"Meng Po, a medium-sized ghost, guards the Naihe bridge. Whoever crosses the Naihe bridge must drink Meng Po soup."

"Meng Po Tang, the medicine for restoring Yang, can clear all Yin Qi in the body after drinking, but it will lose all memory."

"Note: when you step on the Mengpo bridge, Mengpo has noticed you."

Chu Feng's heart sank.

Compared with black and white impermanence, Meng Po is a more advanced ghost and God.

Moreover, she had already noticed when she stepped on the Naihe bridge?


Can we cope with the impermanence of black and white again?

Chu Feng opened the pupil of reincarnation again and showed the illusion of reincarnation in an attempt to bypass Meng Po.

However, when he just passed by Meng Po, a hoarse voice sounded in his ear.

"Young man, your trick can deceive black and white impermanence, but you can't deceive the old woman me!"

Chu Feng felt a cold and extremely Yin Qi and wrapped him.

Turning around, I saw a gloomy smile on grandma Meng's old face. When she smiled, her mouth was full of incomplete teeth. It didn't look much better than the white bones on the road.

Those empty eyes seemed to have no pupils. Her wrinkled arms filled with a bowl of Mengpo soup and handed it to Chu Feng.

"To cross this bridge, you must drink my old woman's soup. This is the rule."

The black water in the bowl bubbled and gurgled. Human skin and some inexplicable hair floated on it. It was disgusting to watch.

There was also an extremely pungent smell of decay.

Chu Feng frowned.

Different from black and white impermanence, Meng didn't care how she came here.

In mythology, black and white impermanence is a ghost difference, while Meng Po holds the position of technical department of underground secondary school.

It can be said that the duty of black-and-white impermanence is a bit similar to that of patrolling the sheriff and detaining the souls of strangers, while mother Meng is the gatekeeper. Anyone who wants to pass through her must abide by the rules.

"Tip: Meng Po's mental defense is weak and her attack means are not strong. You can try to control her from the spiritual level!"

When Chu Feng saw the prompt, he opened the tiandemon pupil.

Meng Po was stunned at first, and then her mind was gradually controlled by Chu Feng.

of course.

Chu Feng's pupil power is also consumed quickly.

After all, it is a medium-sized ghost. Even if TIANYAO Tong wants to control each other's mind, it is not so easy.

Chu Feng grabbed Meng Po's soup, pried open Meng Po's mouth and poured all the strange soup into Meng Po's mouth.

"You have forgotten everything here!"

Chu Feng's cold voice channel.

Meng Po's soup like ghost shit. You can drink it yourself!

After pouring all Meng Po's soup into Meng Po's mouth, Chu Feng coldly stuffed the bowl back into Meng Po's hand and turned away.

After a while.

Meng Po's body suddenly moved.

She looked suspiciously at the empty bowl in her hand and hit another bowl towards the jar behind her.



The gate of the nether world.

Qu Zi and others almost knelt when they saw this scene.

"Feng... Feng Shen, this is too cruel!"

Jiang Xiaoyu opened his mouth and couldn't help saying.

"The way she does things... Is really worth learning from."

Jiang Xue couldn't help commenting.

Pour Meng Po soup directly into Meng Po's mouth

How cruel a person must be to do such a thing?

in fact.

Chu Feng had no better choice at that time.

If you use Hou Yi's bow to work directly with Meng Po, medium ghosts and gods are definitely difficult to deal with.

Moreover, the position of technical secondary school department is best at calling people if you can't fight.

Maybe there will be too strong fighting here, which will not only lead the black-and-white impermanence who has just left, but also the ox head and horse face, civil and military judges and even the City God will come here to "entertain" themselves. If the soul really follows the hell!

After Chu Feng passed Meng Po's pass, he felt that his relationship with Chen Bo was getting closer and closer.

When he didn't take a few steps, many hints popped up in front of him——

"Five kilometers ahead, Fengdu ghost city, underground city."

"One kilometer ahead, Fengdu patrol officer has a high risk factor. He holds a prefectural spear and can resist the enemy in close combat. He can throw a spear and strike through his heart. Once he enters the perception range of any Fengdu patrol officer, he will be attacked by Fengdu ghost soldiers. Perception range: 700 meters."

"The number of ghost soldiers in Fengdu is x53!"


"Moving direction..."

Chu Feng's eyes popped up a lot of tips.

Outside the gate of Fengdu ghost town, many ghost soldiers are responsible for patrolling.

At the gate of the city, there are Fengdu patrol officers who are responsible for alternating guard.

A total of three Fengdu patrol officers were stationed on both sides of the city gate, and one was wandering around nearby to patrol.

Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes and found that there were certain rules in the patrol of these ghost soldiers.

He didn't rush in so quickly, but sat down and waited quietly for the ghost soldiers to patrol.

According to the description of black and white impermanence, Uncle Chen should not be in danger of life in the underground. On the contrary, he was favored by the City God and promoted.

Therefore, Chu Feng was not in such a hurry to save people, but to find out the situation here first.

After several rounds, Chu Feng not only observed the patrol track of the ghost soldiers in Fengdu, but also found a loophole to avoid the patrol of the ghost soldiers and enter the city of Fengdu

Chu Feng's nether Department Chao Tong sensed that Uncle Chen was in the ghost city of Fengdu, and the breath was getting closer and closer.

He took a deep breath.

This level must be crossed!

Take a little step forward.

"Six hundred meters to the right, Fengdu ghost soldiers are approaching..."

"Five hundred and fifty meters to the left, Fengdu ghost soldiers are approaching..."



When Chu Feng took a few steps, Fengdu ghost soldiers from all directions suddenly surrounded him.

Chu Feng is about to fall into the perception range of these ghost soldiers.

But he stood still and waited for a moment.

These ghost soldiers bypassed and moved in other directions.

No ghost soldier can feel the existence of Chu Feng!

Chu Feng took a deep breath. When the ghost soldiers in front and on the right began to move, he immediately took strange steps and limped forward, as if there were a trap on the ground and needed to jump away.

However, in this way, Chu Feng stuck to the limit perception distance of Fengdu ghost soldiers and kept moving forward.

There is only the last distance from Fengdu gate!

Just then!

Fengdu patrol officer suddenly came forward.

Chu Feng immediately opened the pupil of the evil god and controlled the Fengdu patrol officer.

Then he went to the city gate and controlled the remaining two Fengdu patrol officers again.

After fixing all the patrol officers, Chu Feng quickly rushed through the gate of the city and entered the interior of Fengdu ghost city!

Just then.

A prompt pops up——

"Two thousand meters ahead, ox head and horse face!"

PS: six more, crazy hint!