The result of the battle between Chen and Fang Ping soon spread, and the news flew all over the psionic city!

The result of this battle was also made into a video and uploaded to the network of psionic city.

Of course, the picture in the video is certainly not as shocking as the scene!

The terrible sound effect of the explosion, coupled with the string of flashes, makes the final picture look vague and can't see anything. The viewing experience is very poor.


"Chen" used the void crack to prevent Fang Ping's all-out attack unharmed. The scene that he could kill each other at any time still shocked the whole psionic city!

"God, the space cracks have been broken out. Can he be ranked in the top five in the historical combat power list of the psionic city?"

"It should be the fourth. The space crack is the means of the saint. If his psionics were not a little worse, he could give full play to the strength of the complete saint!"

"I didn't expect Chen to be so strong!"

"Now, who says Chen may be a flatterer?"

"Sorry, I take back my words!"

"Cough, stop talking. I mocked the day before yesterday. Now I feel my face is swollen. I just hope big man Chen doesn't remember villains!"

"Cut, people will pay attention to you? Even if you break the sky, you are not qualified to let other people's bosses look at you!"

"According to what you say, is Chen's strength the strongest psychic in this era?"

"Not only that, coupled with his ability to control demons, he should be the most psychic who can kill demons in history. The ranking of Jinchuan air boss is - 1."

"Be careful to be heard by the big brother of Jinchuan Kong. The back of your neck is not protected!"

For a time, the whole psionic city was discussing "Chen".

When Fang Ping went out of the pass, his psionic power reached a level, which made the heat of the battle soar to a high level.

After all, the number of A-level psionics in the whole psionic city can also be counted. The newly born A-level psionics are at the peak of the limelight, and the discussion of this battle has reached the point that everyone knows.

However, Chen was promoted to a + level and defeated Fang Ping with one move.

This shock is even greater!

Although no one underestimated the strength of "Chen", but in everyone's expectation, this battle should be a hard battle. No one expected that the victory of "Chen" would be so overwhelming!

After the battle.

No one questioned Chen's position as a first-class combatant, and even everyone was discussing when he would receive the head of the regiment.


Deputy head, they can't afford it!

Fang Ping suffered some skin trauma, but his psionic power was not much damaged. It took some time to recover.

Although he lost the game, because he showed the destructive power that class a psionics could not achieve, the commander reported these data to the control headquarters and approved Fang Ping to be promoted to class I combatant after being reviewed by the city master.

Originally, Chu Feng was assigned to a team with Jinchuan Kong and Zhitian lingnai.

However, level-1 warfighters are generally a Level-A psionic, with a level-b psionic with strong comprehensive ability, match each other, and then start to perform tasks.

Well, A-level psionic is not necessarily a necessary condition for promotion to A-level combatant, but because Fang Ping's ability is special and biases towards extreme attack power, the promotion conditions focus on the level of psionic power.

If Chu Feng is placed in the group of Jinchuan air, it will be too unbalanced, and Fang Ping is not good at forming a team.

Coincidentally, the psionics of the space system have high mobility. Combined with Fangping's destruction psionics, it happens to be the ultimate attack plus the ultimate speed.

After consideration, the head organized them into a group.

Although it is a new combination, Chu Feng and Fang Ping have reached A-level psionics. In particular, Chu Feng also has the ability of half step saints, so this new combination seems to be the strongest combination of Investigation Corps on the panel.

The status of Jinchuan air is again -1.

A week after the date of the engagement.

On a sunny afternoon, the commander suddenly issued an emergency convening order to gather all the first-class combatants still in the psionic city to the headquarters for a meeting.

Chu Feng happened to meet Fang Ping when he went in. They nodded friendly to each other and pushed the door in.

Most of the first-class combat personnel have been seated. Above the conference room, there are balding commanders and regiments, and Jinchuan Kong is standing next to them.

After waiting for a moment, the bald commander coughed softly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we may have the largest activity in the history of the psionic City Investigation Corps!"

He put a white jade pendant on the table.

"This is the relic of our exploration from the temple."

"Guardian spirit jade pendant!"

"In ancient documents, there is the hall of heroes, which is the temple sublimated by the great soul when the hero ends his last life."

"Our greatest psychic, in that war, has completely completed the sublimation of the soul."

"From the guardian spirit jade pendant, I feel that his soul is in the hall of heroes."

"When human beings encounter crisis, heroes can follow the call, come to the world and maintain the human order."

"However, to summon heroes, you need to gather four guardian jade with different attributes. You must also find a relic related to spring valley to summon each other out."

The bald commander looked around and saw a slightly shocked expression on the faces of the people. Then he said: "this mission, we may devote a lot of resources to find all the relics of psionics!"

"After all, the guardian spirit jade is too rare. At present, we only have one kind of jade in our hands. It was mined when we explored the relics of the temple last week, and its role was confirmed after the research of the Ministry of archaeology."

"If we can summon the greatest psychics, we human beings will have greater hope in the fight against demons!"

When the bald commander said this, his eyes inadvertently looked at Chu Feng.

All of you here are level-1 fighters. You soon guessed that the reason why there are such big actions above may also be related to the promotion of Chen's psionic power to level a +!

Otherwise, the psionic city is not necessarily willing to spend so much resources on the Investigation Corps to explore psionic relics.

After all, the mission failure rate in previous years was relatively high.

A lot of resources are often invested, and the final result is the bad news of the death of the team members.

However, if Chu Feng can control demons, it is equivalent to raising the fault tolerance rate of the Investigation Corps to the highest!

It can also minimize mortality!