Chu Feng's heart sank.

As a member of Chengshen group, Bai Xiushen has a good relationship with Quzi and others, and will not tell himself false based on the principle of mutual help and honesty.

Is Chen Bo's situation... More serious than expected?

"Can you tell me the situation?" Chu Feng asked.

Bai Xiu took a deep look at him and said, "the old man's soul feels torn in half."

"If I feel right, his superpupil is gone, isn't it?"

Chu Feng nodded and not only looked at Bai Xiu.

It's really something to be able to master Uncle Chen's state so accurately.

Bai Xiu continued: "super pupil itself is a form of human soul, but in this era, human soul awakens and can display all kinds of magical abilities through pupil surgery."

"But in fact, it is everyone's soul that drives pupil surgery."

"If the super pupil is in the heavenly towers and the mission fails, in fact, the super pupil does not disappear, but is blocked."

"Blocked?" Chu Feng was surprised.

This is the first time he has heard such a statement.

"Yes." Bai Xiu nodded and then explained, "our super pupil ability has something to do with the super pupil era."

"Although it is not clear what the relationship is, it is certain that the reason why our super pupil can display various abilities is related to the heavenly pagodas."

"Once the super pupil fails too many times in the task of the heavenly towers, the super pupil era is equivalent to sealing your source of power, then your super pupil ability will naturally disappear and your eyesight will be deprived."

"But... Your soul has not been damaged in essence, but it is equivalent to the power of awakening and has been imprisoned again, okay?"

Chu fengdun nodded for a few seconds, indicating that he could understand.

Bai Xiu then said, "therefore, according to this theory, it is also possible for people with hypermydriasis to recover their eyesight after three failures. After all, they are only blocked."

"Even, it is possible to exceed the pupil, but this is the realm we can't reach. After all, it has something to do with the existence of the heavenly towers."

"But the old man's situation is different."

"The reason why his super pupil disappeared is that he forcibly destroyed his soul part, which is still a large part. It's a bit tricky to completely repair..."

Chu Feng said in a deep voice, "is there no way?"

Bai Xiu smiled and shook his head.

"My super pupil was born to study the essence of the soul of the super pupil."

"If I give up in this trouble, I'll fix it in vain, so it's not in vain."

"At present, there is really no way to solve the problem of the old man. Neither our understanding nor the existing technology is enough."

"However, the future does not mean there is no opportunity."

"If you don't mind, you can leave the old man here. I will constantly check his soul repair status and even develop some related technologies to solve this problem."

Chu Feng's expression moved.

The soul field is not your professional direction after all.

Professional things are left to professional people.

Chu Feng still understands this truth.

As a group friend of Chengshen group, Bai Xiu certainly won't harm himself. He can be a little relieved to leave Uncle Chen here.

"And... If the old man is sleeping, he also needs a special machine to maintain his life." Bai Xiu added.

Xia Longwu has been watching. He noticed that Chu Feng has been moved. This old man can be said to be the only weakness of Feng Shen.

He coughed and said, "Feng Shen, don't blame me for not telling you in advance. Any scientific research and development needs a certain cost."

"We can't unconditionally invest indefinitely for one life."

"Therefore, part of this cost needs to be borne by you."

The implication is very clear.

Chu Feng asked, "so... How many heavenly points do you need?"

"Heaven points, we dragon Wuwei really don't lack this!" Xia Longwu shook his head and smiled. "In our army, many resources are shared and distributed according to needs, and the whole dragon country's inside information adds up to support an army. Do you think there will be a lack of heaven points?"

"For outsiders, we will not easily use the celestial points to trade."

"We are the army of the country, not an enterprise. The purpose is to maintain the order of the whole country, not to make profits."

These words are equivalent to breaking Chu Feng's idea of using the heavenly points to exchange Chen Bo's therapeutic space.

"That is to say... I must join the army?" Chu Feng asked with a frown.

Xia Longwu shook his head: "as I said earlier, our army has many ways of cooperation, which is not limited to the clause that you must join the army."

"We have a special way to cooperate with the powerful super pupil."

"For example - the shadow of the dragon country!"

Chu Feng guessed that this should be a position to perform special tasks, and the work may be similar to espionage.

He asked, "what does the shadow of the Dragon Kingdom mainly do?"

"Guard the Dragon Kingdom secretly and perform some tasks that other super pupil people can't complete by taking individuals as units." Xia Longwu explained: "we won't make regular collections or requirements for completing tasks for the shadow of the Dragon kingdom."

"However, we will release the task secretly."

"If you are the shadow of the Dragon Kingdom, you can accept the task we secretly released, complete the reward and obtain the reward of merit points."

"In our army, the heaven points are not hard currency, but the merit points are."

"It's not limited to tasks that are difficult to complete. If you can get rid of the overseas super pupil forces we are targeting, or even assassinate some enemies we have long wanted to solve, you can get high merit points."

"The premise is that if you want to become the shadow of the dragon country, you must first sign a contract to ensure that you will not damage the sovereignty and territorial rights of the dragon country, will not damage the interests of the dragon country, and abide by confidential matters."

"These are very basic terms."

Then Xia Longwu put a contract document in front of Chu Feng.

Of course, this contract is not a super pupil contract. It just writes down the matters that need to be observed. If you really want to become the shadow of the dragon country, enter the super pupil era together and sign this contract.

Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes and swept the compliance of the contract.

Their obligations are roughly to ensure that they do not harm the dragon country, do not do anything to harm the dragon country, and some principled requirements.

Even without these obligations, Chu Feng would not do such a thing.

Of course, the army also guarantees to give rewards according to the amount after completing the task, protect the identity of the shadow of the dragon country, and provide help when necessary.

On the whole, this is a good contract.