That's too fast!

In the past few minutes, I got a top secret treasure of the heavens!

"Dawei Tianlong, the eighth level secret treasure of the heavens, trade it."

Brother Jiong didn't say much nonsense and threw it directly out of the trading panel.

After Chu Feng selected 400000 heaven points

Transaction completed successfully.

Among the panels of his heavenly treasures, there are "Dawei Tianlong", next to which is marked with the grade of eight levels.

In addition to the three pointed and two edged sabres, Dawei Tianlong is the strongest heaven secret treasure of Chu Feng, and it is also an attacking heaven secret treasure.

"You have the pupil of evil god and Dawei Tianlong. You should have no big problem entering the copy of demon recovery."

Brother Jiong made a judgment in a very neutral tone.

Chu Feng nodded and then moved his eyes to the gate of the nether world.

"Since this door doesn't need to be opened for the time being, I'll enter the personal copy of demon recovery first."

"Well, we have nothing to do here, so I won't bother you." Jiang Xue was very clever and immediately heard the meaning of Chu Feng's words.

If he wants to enter the copy, it is naturally inconvenient for others to stay in his celestial space.

"I wish you wuyunchanglong!"

Brother Jiong left a blessing, followed by the two sisters Jiang Xue and disappeared at the same time.

Chu Feng's mind moved. The space of the heavens was immediately closed and no outsiders were allowed to enter.

Even brother embarrassed they has the coordinates of their own heavens, but this space is his own, and if the outsiders have permission to come in, he has the final say.

When I opened the personal panel, I saw a red exclamation mark in the lower left corner. My heart moved, and a message suddenly bounced——

"Do you want to challenge your own copy?"


The next second,

Chu Feng found that he had come to the loading meeting of the copies of the heavenly towers.

Copy: Demon recovery

Delivery location: unknown

Number of floors: 6

Difficulty coefficient: Hell level

Background: in the world of demon recovery, human beings are almost extinct. The remaining living psionics have built the last human psionic city on the top of the snow mountain to resist the invasion of demons and look for opportunities to fight back.

Main task: eliminate four epic demons, upgrade your psionic level to level B, explore at least one psionic relic, and perform an S-level task. After completing all the above tasks, you can freely choose to end the challenge or continue to unlock more evaluation achievements (the longest challenge time limit of the copy is three years).

matters needing attention:

1、 The personal copy will not match other super pupils, but the super pupil who also carries out the challenge will still enter the same copy;

2、 The challenge task is randomly assigned. After completing all the challenge tasks, the super pupil is deemed to have completed the task, and can choose to stay in the replica to challenge more achievement tasks;

3、 The more tasks you unlock, the richer the rewards;

4、 It is very difficult to challenge the copy. Please choose your actions carefully and plan your route;

5、 The challenge copy will open the whole world. Please take advantage of all opportunities!

"So it is..."

Chu Feng didn't feel much surprised when he saw the copy of the challenge. He was not necessarily alone.

According to brother Jiong's information, the heavenly tower connects other worlds. Perhaps the tower itself, like the heavenly space, is a channel.

Since it is the real world, if other super pupil people enter the challenge copy at the same time with themselves, they will meet.

But the odds are very low.

Moreover, if there is no conflict between the main tasks, it will not develop into a hostile relationship.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about this problem.

After the prompt of "precautions" was swept away, an option popped up in front of Chu Feng——

"You have triggered the heaven aura of [good life experience], you can choose from the following options -"

"I. choose to be born in the city of psionics and play an ordinary student;"

"Second, play a man who should have died long ago."

"Playing the role of [good life experience] will trigger special conditions and affect the direction of subsequent tasks."

"Please choose carefully!"

Chu Feng's eyes moved.

"A man who should have died long ago..."

Maybe it's related to the Tiantong who revives the world by demons?

In the restricted copy of the great Zhou Dynasty, the ninth Prince is the son of Tiantong;

In the copy of ninja world, magic night Yue is the father of Tiantong.

Evil god world... Because of special reasons, all celestial auras have not been triggered.

In the copy of the demon's recovery, these auras have been restored again. Then the person who should have died long ago may have something to do with the Tiantong who is the demon's recovery!

Chu Feng is not as simple as just going in to complete the task. He has to find the second kind of super pupil of the netherworld system to be sure to enter the netherworld door and find Uncle Chen's consciousness.


"Select the second item!"

A curtain of light fell on Chu Feng's head.

The next second, he will be transmitted to the world of demon recovery!



Under the dark sky, a barren land, several crows passed through the dark clouds and stayed in a dead locust tree.

Next to the locust tree, this nameless tomb stands. After years of erosion, the tombstone has been damaged, and the name on it has long been erased.

The crow jumped from the dead tree to the grave and made a hoarse cry.


Suddenly, there was a noise from the tomb, so that the crow flew away and disappeared into the distant sky.


The grave trembled again!

The surrounding land cracked inch by inch, as if something had climbed out of the grave!


As the third vibration sounded, the tomb was suddenly grabbed by a muddy hand and thrown away!

From the grave, a ghost like man climbed out.

His flesh has been rotten, and maggots are even crawling on his face

But he stood up and was still alive!

"Bah, I almost died!"

With a burst of curse, several maggots vomited out of the man's mouth!

His right hand flashed, and a wine bottle appeared on his hand as if by magic and poured it into his mouth.

The rotten meat on the body was recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After drinking, he poured the wine off his head and washed the dust off his body.

This face is still a little beautiful!

Looking carefully, the man who came out of the grave was not very old. He looked only about 15 years old. But when he first came out, he was so ferocious that people ignored his age.

"Next time I trigger the aura of [good life experience], I'm afraid I won't directly fail just after I go in!"

Chu Feng shook his head. Fortunately, he awakened the pupil of the evil god. Otherwise, the curse force in the body can directly erode his soul!

Open the role play panel——

Name: Chen

Age: 101 (died at the age of 15)

Background: he died in 1028 and died in the mission of preventing evil gods from attacking codeport. He was 15 years old. He is known as one of the ten most gifted spiritual talents in history.

Psionic power: Class A (broken state)

(attention! Your body is eroded by the power of evil gods, and there is a risk of losing control at any time!)

(remaining time from next runaway:??)

The risk of losing control has completely disappeared.

The power of evil gods?

In front of the pupil of evil god, the so-called power of evil god is just a toy and even a tonic that can be transformed into pupil power.

Chu Feng realized that there was an extremely powerful evil spirit pollution in his role.

Of course, the physical attack he suffered was even more terrible, and he should have died long ago.

As a result, because the evil god polluted the soul of the body, even if the flesh decayed, his soul still had a little residual obsession. After nearly a hundred years, he was not dead!

After Chu Feng came to the world of demon recovery, this obsession even came to pollute his soul

The result was, of course, destroyed by Chu Feng!

In fact, the residual obsession can no longer be said to be the soul of the original owner of the body. It is more like the evil thoughts born after being polluted by evil gods, which are still haunting.

"One of the ten most gifted psionic talents in history in the past century. At the age of 15, he has class a psionics..."

"In a psionic mission, he died in honor. The death and injury suffered by this body should be caused by that mission."

"If I can find a way to restore the damaged psionics, I should be able to have class a psionic power soon. Most demons will not be my opponents."

Chu Feng's eyes moved and soon made the most judgment from a small number of information.

When he opened the super pupil panel and closed the netherworld door before, Chu Feng evolved the pupil of destiny and the pupil of Shura to level 6. He spent a total of 100000 evolution points and obtained new energy.

Pupil of destiny. General trend of mountains and rivers: it can turn the Qi of destiny into a gushing general trend of mountains and rivers and crush the opponent.

Pupil of Shura. Killing intention storm: turns killing intention into a storm that destroys enemies and sweeps nearby enemies.

Two large-scale pupil killing skills

Chu Feng made a judgment.

Similar to such pupil surgery, the attack power is ridiculously high, but the consumption of pupil power is very large. Ordinary super pupil users will consume all pupil power once or twice.

Even if Chu Feng has six different super pupil, the pupil force is against the sky. It's almost the same if he uses it more than ten times.

In the back, the increase of pupil force caused by additional super pupil is not so obvious, but it has great advantages compared with super pupil in the same layer.

"The strange talk calling card can call a strange talk auxiliary battle. The time limit of each call is three hours. After the battle, you need to wait seven days to call again."

"The guardian spirit jade pendant can summon a hero with a comprehensive ability of class A to assist in the battle. The time limit for each summon is one day. After the battle, you need to wait for one month to summon again."

"Although the guardian spirit jade pendant is inherited from the heavens, it can be used in the copies of the nether system, that is to say... The copies of evil gods, demons and regions can be used, which is a little unexpected to me."

The copy of the nether system should come down in one continuous line.

As for the relationship between these worlds, I don't know.

Open the "heaven" form.

A huge divine eye overlooks the whole earth from a high altitude.

Chu Feng saw that his position was a wasteland, and there was a highway five kilometers away from him, which seemed to lead to the outside.

According to the copy, this must not be a psionic city.

The only few humans in the world are gathered in the city of psionics and protected by the city wall.

"I have to find a way to get to the psionic city..."

Chu Feng frowned and felt very thorny.

Different from the previous copies of the heavenly towers, the world of demon recovery can be more than one. It is no longer limited to one city, or an empire, but the whole world!

Even the "eye of heaven" can not see the whole world at once.

He didn't know what the map of the world was like, so he didn't know where the psionic city was.

Even if you can use the seal of destiny and cooperate with the pupil of destiny to perform the art of resisting destiny and achieve the effect of flying, the pupil force does not support driving over a distance, not to mention the attack of demons on the way, the pupil force is the bottom card to protect your life.

Just then

An off-road vehicle suddenly rushed over from a distance and entered Chu Feng's vision.

And immediately following the car, there are thousands of shadows of demons, followers of the chariot.

Chu Feng immediately turned his attention there and narrowed the distance of vision.

No, it's not an ordinary off-road vehicle.

The surface of the car seems to be made of some special metal material. When the demon touches the chariot, a holy smell will be reflected to repel the demon.


At the top of the off-road vehicle, a mechanical sound suddenly came. Then, a cannon with a caliber of 35 cm was mounted on the roof.

A red haired woman stuck her head out of the skylight and put her hands on the cannon.

"Those haunting guys, go to hell!"

She pressed the trigger hard.

The next second, a white column of light was suddenly fired from the cannon to form a white straight line to sweep away all the demons coming from the rear!

All demons hit by white rays are turned into a fog and perish in a burst of screams.

"Damn it, I told you not to question and kill that epic demon. Now you've poked out the enemy's nest!"

A man's angry curse came from the car!

"Cough, it's a pity not to catch an epic demon and study it!"

The red haired woman laughed awkwardly when she was so offended.

"Our psionic reserves are running out. When we run out, we are ready to fight bayonets with thousands of monsters!"

Suddenly, several demons appeared in front of the off-road vehicle and rushed over with a fearless attitude!


The off-road vehicle was loaded with these demons, slipped, suddenly flew out of the road and hit an intersection!

The body flew over from the intersection and fell down the 100 meter high mountain!

The demons seemed to have found a chance. They rushed down with the falling off-road vehicle like crazy!