled towards quangu Yutai.

"Sweep empty pupil to cut!"

Without saying a word, quangu Yutai swept back and immediately cut off a silver edge from the bottom to the middle of the blood and divided it into two parts.

"The attack intensity... Is the same as huazi!"

The blood showed a stunned expression and looked at quangu Yutai's eyes, which was a little more dignified.

"What God will you go? Your opponent is me!"

A flame was released from huazi's eyes. The red ghost fire around him suddenly burst into a hot flame and rolled towards the bloody mat.

"Cut, drag what drag, don't think you're the first of strange talk, I'll be afraid of you!"

The momentum of blood and water is also pretended. You should be as cautious as you are when dealing with the strongest flower.

Huazi is the most terrible existence in the seven strange stories.

It is also the main reason why the strange talk of evil dare not act casually in recent years.

But for six special teenagers, they would not continue to do these evil deeds.

Over the years, it can be said that huazi has a strange talk, and they dare not make a mistake under the pressure of their three strange talks.

"Hehe, if you want Mona Lisa to deal with face stairs, your plan may not be implemented so easily!"

Blood and water sneered in their hearts.

Those six people had expected that there would be no peace tonight, so they made two preparations, that is, they were ready to catch big fish!



Quangu Yutai went to the studio corridor of the old school building for the first time.

"That's it!"

After a corner, the blue ghost fire made a sound.

However, when quangu Yutai stood here, he found that the place huazi said was empty!

"What's going on? Where's Mona Lisa?"

Huazi's voice was full of amazement. It was obvious that he didn't expect this scene.

"Hahaha, is that what you're talking about?"

Just then, a girl's voice came from the studio.


In her hand, she was holding a picture of the smiling Mona Lisa.

However, the corner of Mona Lisa's mouth no longer smiled, but looked frightened.

"You... What are you doing... No... don't do this to me!"

"Don't worry, little Mona Lisa, I'll take good care of you!"

Fujiang showed a happy smile.

Huazi said coldly, "I should have solved your scourge at that time!"

Fujiang smiled.

"You'd better worry about your own life first!"

Suddenly, six figures appeared here at the same time, surrounding quangu Yutai.

The pupils of the six people burst out all kinds of light.

Quangu Yu was so stunned that he immediately saw a female student of the same age with a yellow light in her eyes.

The light seemed to have magic and sucked in its own soul.

Quangu Yutai felt that his consciousness suddenly became blurred and seemed to dissipate.

Suddenly, a hand was propped behind him.

He suddenly woke up, turned around and saw the wine Taoist.

"Next, leave it to me!"