"It took me years to cultivate your affection. Unexpectedly, you would say such words to me..."

Yao Lao's tone, with helplessness and sadness, looked at Xiao Huo's eyes, full of disappointment.

"Xiao Huo, childe Gu has been passed on by my invisible magic power. He can also be regarded as my disciple."

"If he doesn't kill you, it's because I have a teacher apprentice relationship with you. You can be regarded as a teacher brother."

"The other party didn't kill you. It's already the best of humanity and righteousness. If you keep pestering like this, I'm very disappointed with you."

Yaolao's ring fell off Xiao Huo's hand and flew to Chu Feng's hand.

Xiao Huo bit his lips.


A mouthful of blood spat out of his mouth.

Everything, his accomplishments, his heavenly fire, and even his master, ran into the hands of the enemy.

This despicable guy took everything from himself!

"I'll kill you!"

Xiao Huo finally gave out a sound of grief and anger, detonated all the fighting spirit in his body, and wanted to die with Chu Feng.


A gray air flow ran through Xiao Huo's body, the sudden momentum of the other party, and all cultivation accomplishments, including his vitality, were plundered and cleaned in one second!

Finally, Xiao Huo just stared at Chu Feng, and then his body fell down.

Until the moment of death, he couldn't close his eyes. It can be said that he died in peace.

"Stubborn and ineffective!"

Old Yao sighed faintly.

People appeared in the surrounding air.

Feeling the terrible smell of Yunzhou tavern, some strong people above the fighting spirit level nearby were surprised. They hurried here to see what happened.

A middle-aged man with noble clothes and robes, thick black temples and no anger came here with the cultivation of fighting the king.

When he sensed Chu Feng's breath, he was stunned and quickly knelt down. His voice trembled and said, "Lord Dousheng, what's the matter with you here?"

As soon as he said this, everyone nearby shouted in surprise.

"It's Dou Sheng!"

"How can such a big man come to our small Yunzhou?"

"It seems that someone provoked him. He came to wipe it out!"

Chu Feng went over and helped the city master of Yunzhou up. He said in a slow voice, "it doesn't hurt, but there was an enemy in the past who wanted my life."

"Originally, I didn't want to kill him, but I didn't expect that he suddenly shot and even destroyed the restaurant."

"Although I didn't mean to cause trouble, it's all because of me. These spirit stones can be regarded as compensation for the restaurant."

Then Chu Feng stretched out his hand, and several spirit stones appeared in his palm.

These are the spirit stones that are transformed after absorbing Xiao Huo's accomplishments with no phase.

Of course, Chu Feng has now reached the cultivation of Dou Sheng. Even if Xiao Huo is the son of luck, his cultivation is no different from filling his teeth. It's better to turn it into a spirit stone and change some treasures!

The Lord of Yunzhou was so shocked that his hands trembled and took the spirit stone in Chu Feng's hands.

"This... This is colorful auspicious cloud stone. The grade is no worse than the best spirit stone!"

"Hehe, these external things don't matter to me."

Chu Feng smiled faintly and showed a look of indifference.

Seeing this, other watchmen praised it one after another.

"It is worthy of fighting saint, and the state of mind is high!"

"Yes, the colorful auspicious cloud stone said to take it out without blinking. If it was me, it would hurt for a year!"

"As a fighting saint, he still takes the initiative to help others up. He has no shelf at all. This is the real strong man!"

"I don't know if the fighting emperor was out of his mind and went to find someone else's trouble!"

"Yes, and if you want to fight, you won't find a good place. You have to break someone's restaurant."

"This kind of person doesn't know heaven and earth with a little cultivation. He thought that the realm of fighting the emperor is very strong. He doesn't know that there are mountains outside the mountain and there are days outside the sky. Compared with Lord Dou, he is nothing!"

For a time, Chu Feng was praised by the whole Yunzhou.

When Yao saw this scene, he sighed again and again. He felt that the gap between Xiao Huo and the young man was too big!

It's the difference from day to day!

Although Xiao Huo died, he had an excellent descendant Gu Changge, who inherited the power of invisibility. He not only had the cultivation of fighting saints, but also had a high state of mind and life.

Even in the realm of soul, the realm of fighting the emperor can pass through their own shelter and kill Xiao fire in a second.

Even though yaolao has seen countless talents, few people can compare with Mr. Gu in front of him. Xiao Huo is even worse!

At this point.

Chu Feng was not in the mood to pay attention to other people's evaluation of him. In front of him, several messages popped up.

"You kill Xiao Huo, the son of Qi luck, and gain Qi luck value + 500!"

"You kill Tiantong and get [Tianxuan divine eye]."

"The exclusive Tiantong task has been opened for you!"

"Mission: in the trial of Longyuan secret realm, we have achieved the first achievement in the ages, and ranked first in the list of real dragons in Tianxuan continent."

"After completing the Tiantong task, the Tianta task will be completed. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a failure, and the bonus of extra super pupil will be recovered."

Open the superpupil panel——

Super pupil: Tianxuan divine eye

Equal order: first order (114010 / 1000)

Abilities: fighting Qi to turn soldiers, Tianxuan Lingyan, Tianhuo alchemy

Turn fighting spirit into fighting spirit: you can turn your pupil power into fighting spirit, and can be simulated into a weapon to attack your opponent.

Tianxuan Lingyan: you can see through the essence of energy and know the condensation mode and source of each energy.

Tianhuo Alchemy: it consumes pupil power and condenses Tianhuo. With the help of Tianxuan's spiritual eye, it can refine elixir, treasure and other props. It can also use Tianhuo to attack opponents.

After getting the eye of Tianxuan God, Chu Feng felt that he had a clearer understanding of the essence of fighting spirit!

He was unable to understand the existence of Yin-Yang fish in his body. At the moment, he understood clearly in his heart, and the yin-yang fish became more active, and even grew slightly in his Dantian position!

The original power left by the old medicine is further absorbed.

If it is said that Chu Feng had absorbed only 70% of the original power, then the remaining 30% had not been completely digested.

After awakening Tianxuan God's eyes, he digested the remaining original power, and Chu Feng's cultivation jumped up, reaching the realm of half a step fighting the emperor!

Yao Lao was even more surprised!

Now, Chu Feng's cultivation is no lower than that of Yao Lao.

It's really not difficult to take part in Longyuan secret realm with this cultivation and achieve the first achievement in history!