The song stood on the podium with a gentle expression. Seeing Chu Feng at the door following two students, he nodded slightly after coming in.

"The omniscient eye can't see through my identity..."

Chu Feng immediately realized that the song didn't recognize himself. Maybe there were relevant identity protection measures in Kassel college.

He tried to open the most important pupil, but found that the pupil technique of information acquisition could not be used in this world.

Although you can't see the fate of others, you can still use the ability to wait and see.

"In other words, Kassel college has formulated rules that you can't read other people's information casually..."

Chu Feng nodded in his heart and recognized this practice.

Among all the pupil techniques, the application of information pupil technique is the most silent. Both the omniscient eye and their own supreme pupil can get the information of others without being aware.

Since you have the most important pupil, others may have similar pupil surgery.

Although it limits its ability, it also guarantees security.

Take any seat

On the way, some students who also stayed in the ladder classroom nodded when Chu Feng passed by. They were very polite.

Chu Feng was surprised and greeted several people.

The young man in white smiled and said, "those who can come to this college must be super pupils with good identity and strength, so they will have a good relationship with the students of the college."

However, his tone was a little more serious: "however, if there is a super pupil who wants to pull you into any club, don't go in."


Chu Feng also guessed the reason in his heart, but he asked one more question.

He came to the college late to report, so it's good to ask more about the situation.

The teenager explained: "the club was established to form a super pupil team. When you enter the replica in the future, you can go in together."

"However, after joining the club, they won't tell you too much at the beginning, but they will have some information for you."

"Once you understand your potential, if they need it, they will draw you in. If you refuse, you can't be free if you hear some information from the community."

"Because it involves interests."

"It's very troublesome at this time. Some societies still have some pits..."

"In short, if you're not looking for a team, you'd better not join the club."

Chu Feng nodded to show his understanding.

He also had some good feelings for the young man. The other party was quite honest. He didn't know him for a few hours, but he told a lot of things. Although they were not very valuable information, Chu Feng felt that the other party had a good character.

The boy smiled and said, "brother, why don't you have a super pupil connection? If something happens at school, you can come to me."


Chu Feng agreed without hesitation.

The boy was surprised. He didn't expect Chu Feng to promise so readily.

"Use number?"

"You're free. I'll just use the super pupil code." Chu Feng's face didn't matter.

When the young man smiled, the other party used the title of super pupil era. How can he still use the number of Kassel college? Isn't that a disguised distrust of the other party?

"OK, brother, come and connect!"

After connection

Chu Feng's super pupil connection panel has an additional name.

"Tiannan? The name... Seems a little familiar."

After recalling, Chu Feng finally knew who this guy was.

Among the copies of immortal Xia on the second floor of the heavenly towers, there is a super pupil called Tiannan, who is the leader of the Shushan camp.

Of course, this information was known when Chu Feng brushed the super pupil forum.

This guy is also a core member of the super guild. He needs to take advantage of the convenience brought by his identity. Usually, such super pupil will not hide his identity. Although there are certain risks, he also has high benefits.

"Hearty arsonist?"

Tiannan was surprised to see each other's super pupil era name.

Before he entered Kassel college, he did a series of homework and recited the names of all the leaders in his heart. However, he racked his brains and didn't remember when a "heart arsonist" came out!

He looked up at Chu Feng's face. If such a face really appeared in reality, it was really an ordinary move. It was all discharging!

Countless girls have to fall immediately?

It's called Fangxin arsonist. There seems to be nothing wrong with it!

At this time, a voice came from Tiannan's ear: "don't you doubt that the other party's identity is a God, how about now?"

The girl next to the voice is dressed in simple clothes. The set image is the one that can't be found in the crowd. She has been following Tiannan, but she didn't speak along the way.

Tiannan said with a wry smile: "it's a character I don't know... I heard that No. 001 of our college is a God, and people passed the eighth floor of the heavenly towers not long ago. I thought this brother came at this time. It may be a God. It seems that I'm worried too much."


The girl responded and then said nothing more.

It seems that only the gods can arouse her interest.

In fact, Tiannan took the initiative to approach Chu's envelope, and vaguely guessed his identity from all kinds of intelligence.


Unexpectedly, Chu Feng still has the authority of unlimited vest. He doesn't have to use the number to hide his identity. He can take the initiative to hand over his "vest".

In this way, you can not only hide your identity as a God, but also change to someone else's identity as a super pupil.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

When a group of students came into the classroom one after another and filled up the vacant positions.

The white barrier outside disappeared.

Teacher Qu coughed twice and said, "people are almost the same. As for those who are late, since they are late, they have nothing to do with intelligence."

"What I want to share with you next is that the mechanism will usher in a small change after the ten floors of the heavenly towers..."

He paused, smiled and said, "you should all know that people with hypermydriasis are generally divided by boundaries and countries, right?"

The crowd nodded, and the super pupil will enter the corresponding boundary in any country that enters the super pupil era.

Some copies, as well as those who enter the heavenly towers, will change because of the boundaries divided by national boundaries.

When the Song said this information, many students in the audience looked at each other and guessed a certain answer

"You are all very smart." the song smiled, "it seems that many of you have guessed right..."

"When the towers reach the tenth floor, the boundary will be broken."

"In other words, after reaching the tenth floor, you will meet your opponent next..."

"It may be the super pupil of other countries!"

PS: considering that many students and readers may have to return to school on Sunday, so hurry to get Chapter 5 out. Brothers, give me some support. Thank you for your words