After hearing brother Ji's words, Jiang Xiaoyu and others realized that Feng Shen had an important person here waiting to be saved.

Chen Bo

That is, the messenger of the dead in the underworld.

According to the content shared by the vision, the people who become the God Group also know that Chen Bo is related to God worship and may be a very important person.

But what they didn't expect is

The old man has spent thousands of years in the underground world!

Time alone is equivalent to 5000 years of civilization in the Dragon kingdom!

Plus the series of memories seen when extraditing the soul

This experience, in the whole world, is estimated to have no existence, which can be compared with Chen Bo.

It can be said that Chen Bo has become a spiritual God and experienced the fate of all living beings, even much more than the experience of the transgressor. After all, he has experienced the fate of tens of millions of living creatures.

Perhaps, this is a valuable opportunity for other people with hypermydriasis, who can greatly improve the pupil force and obtain incredible ability

But if the old people around them encounter such things and their lives have changed dramatically, it is not a good thing for the parties concerned.

"Feng Shen, then we won't disturb you."

"Yes, it's getting late now, and we've all consumed part of our pupil strength and need to recover."

"Next time you have a chance to cooperate!"

All the people said goodbye to the God, waved and withdrew from his heaven space.

Brother Jiong disappeared with the others.

Chu Feng nodded and waved goodbye to the others.

With this experience of fighting together, he had a feeling with the group friends who formed a god group.

At the moment of life and death, they always insist on maintaining the same front with themselves. At the moment when they come out of the transmission array, they take the initiative to help, which is also from their heart... After all, this time is the weakest time of Chu Feng. If they really move any crooked thoughts, that is, this is their own heaven space, it's hard to say.

After this battle, Chu Feng also had more trust in the group Friends of Cheng Shen group.

He set his eyes on Chen Bo.

Chu Feng took the Dead Skeleton stick and went to Uncle Chen. He put the skeleton stick down beside him and whispered, "Uncle Chen, I'll bring it back for you. Go back with your soul."

A faint wave of soul separated from the dead bones and returned to Chen Bo's body.

Waited a moment.

Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes and found that Chen Bo's body was in a normal state, but he just couldn't wake up.

His consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

Chu Feng's face was also dignified.

It's not that simple!

When he was in the underworld, Chu Feng used the ancient Buddha talisman to purify the spirit of the dead from Chen Bo.

If Chen Bo resists actively, he can't kill each other.

Just by virtue of the ancient Buddha talisman

However, Chen Bo chose to destroy all the undead messengers!

Including those superpupils.

Perhaps, when he became a messenger of the dead, Uncle Chen also knew that the door of the nether world was opened because of his own eyes.

When the evil spirits revived, many people died from the infection of the evil spirit atmosphere. Although the disaster scope was controlled in time, almost all of them died.

The number of deaths and injuries is still large.

General disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, although they affect a wide range, many people can still survive after finding the right methods.

Even when the death statistics are finally carried out, the total number of deaths in this disaster may not exceed the number of natural deaths every day.

However, the recovery of evil gods is different. Most of the people in the scope of disaster have not escaped.

That's why those damn guys in the cherry blossom country choose to start the recovery of evil gods rather than demons.

Because the destruction caused by evil gods is greater!

Will the dead who died in the recovery of evil gods enter the underworld world?

Will those memories be absorbed by Chen Bo when he extradited the dead?

These are possible.


Chen Bo absolutely hated those memories, so he begged Chu Feng to kill all the parts of him that belonged to the messenger of the dead!


The messenger of the dead is also a part of Chen Bo's soul.

And it is a very important part.

It can be said that after becoming the messenger of the dead, Chen Bo obtained his second life, belonging to the underground ghosts and gods.

This part of the memory is also connected with the soul.

However, Chen Bo chose to cut off these memories and only retained the life memory before the recovery of the evil god.

That part of the soul is equivalent to receiving indelible damage.

Finally, when the ancient Buddha's talisman swallowed up Chen Bo, Chen Bo buried some memories of his life in the Dead Skeleton stick with his soul, and let some of the messenger of the dead die. Finally, it turned into an additional Tiantong, which was owned by Chu Feng, so he opened the supreme hell Tong.

When Chu Feng put the Dead Skeleton stick beside Chen Bo, he was to let that part of his soul return to Chen Bo's body.


This part of the soul is incomplete.

Therefore, even if this part of the soul returns to Chen Bo's body, his soul is still incomplete and in a damaged state. His consciousness is scattered, so he can't be in a complete form and can't recover.

If this continues for a long time, there will be danger!

Chu Feng took a deep breath and shook his head. He didn't know how to help Chen Bo next.

After all, the damage to the soul is difficult to repair.

The era of super pupil has just opened. Human cognition of pupil power is very limited, let alone soul power.

Chu Feng sighed. Chen Bo's life was saved, but because his soul was damaged, it was difficult to recover his consciousness. If this went on, his consciousness would be in a coma for a long time and his physical function would decline.

It's not quite over yet.


Cherry Blossom country!

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed and burned with anger.

When he was angry, the surrounding temperature cooled down.

Pupil of hell!

In addition to the supreme pupil, he has obtained the second supreme pupil.

Moreover, unlike the information acquisition pupil of the supreme pupil, the pupil of hell is an extremely powerful pupil.

Now, his pupil force can not fully control this level of super pupil.

If the pupil force is high enough

Chu Feng can even decide the life and death of others at a glance like the king of hell.

Of course, this requires sufficient pupil force as support!

In addition, the pupil of hell has many abilities waiting for him to dig.

Open panel

Chu Feng found that his heavenly towers had reached the eighth floor!

PS: Er Geng, thanks for the list in the author's words!