Cherry Blossom country.

Press conference hall in the capital.

Countless spotlights twinkle in this huge hall.

Reporters rushed into the scene like crazy, just to find the best camera angle and record this important interview.

Dongshan Tuohai!

The super pupil who stood at the top of the cherry blossom country, now his suit was covered with leather, his face was radiant, he looked at the camera calmly, and his face always kept a faint smile.

"Dongshansang, please tell us what kind of super pupil development strategy there is in the future Cherry Blossom country!"

"Does Dongshan group now have the most powerful super pupil in the world?"

"I heard that Dongshan group has recently started to develop a new technology, which can even move the world of the heavenly towers into reality. Is it true?"

"Is the recent revival of evil spirits in the Dragon Kingdom related to Dongshan group?"

A sharp question came from a little brother in a hat.

Dongshan Tuohai frowned slightly.

The people present were also stunned and turned to look at the little brother in the hat.

The little brother smiled and showed a dark pupil when he looked up.

"Catch him!"

As soon as the voice fell, the little brother turned into a black fog and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Hum, scare people!"

Dongshan Tuohai sneered.

Of course he knew that some mice would enter the scene today.

However, he is a super pupil at the top of the cherry blossom country. Even if a mouse bothers him for a few times, he can never cause substantive damage to him.

After this episode.

In a formal interview

Dongshan Tuohai's face appears on the major TV platforms of Cherry Blossom country.

Along with many large screens in the capital, they were switched to the interview screen of Dongshan Tuohai.

At that moment.

It seems that the whole Cherry Blossom country is the world of Dongshan and Tuohai!

In front of the camera.

Dongshan Tuohai said with a faint smile: "we, Dongshan group, feel very honored to have the strength of the largest super pupil group in Cherry Blossom country."

"I will lead the group to the summit of the heavenly towers and become the master of the world!"

"The future of the super pupil will belong to the cherry blossom country..."

When Dongshan Tuohai spoke.

The whole Cherry Blossom country is crazy about it.


Countless people are cheering for this God like man.

Anyone who has great power will win the support of countless people.

This is especially true in China.

Unlike the Dragon Kingdom, the Dongshan group of the cherry blossom Kingdom basically monopolized the whole super pupil guild. In the field of the super pupil era, their rights even exceeded the royal family of the cherry blossom kingdom. They claimed that they had explored the divine field of the heavenly pagodas and even moved the world of the heavenly pagodas to reality.

Although some people question this

But not long ago, the Dragon Kingdom suffered a revival of evil gods, which has spread all over the world.

Many ignorant people in the cherry blossom country began to worship Dongshan and even the whole Dongshan group.

They looked crazy, stupid and ridiculous. They danced and danced there, as if they were not the East Mountain and the sea, but they!

In the spotlight.

Dongshan Tuohai enjoys the support of the whole Cherry Blossom country. He opens his arms and is intoxicated with the feeling of having a king like the world.

This moment.

He has reached the peak of the political stage!

Feel the eyes of the world

Just then.

Dongshan Tuohai suddenly saw that there seemed to be a little spark in the distance, appearing at the other end of the sky.

"Is it the star of the gods that protects the cherry blossom country?"

With a move in his heart, Dongshan Tuohai's smile became more prosperous.

Today, it seems that the luck of the whole world is concentrated on him.

This is his victory day!

However, the little spark is growing at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Dongshan Tuohai's pupil shrinks slightly.

He saw that it was an arrow, with the bright light of the sun, like a meteor!

He didn't even have time to react. He saw the arrow tearing the void at an incredible speed and penetrating his chest in the blink of an eye!


Suddenly, the TV Tower standing in Dongshan Tuohai made a huge explosion!

Accompanied by the exclamation of the following group of people!

All TV sets have pictures of Dongshan Tuohai being penetrated by an arrow, and then the whole capital TV Tower exploding!

Next second.


The picture of Dongshan exploring the sea is no longer seen. Instead, it is a picture without signal.

The whole Cherry Blossom country fell into a dead silence.

Countless fanatics looked at the pictures on TV. Their actions stagnated. There was no expression on their faces. Looking at the dark screen, they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

For a long time.

There was a burst of abuse in the street.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Damn... Damn bastard!"

"Impossible, our Dongshan sang is life. How could he die!"

"Ha ha ha, this must be a joke!"

The whole Cherry Blossom country seems crazy!

Some out of control people, because their emotions are out of control, are frantically swept around by destructive pupil surgery.

Finally, some guards came forward to control these out of control hypermydriasis.

If you look down from a high altitude.

The capital of Cherry Blossom country is like hell on earth, a mess!

the second day.

A sound of news broadcast came from the dead Cherry Blossom country.

"Last night, at 12 a.m. capital time of Cherry Blossom country, Dongshan Tuohai died of an inexplicable arrow outside the sky. Together with the whole capital TV station, it was also destroyed."

"The specific reasons are still under investigation."

"But according to the calculation, the arrow did not come from the inside of the cherry blossom country, but from outside."

"The direction is suspected to be Longguo, but there is no specific information about what it is."

It's a mess!

The whole Dongshan group is in chaos!

Just yesterday, all members of Dongshan group collectively knelt down to Dongshan to explore the sea, hoping that the man could give them a look and give them the ability to become gods.

After a night.

The man was killed by an arrow from the sky, and even there were no bones left. When he went to the scene, he could only judge that Dongshan Tuohai was dead from some ashes and some residual flesh and blood, and he didn't even leave the whole body!

At present, the whole Dongshan group is in chaos.

Some super pupils who hold real power were originally pressed by the East Mountain and the sea. They dare not make a mistake.

At this moment, as soon as Dongshan Tuohai died, they immediately split Dongshan group and mastered this power by themselves.

A few days later.

The largest super pupil group in Cherry Blossom country has been torn apart. It is engaged in fierce internal fighting and consumes energy. There are even many conflicts in the capital.

Since that incident.

The Dongshan belief of Cherry Blossom country has completely collapsed!

PS: it's six o'clock, crazy hint!