Almost in the blink of an eye.

Qi's body expanded infinitely, just like a fusion monster. It was the demon it swallowed and completely transformed its body into a monster.

It's like the characteristics of undead demons.

And Qi swallowed all the demons in the world. It can be imagined how far its body will grow.

However, in Chu Feng's unlimited monthly reading, the rules of the world can be formulated by him.

However, setting a rule requires a lot of pupil force.

At the beginning, the magic night crow wanted to kill him with infinite moon reading. He just imprisoned his body and turned it into a sharp thorn, which had consumed almost all the pupil power.

But it is impossible to kill Qi by this attack alone.

Therefore, Chu Feng needs to change his mind and create the invalid rules of pupil surgery in this real environment.

In this way, the consumption of pupil force is not so large, which can also make Kai's pupil operation ineffective.

Looking at the expanding Qi in front of him, Chu Feng thought a little. Then, the space of this environment was suddenly enlarged.

And the bodies of the others were sent to the back.

"Don't come here."

Chu Feng threw down a word and rushed forward.

Next second.

A huge electric light swallowed up the light in front of me.

Quangu Yutai looked at the electric light in front of her, and her eyes twinkled with brilliance.

He has confirmed the true identity of "Chen". Who is it!

The electric light in front of me seemed to swallow everything.


A gray vortex suddenly swallowed the electric light.

Chu Feng's figure appeared around quangu Yutai.

He just used a three pointed two edged knife to "die together" with Qi.

Then, at the moment of reincarnation and resurrection, he communicated with this dreamland and transferred his body instantly.

Although it consumed a lot of pupil power, it successfully made the three pointed and two edged knife explode on Qi. Even if he gathered the Demon power of the whole world, he couldn't afford this blow!

However, Kai is not so easy to be eliminated.

It retreated most of its demonic power and used it to wrap the attack of three pointed and two edged knives.

This will make Qi's Demon power consume rapidly, but it has to do so.

Kai's look has been cold again and again.

He had no idea that Chu Feng had so many means of attack.

"Who the hell are you?"

At this time, Qi's tone was not calm. He looked at Chu Feng suspiciously: "you are definitely not Chen. I know his attack means. Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that today is your death!"

Chu Feng's cold voice channel.

"Hehe, the thing you made really wasted me a lot of Demon power, but next, your baby has been limited by me. How can you kill me?"

Qi still kept a relaxed look.

He still has one third of the power of demons, but it is absolutely enough to last until the end of the infinite monthly reading!

Then he can control all psionics with his pupils!

The power of the shadow, the power of the immortal devil and the power of Yushan have been integrated with him now.

Having so much power at the same time is really a difficult enemy to deal with!


Chu Feng tore open the space crack, stepped out in one step, and came to Qi's side.

The clothes behind him burst open, revealing a dragon shaped mark.

"Dawei Tianlong!"

With a burst of drink, Chu Feng's body suddenly appeared Buddha light!

The golden light, like the sun, emanated from him.

Suddenly, he gave a scream. He kept emitting black gas one after another, and the smell of demons was disappearing rapidly!

The head couldn't help exclaiming, "what kind of psionic power is this?"

Jin chuankong and Fang Ping were also puzzled.

In their concept, "Chen" should be a psychic of the space system!

How do you use so many kinds of attack methods?

And none of them is worse than his space psionics.

Only quangu Yutai showed a natural look.

If it's that person, then everything can be explained!

Dawei Tianlong turned into a golden ocean and roared towards Qi!

Although he still couldn't kill the other party, Dawei Tianlong specifically restrained Yin and evil things, and demons were naturally included.

Qi was greatly hurt, and only one tenth of the demon Qi stored in his body was left.

At this time, if you add the full attack of several other people, it is very promising to kill Qi!

However, this is not Chu Feng's last resort!

He took out the strange talk call card!

A curtain of light flashed and a figure suspended in mid air.


He took two double knives in his hand and cut at Qi!

Qi's hands and feet were cut off in an instant!

His limbs trembled on the ground, emitting black air.

According to the original situation, even if Qi is injured, he can quickly recover this body with the demon Qi in his body.

However, the damage caused by huazi's knife can never be recovered!

Qi found that his body could not recover, and immediately transformed into the form of a demon, and once again became a mountain like monster.

However, compared with the first time he turned into this form, his body size has been reduced a lot.

The gray whirlpool next to it is the power of demons differentiated by Qi, which is used to imprison the three pointed and two edged knife in an attempt to reduce the damage on the body.

"Go together and get rid of it!"

Chu Feng's cold voice channel.

Quangu Yutai, Jinchuan Kong, regimental commander and Fang Ping rushed up in an instant and bombarded Qi!

Jinchuan cavitation made a streamer, and the blade frantically attacked Qi!

Fang Ping's fists burst out golden lights. Every time he waved his fists, there would be a huge explosion!

The regimental commander was like an assassin. When Qi's Demon power was suppressed, he cooperated with huazi to cut a few knives.

The leader's deprivation and huazi's double sabres have similar characteristics, which can make Qi's injury irreparable!

"You... These damn guys... I'll kill you..."

Finally, he inspired a roar of grief and anger, and his few Demon power was worn away!

Just after Qi disappeared, a pair of strange eyes suddenly emerged from his body and wanted to slip away like a mouse.

Chu Feng made a space leap, grabbed the eye and controlled it with his own pupil force!

The devil's eye was still violently resisting at first, but its remaining power was very little.

It struggled several times, and finally, unwilling to be sealed by Chu, the pupil force disappeared and became a new super pupil.

At the same time.

A prompt popped up in Chu Feng's eyes:

"Congratulations on your new super pupil talent -- [tiandemon pupil]!"