The figure appeared again in the ancient heaven.

This time, Chu Feng found that the copy panel had changed a little compared with the last time he entered——

Copy: Ancient Tianting

Remaining exploration time: 10 hours

Note: the new area after the gantry has been unlocked has a very high risk factor. Please act with caution!

matters needing attention......

"It's a good thing to have too much time to explore."

Chu Feng said to himself, but he didn't neglect it because he gave more time.

He knows that there are countless treasures in ancient heaven. Every more exploration, there may be more opportunities.

After Longmen, there may be a larger Tianting world.

Chu Feng crossed the dragon's gate.

In front of us is a huge fairy palace.

Looking up, I don't know how many feet high the fairy palace is. I just don't think I can see the top.

In front, there are two winding passages that can be climbed from the palace.


After Chu Feng opened the vision of "viewing destiny", he found that there were murders hidden everywhere in the palace!

Once you set foot in a wrong place, you will be banned and kill yourself in an instant.

Fortunately, Chu Feng can see where there is an ambush of killing opportunities through "observing heaven's destiny".

Chu Feng took out the seal of destiny and a golden dragon chariot came out.

He kept climbing up along a safe place.

First floor.

Second floor.

Third floor.


Chu Feng glanced away and found that the palace was as high as 99 floors!

On the 99th floor, there is a skylight, which seems to go out from there.

The palace is closed. If you want to leave the palace, you must climb the 99th floor and leave from the window. This may be a test.

If you go there in the normal way, ten hours is not enough!


The body that Chu Feng entered here is the "Chen" of the space system.

When he felt the situation here, he immediately tore open a space crack and blinked.

"The rules of the world here are different. It takes so many psionics to tear a space crack!"

Just after tearing open a space crack, Chu Feng's face changed and he felt that his psionic energy consumption was much greater!

He immediately went in, and after several blinks, he successfully came to the 99th floor.

"Wait, this skylight looks like a lookout."

Chu Feng found a bracket beside the skylight, which seemed to be able to hold weapons such as bows and crossbows.

He came to the tower and looked down. He saw a city wall standing in the distance. Through the tower, he could see the scene outside the city wall.


If an enemy comes to capture the city, a divine Archer can come to the skylight here and see the specific position of the enemy with strong eyesight. Then he can open a supreme bow and arrow weapon in the fairy world and shoot any enemy he wants to kill.

Then, before the two sides start fighting, the leader of the other party may be given an arrow by the archer for seconds!

How else?

The leader died before fighting, and his morale was gone. With the tower skylight and the defense of the city wall, the city is as solid as gold.

If there is an archer's lookout, is there a bow and arrow weapon hidden in this palace?

Chu Feng felt a heat in his heart.

When he was in the martial arts world, the first weapon he chose was bow and arrow. It was very easy to use. He could kill his opponent from a long distance. Often the enemy was lost before he saw himself.

This is very suitable for your eternal God eyes.

If you can get a bow and arrow of the secret treasure of the heavens, it will not improve your combat effectiveness at all.

Chu Feng suddenly saw a room at the other end of the skylight.

From the perspective of "observing destiny", there is a strong sharp spirit in this room, which must contain high-grade treasures!

Chu Feng immediately tore the void and came to the interior of the room.

At the end of the room, there was a bow and arrow placed in the hand of a statue of God.

But beside the bow and arrow, there was a fierce flame, which hurt people's eyes.

Chu Feng felt a stabbing pain in his eyes just by shooting the flame directly.

The flame seemed to last forever. In this palace, it burned for thousands of years, forming an eternal picture with the abandoned ancient heaven.

"I must get this bow and arrow!"

Chu Feng's heart jumped. He was sure that the origin of this bow and arrow was definitely not small!

Ancient heaven, how can there be anything?

Open the eternal God's eyes.

Chu Feng tried to transfer the bow and arrow with the method of obtaining the three pointed two edged sword last time.


When his pupil force just touched the flame, he was rejected!


He also felt that his consciousness was suddenly black, and the flame seemed to burn his soul clean!


A white light curtain condensed on Chu Feng.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat and he breathed a long breath.

"The flame can even bite my pupil. I'm afraid I would have died if I didn't have the pupil of reincarnation!"

The difficulty of obtaining this bow and arrow is far beyond my imagination.

Do you want to give up?

Chu Feng has used reincarnation twice.

He has only one chance of resurrection!

I've used it once in the city of psionics. Plus the one just now, it's a total of two times.

If you can't get this bow and arrow this time, I'm afraid you can't try again until you enter the copy.

"Isn't this fire the true fire of samadhi?"

Chu Feng's heart moved. Samadhi true fire is not an ordinary fire. It not only lasts forever, but also burns the mind.

No wonder my pupils were burned!

If you want to get this bow and arrow, you can directly tear the space and forcibly obtain this bow. After being burned by samadhi fire, you can have the last chance to revive, and then exit the copy immediately!

Fortunately, the body that came in this time is Chen!

Otherwise, I will never get this weapon!

Chu Feng took a deep breath and used the last power in his body to tear open a space crack.

He stepped out.

Next second.

Chu Feng's body passed through samadhi real fire in an instant and put his hand on the bow and arrow!

"Congratulations on getting..."

Before the system prompt finished, Chu Feng immediately chose to confirm and took back the bow and arrow!


A dull noise appeared in his mind. Chu Feng's eyes suddenly darkened and lost consciousness in an instant.

A white light is condensing on him

But before the white light was fully condensed, his figure had completely withdrawn from the ancient heaven.

"The next time I enter the copy, I'm afraid I'll die first!"

When Chu Feng's figure retreated, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

A thought.

A bow and arrow carved with dragon patterns appeared in his hand and burst into a burst of sunlight, golden and dazzling.

"The secret treasure of the heavens - Hou Yi bow!"


PS: on the sixth watch today, the list of thanks is as follows. Thank you for your support for this book!