Xia Longwu was stunned when he saw that Chu Feng suddenly turned his head.

Then his eyes turned.

He said with a smile: "yes, there is a super pupil in Longguo who dare not say that he ranks first in the field of science and technology in the world, but can at least rank the top three to overcome difficulties and help us develop relevant technologies related to super pupil."

"However, I can only tell you so much about the specific information. After all, you are an outsider and have relevant regulations. I can't disclose too much to you."

"If you want to know more, I can reluctantly give you an invitation. As your reward, you can become a special visitor, enter the military of our dragon country and visit our latest scientific and technological achievements!"

Looking at Xia Longwu's embarrassed face, Chu Feng forcibly resisted the impulse to hit him.

This old fox!

How smooth!

He also reluctantly gave a special invitation to show that he was holding himself, but he was hard to get!

100% recognized that they were interested in this field, so they took the helm on the spot and lured themselves to the past with rewards.

If you really go to the military, you may not come out so easily!

Xia Longwu secretly guessed in his heart and smiled: "if you have any relatives who have been damaged in this regard, if you have the identity of the military, your relatives can give priority to the treatment of the latest technology!"

"We, the Dragon Kingdom, dare not put forward the richest conditions in the world, but as long as you are in trouble, we will definitely try our best to help!"

"Come, you are our brother, not to mention absolute wealth, fish and meat, but blessed, we must share. In difficulty, we must share!"

When he said this, Xia Longwu put away his playful expression and became serious.

Chu Feng's mind moved slightly. He could see that the other party was sincerely proud of himself as a member of longwuwei.

This guy, I really don't know if he used to do MLM. He's really excited.

Xia Longwu actually guessed that there might be someone around him who needed such medical conditions according to Chu Feng's reaction.

After a pause, Xia Longwu said; "In this way, after the evil god recovers, you can freely choose to come to the Longguo base. The address may be far away, in the capital."

"I have other things to do. I can't tell you so much."

"If you really have an idea, come to me with this invitation!"

After that, Xia Longwu really took out an invitation from his pocket.

The cover of the invitation letter is not so luxurious, but it has a texture. It can't be easily forged at a glance.

In the invitation letter, there is also a card with the address of longwuwei scientific research base and a telephone number next to it. If you want to visit, you need to make a telephone appointment first.

Although Xia Longwu was very clever, he was also very honest. He didn't pester him blindly. After saying what he should say, he handed over the initiative to himself.

From this point, the other party's behavior style makes people feel good.

"About you, you should want me to keep it a secret?" Xia Longwu asked.

"You can attribute this credit to the military."

Chu Feng said so, so he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to be famous.

He doesn't want his affairs to be reported publicly, which will only bring a series of troubles.

Xia Longwu grinned: "well, I'll claim that the recovery of evil gods was settled by our dragon Wuwei. Of course, our military knows it's you. If you come here, there will be relevant meritorious rewards!"

Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

Three times and four times, the other party is luring himself to join longwuwei again.

Before leaving.

Xia Longwu left the last paragraph: "the Dragon Kingdom has different support plans for different super pupil people, including your genius who needs freedom, and we will also meet your space needs."

"Although we can hold down this matter, the powerful super pupil can still find your trace."

"Of course, if you are strong enough, you will not be afraid of the enemy for trouble, but it's hard for people around you to say."

"If you join our military, we can even help you redo your identity. With this identity, even if other super pupil people know you, they don't dare to touch you."

"The power of our dragon Wuwei is no joke. As long as the enemy exists in the world, we have a way to get rid of him!"

After that, Xia Longwu left without looking back.

Chu Feng, it's really strong.

Dragon Kingdom really needs such talents.

However, the strength of the Dragon kingdom is not built. It will not collapse and cannot move because there is no super pupil.

When the strong are individuals, they are really strong. However, once they face a huge group, they may be nothing.

Xia Longwu, as the head of longwuwei, is sincere enough. It depends on whether you are willing to come.

That's it. I won't say more.

Chu Feng drove the Golden Dragon chariot and returned to his home, thinking silently about what Xia Longwu said.

If your strength is strong enough, you really don't have to worry about the enemy's targeting.

But what about the people around you?

He can't be alone all his life.

Can't others target him or Chen Bo?

Since we have the ability of global backtracking, we don't rule out that there are other super pupil people who can restore what happened when the evil god revived from the scene.

Then you can find Uncle Chen.

At that time, if the people around you are constantly targeted, you may lose more time and bring more trouble!


Chu Feng has made a move in reality. Now, it is impossible to say that his identity is not exposed at all.


God, it's time to be born!

After so long of low-key development, I'm strong enough.

Two supreme level secrets of heaven and the pupil of hell. Who are you afraid of?

Chu Feng took a deep breath.

After today, his life will change greatly!



Long Wuwei, headquarters of scientific research base.

The staff who came and went were wearing sassy military uniforms and hurried. They all had very tense work to do.

Lin Ying at the front desk, her usual job is to receive, but there are no guests in this special base, so her usual work is not busy.

"Doodle doodle!"

The next phone rang.

Lin Ying answered the phone and heard a young man's voice across the street.

"I want to make an appointment to visit the base..."

"Please register your information. If it's convenient, you can disclose the code of the person with hypermydriasis. We will definitely keep it confidential for you." Lin Ying replied concisely.

Super pupil code can be filled in or not.

But if you don't fill in, some special institutions can't let you in, because I'm afraid that some super pupil ability will bring disaster to the whole base.

If you fill it in, it is equivalent to your trust in the military. Even if your super pupil ability is very strong, you can also visit it.

Not long.

Yes, it is convenient to make some relevant information into a form and send it through the network.

Lin yingdingqing took a look.

At the top of the form, the super pupil code is impressively written with an eye-catching name——

"Feng Shen!"

PS: after so long, I'm tired of reading it? Feng Shen's strength is strong enough now. If I hide it like this, I'm a little uncomfortable. It's time to come out and pretend to be forced!