"Brother Chen, brother Chen, are you in there?"

The old aunt tried to Chen Bo's door, but there was no response inside.

The crack in the door is black. There is no light in the room. Uncle Chen usually goes home at o'clock. He went to the hospital in the afternoon. Can he delay so long?

Normally, it's time to come back!

"Aunt, isn't Uncle Chen at home?"

Chu Feng immediately stepped forward and asked in a slightly anxious tone.

The old aunt sighed: "I've been looking at the shop all afternoon, and I didn't see the old man come back. I didn't have any guests today. I closed the file early. I thought I'd go upstairs to confirm. Maybe I missed it? It turned out that the old man didn't have a light at home, most of them didn't come back. It's worrying that he took so long to see a doctor!"

"It's all right. I'll find him. Maybe the situation is more complicated, so I stayed in the hospital for a long time?"

Chu Feng comforted.

"Well, if you look for it, I'll be relieved." the old aunt's hanging heart was also relieved.

She guessed that Chu Feng was a super pupil, and his ability was not small.

Nowadays, the ability of super pupil is not simple. What's the difficulty in finding someone?

After sending the old aunt home, Chu Feng came to the rooftop and offered the seal of destiny. The Golden Dragon Qi formed a chariot and immediately flew to a high place.

Downstairs, some super pupils wandering outside were stunned when they saw a Golden Dragon Spirit flying above the nine days. There was still a person sitting on it.

"Sleeping trough, the secret treasure of the heavens, is still the kind that can fly. I'm afraid it's a big man!"

"I also want such a secret treasure of the heavens!"


"Mom, why is that man flying in the sky!"

"Cough, you will have a chance to become Superman in the future!"

Well, that's not a lie.

In the super pupil era, Superman's ability may be the most basic ability in the future!



Chu Feng sat on the chariot composed of Golden Dragon Qi, and a silver light flashed in his eyes.

Open the visual mode of "viewing destiny"

He remembered that when Chen Bo went to the hospital, it was 4 p.m.

Then, transfer from your own door to 4 p.m. and use the "art of global backtracking".

Suddenly, the picture of Chen Bo looking outside immediately went back to Chu Feng's vision.

In order to save pupil power, Chu Feng directly predicted Chen Bo's action path, and then used "the art of global backtracking" at Chen Bo's next turning point.

Looking back, Chen came to the intersection and took a taxi.

But at this time, the "destiny flow" around suddenly became violent and volatile.

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed. He saw a Yin evil "destiny flow" around the driver.

In this, a conspiracy is brewing!


Very destructive!

In an instant, Chu Feng connected Chen Bo's eyes and Junjie HAMAZAKI to the Dragon Kingdom and the towers of heaven

"Junsuke HAMAZAKI, I'll kill you!"

At that moment, Chu Feng's body condensed a powerful killing intention!

This killing intention turned into a powerful and incomparable pupil force, and even the pupil force consumed by the pupil of destiny was immediately full!

Chu Feng used the "universal backtracking technique" again to quickly follow the track of the taxi in front of him.

The chariot transformed from "the art of resisting destiny" can fly stars in the sky and move much faster than a taxi.

As long as the taxi action path is predicted, and according to his moving speed, the taxi turning direction and action route are traced back at the next intersection, you can see the information you want to know with less pupil force as far as possible.

Soon, the Golden Dragon chariot appeared directly over Ma Town.

When Chu Feng entered this area, a cry came from the front.

The dark shadow like ink shrouded the residential buildings in the town. All kinds of monsters appeared in reality. It was like becoming a copy.

Evil spirits invade reality!

Many super pupil people are trying to block the monsters in front of them with pupil technique, but most super pupil people have only one order of super pupil. The small water spray, small fireball and small spikes have no harmful effect on the demons at all.

"Mazhen asks for support!"

"Mazhen asks for support!"

"Call longwuwei, and the urban defense forces will stop first."

"At eight o'clock, the door of the nether world opened. It is suspected that the foreign super pupil invaded the Dragon Kingdom and tried to strike at the recovery of evil gods in China's territory."

"These monsters are creatures of the underworld. Ordinary pupil art can't damage them!"

"The super pupil of Youming department, Guangming department, purification department and lightning department is the main attack, the super pupil of treatment department is the backup assistance, and the super pupil of spiritual resonance department is in the rear to prepare for war and supplement the pupil strength for the stormtroopers at any time!"

A helicopter buzzed in the sky.

A month after the super pupil era, I didn't expect that a group of well-trained super pupil troops had appeared in the Dragon Kingdom, ready to deal with possible crises at any time.

Of course, Chu Feng is more concerned about Chen Bo's safety now. As for ordinary people on the road... If there are super pupil troops to support, they should not worry about themselves for the time being.

A group of super pupils in black civilian clothes immediately jumped down from the helicopter. The first time they landed, the super pupils of the light department and the purification Department collectively released their pupils.

Suddenly, a white light enveloped the area.

The smell of evil gods nearby was immediately purified.

Chu Feng's eyes moved slightly. Judging from their pupil strength, the average pupil strength of this group of super pupils charged was about level 6.

Put it in the copy, a group of excellent teachers!

"The super pupil is very dangerous in front. Please hide behind us or act with us!"

Just then, a broadcast sounded below Chu Feng.

A Dragon Guard saw a golden dragon chariot floating in the sky and immediately realized that the other party might be a powerful super pupil.

However, the current situation is very crisis!

Evil spirit recovery!

It's not what ordinary people with hypermydriasis can cope with!

Only the specific super pupil ability can solve these enemies!

He doesn't object to other powerful hypermydriasis to help, but it's a pity to die.

Chu Feng ignored each other and rushed straight ahead.

"That guy, why are you so reckless!"

Long Wuwei was so angry that he almost dropped his horn.

However, the other party's feet step on the golden dragon, high above, he can't hook it, and he can't pull it back!

Suddenly, in front of Chu Feng appeared dozens of human beings who exuded the smell of evil gods.

They are all people infected by the smell of evil gods. They are hopeless, and they will also obtain the power of yin and evil and act in the world in the form of children of evil gods.

If divided by strength, the children of evil gods have only one thousandth of the strength of evil gods. They are not so aggressive, but their means are strange, and ordinary pupil techniques can't deal with them.

To kill the children of evil gods, you need not only the strength of level 6 Super pupil, but also a specific super pupil.

The dozens of children of evil gods once again burst out an evil spirit, suspended in mid air, blocking Chu Feng's progress.

"This fool..."

Long Wuwei, who was watching the war in the back, couldn't help scolding.

The boy didn't understand the situation. Why are you in such a hurry to die!

These dozens of descendants of evil gods are extremely difficult to deal with even their whole army.

Forget it, this area has become a battlefield. No one will care about the life and death of a super pupil. They have to prevent the recovery and further spread of evil gods.

"In the way."

Chu Feng's eyes flashed a killing intention!

He's in a hurry.

These goods are also worthy of blocking their own way?

Next second.

He opened the pupil of evil god!

PS: cough, it's five o'clock, crazy hint!