Quangu Yutai vaguely opened his eyes and looked at the Mona Lisa in his hand.

He looked around and found that the six people who had just surrounded him fell down at some time, and none of them could stand up.

And Fujiang stood in place, staring at the front, unable to move, as if he went up and did anything to her, the other party would not resist.

"Yes... Is my master attached to me?"

Quangu Yutai thought of the moment when his consciousness was occupied.

Although he couldn't see what was happening outside, there was still a memory in his body. He could vaguely feel that everything around him was just caused by himself.

If it wasn't his consciousness, it was master who helped him solve all this.

Master is so strong!

Yutai quangu has little stars in her eyes.

Those six people seem to know pupil surgery, and their level is much higher than themselves.

Especially when a woman stares at herself, he feels that his body can't move.

However, after master occupied his body, he put down all the enemies in a few seconds.

It's incredible!

Huazi's ghost fire also made an amazing sound.

"I didn't expect you to have such a strong strength. If I hadn't talked strange and rules and you couldn't kill, maybe I would run away when I saw you."

"Hey, hey..."

Being praised by huazi, quangu Yutai was a little embarrassed and smiled foolishly.

"You throw Fujiang to the biological model classroom. After I solve the damn swimming pool, I'll solve her."

Huazi asked.

He only had a ghost fire, followed by Yutai quangu, and could not kill Fujiang.

You have to use the knife in your hand.

"It should be another strange talk..."

Quangu Yutai heard huazi say that there is another strange talk in the biology classroom, which is a lot of mannequins.

This model is kind, and I listen to huazi very much, but my IQ is not very high.

It's a little similar to the Mona Lisa

Well, Ganqing huazi has occupied the IQ of all the strange talk of goodness!

Quangu Yutai, holding flowers in her left hand and Mona Lisa in her right hand, ran towards the biology classroom.

"Then... That... Where are you taking me?"

"I'm afraid!"

"Please hang me back!"

The Mona Lisa made a pleading voice.

The Mona Lisa in this painting has a mysterious smile on her face. The whole face is distorted and full of fear and fear.

Huazi comforted, "don't be afraid, little Mona Lisa. I'll find someone who is willing to kiss you and love you."


Mona Lisa suddenly showed a surprised expression, and her eyebrows twinkled with joy.

"Of course, if you close your eyes and don't care about what's going on around you, I'll take you to your prince charming."


Mona Lisa seems to really believe it.

So she closed her eyes and tooted her mouth, ready to offer the kiss.

"Cough, what a poor kid to cheat..."

Quanguyu took a look at huazi too white. Although this guy nominally belongs to the strange talk of goodness, his mind is black!

If you guessed correctly, the seven strange talks have different personalities, which are all split from Lin Han.

Huazi represents rationality, decisiveness and courage.

Fujiang represents desire, jealousy and extremes.

The bloody pool represents cruelty, killing and anger.

Face stairs represent cunning, deception and framing.

Mona Lisa represents inferiority, fear, fear, and a little... The desire to be loved.

So... What does a biological model represent?


The door of the biology classroom was opened.

In an abandoned classroom, some mannequins are scattered.

However, when Yutai quangu went in, these biological models turned their heads and looked at him.

"You jump on huazi and hold her down. Move quickly."

Huazi quickly asked.


Quangu Yutai is a little confused.

Hold her

Huazi, what are you trying to do?

"Come on, don't hesitate!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "click click" sound nearby. These mannequins collectively stood up and walked slowly towards quangu Yutai.

"Hiss... It's too scary!"

Although quangu Yutai's mood is very calm, it is under the calming effect of eternal God's eyes. If he had been in peacetime, he would have been scared silly in the face of this array.

Huazi should not pit himself.

Quangu Yutai threw huazi down.

"Well, your movements are very skilled. Now hurry!"

Click, click!

The sound nearby is getting faster and louder!

These mannequins, as if they had received any instructions, rushed towards quangu Yutai!

Quangu Yutai hurriedly dodged. Then, he saw dozens of character models, jumped at huazi and buried her deeply.

"This... This is?"

Huazi explained, "mannequins will imitate your actions. As long as you are in this classroom... If you don't have a corresponding goal, these models will follow you."

"I seem to understand."

Mannequins represent the unknown and ignorant in childhood, and will imitate the behavior of others, whether bad or not.

Therefore, although the mannequin is the strange talk of good, if it is not well guided, it will make it do the strange talk of evil.

"Next, let's find the stairs!"

The way from downstairs to the human staircase has been blocked.

However, Yuta quangu can go around upstairs.

"Hey, come on, don't come here!"

When a young man's figure and a ghost fire followed behind him came near the face stairs, he suddenly heard a slightly frightened voice downstairs.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? Just meet Miss Mona Lisa's wishes, can't you?"

"Hey, I have dignity. You... You can't do this to me!"

The sound of the stairs was full of panic.

"Please, don't press the Mona Lisa. I'll go crazy!"

Huazi said faintly, "you're too noisy. You'd better be quiet."


Quangu Yu sighed too much.

The next second, he pressed the Mona Lisa in his hand towards the strange face of the stairs!

"Jomi, jomi!"

A strange sound came from downstairs.

Miss Mona Lisa's kiss was like a chain that locked her mouth.

It can't make any more calls.

"Hehe, the battle on my side is almost over."

"Tonight, it is estimated that all the strange talk of evil can be solved!"

Until this moment, huazi smiled easily.

PS: cough, it's the third round tomorrow. Let's have some silver tickets to support it! Although this copy is not as big as the previous ones, various settings are distracted. Ten thousand words today, crazy hint!