Escape from the crisis of samadhi true fire.

Chu Feng turned around and set his eyes on the hall door.

"When I came in, I used Chen's space ability..."

"But the door of this hall was closed."

"It shouldn't be difficult to open the temple door from the inside."

Chu Feng found that there was a bronze handle on the inner test of the hall door. Although he couldn't say his name, the carving technique was perfect. It was only a little close. The beast head gave himself a sense of deterrence. In a trance, there was the illusion that the beast came alive.

Mobilize the fighting spirit in the body.

Chu Feng put his hand on the handle and pulled it!


When the temple door opened, there was a thunderous sound, which made the eardrum ache.

Even if Chu Feng had the realm of fighting the emperor, it took a lot of effort to open the door from the inside.


Chu Feng shouted angrily and used the power of Wan Jun, and the yin-yang fish in his body turned wildly.


After the door of the hall was opened, it was slowly opened by Chu Feng.

Back on the corridor.

This pavilion is a little similar to the star picking building. It is very high.

Chu Feng went to the corridor and looked down. He couldn't see to the end.

You know, Dou Di's divine power is very strong, and his eyesight is thousands of miles away.

If it wasn't for the last copy, I came in as Chen and had a unique talent in tearing up the space. I don't know how long it will take for such a high building to come up.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng also felt that he had some luck.

Go back to the archer lookout that came before.

From here, you can leave the pavilion, but you also have to land from a very high place, which has a certain risk.

Chu Feng jumped out of the lookout and stepped on a platform with his feet. Looking at the height of thousands of miles below, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"If I come in with the body of the real world, I'm afraid I can't even walk!"

The ancient Tianting is a place built for gods, among which there are many giant gods with a height of ten thousand feet. Just stand up, the body can be as high as the sky. Therefore, the architectural scale of the ancient Tianting is incomparably magnificent, which is a miracle of the heaven.

Immortal buildings, even the emperor to climb, have to face many difficulties, not to mention mortals.

If Chu Feng can walk in the underworld by virtue of his pupil technique and the secret treasures of the heavens, if he directly enters the ancient heavenly court and does not use the identity played in the copy, whether he can climb this tall building is hanging.

"If I use the mountain and sea Lingyun, I may be able to fly down from here."

Chu Feng felt the surging air in the sky and felt that he was a bit sure.

Flying in a strong wind, you can go far away, and you don't have to fall below the original place.

Since he crossed the dragon's gate and the scope of exploration has become much wider, Chu Feng should consider the next step more carefully.

Open the God's eyes.

The next second, his divine eye floated in the thousands of miles of the ancient heaven, overlooking the remains of the heaven.

There are countless palaces in this city, but it seems that after a catastrophe, it has turned into a piece of broken walls, and few palaces still have a complete appearance.

Chu Feng sensed with his mind that there was only a weak fluctuation of divine power in the ruins, which could be said to be a dead silence. Even if there was no glory here before, there may not be many valuable treasures left now.

Then look further away.

In the north, about ten thousand miles away, there is a holy mountain, glowing with hazy brilliance.

On the holy mountain, an altar erupts a bright divine light, connecting the sky. The picture seems to be still there. The divine light remains unchanged and eternal. Even if the ancient heaven turns into ruins, the divine light still remains.

However, the holy mountain is too far away. A hazy white boundary blocks the road to the holy mountain.

When he drew closer his vision, Chu Feng also found that to reach the holy mountain, he still needed to pass through a vast ocean. There was no wave fluctuation on the sea, and it was as calm as a dead sea. However, by using the power of God's mind, he could perceive the deeper depths, and he could detect the undercurrent surging under the dead sea. Maybe there were fatal eddies in the deep sea. Once a mortal accidentally entered the ocean, It is easy to be swallowed by the abyss vortex hidden in the deep sea.

In the East, thousands of miles away, there are several well preserved palaces. The rubble made of gold reflects Ye's golden light. It looks dazzling, but I don't know what treasures are in the palace.

From thousands of miles away, the palace made of gold is half hidden, hidden in clouds, like a mirage. I don't know if I can find the baby when I get there.

Chu Feng did not go rashly, and then continued to move his vision of "heaven".

It has to be said that the scope of this ancient heaven is really large enough. Even if you open the "heaven" vision, you can't exhaust the scenery.

When Chu Feng pulled his vision to the west, he found that there was a piece of ruins.

Different from the ruins of the city palace, the ruins are a battlefield. There are many remains of divine soldiers inserted in the earth, and the abandoned divine soldiers fluctuate slightly.

Perhaps, the ancient Tianting experienced a war before, and those weapons were almost useless, but there was still room for utilization because they contained divinity.


In the battlefield, there was not even a corpse. Except for the endless ruins and architectural relics, until now, Chu Feng has not found any sign of life or spiritual imprint in the ancient Tianting.

"That battlefield relic is only a few hundred miles away from me. You can explore it."

"As for the palace, it may have to wait until later..."

"Maybe, even if I go to the palace, I need to span several copies, unless I can continue to find a role like Chen in the next copies, and I have a strong talent in mobility."

"Otherwise, it would be a big project to cross such a long distance."

Although Chu Feng came in as Dou Di now, I don't know why, the ancient heaven suppressed the cultivation of Dou Di miserably, so that he didn't have much ability to play.

However, Chu Feng tried his pupil technique and found that the power was still the same.

It shows that there are some special mechanisms, but I still have too little information to answer my doubts.

Chu Feng shook his head. Now his strength is not so high. It's just a waste of time to think about these uncertain things.

He took a deep breath and jumped down to the bottom of the pavilion.

Display the magic power of mountains, seas and clouds.

Chu Feng took advantage of the strong wind, flew in the fierce air flow, and quickly fled towards the magic army ruins.

PS: it's five o'clock. Brothers, give me some support. Thank you for the words of the author on the list!