"There are many copies on the ninth floor..."

Brother Jiong hesitated for a moment and asked, "after you get the SSS level evaluation of Zhutian tower, you should get the exclusive reward of Zhutian aura, right?"

Chu Feng nodded. It was so long since the super pupil era was opened that these intelligence were no big secrets.

Brother Jiong knocked on the table and suddenly said with a smile, "if I guessed right, you should have a halo of [good identity]."

"Yes, I do have this aura."

Chu Feng admitted it directly and openly.

In the fighting world, he killed many super pupil people as Gu Changge.

The information of SSS level evaluation is obtained and broadcast in the whole super pupil era.

Among them, some grapevine news leaked out, and there must be some super pupil people who know that Chu Feng can play some special roles.

Brother Jiong's news is even better, and he has friends with himself. It's not easy to guess this.

"If you want to maximize your income, I recommend you go to the copy of the restrictive rules."

"More generous rewards?"

"That's right..." embarrassed Gordon paused and added: "it's not just that the reward is rich. In my image, there is a copy of the limiting rules on the ninth floor of the heavenly tower, which is very suitable for you."

"If you have many auras of the heavens, you may be able to attack that place..."

"These are not the key points. What I want to tell you next is that according to my research, the copy may be related to the Supreme superpupil."

"Supreme level?" Chu Feng was stunned.

Brother Jiao said with a smile: "you've raided the copy of the nether system. You should know that there are some special Super pupils in the heavenly towers. You don't need to upgrade with the evolution point, but you need to run the corresponding route and collect the same type of super pupils, so you can evolve into the supreme super pupil?"

Chu Feng nodded to show his understanding.

That's how his hell pupil came from.

Brother Jiong sat up and said, "anyway, in my intelligence, there is a related supreme super pupil on the ninth floor of the heavenly pagoda, but it is certainly not a copy that can be done, and it is much more difficult than other copies."

"In addition, this information resource is very valuable. It is also a copy of the restrictive rules and has something to do with the Supreme superpupil."

"Therefore, if you want to exchange this information, you need to pay for three questions, that is... The two heavenly inheritance you traded with me can only exchange this information."

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment. He knew the value of intelligence. Two high-level inheritance of the heavens were worth nearly 100000. Even if he could afford to waste, he had to consider whether to use this intelligence.

"Can you tell me why that copy is suitable for me?"

Brother Jiong explained: "because in that copy, the super pupil will play a special role. If you have a halo of [good life experience], you may directly play a role related to Tiantong."

"I basically have all the relevant information about that world, but I just can't find the existence of Tiantong, which may be hidden."

"If you are interested in gambling, your [good life experience] may be easier to find Tiantong."

Chu Feng is thinking about brother Jiao's words.

To be honest, no heart is false.

You'll know how fierce the pupil of hell is.

If Chu Feng used to rely on the pupil technique, and used the most important pupil to master the most critical information, and then went to get Tiantong to win the replica

After obtaining the pupil of hell, Chu Feng can quickly solve his opponent in the face of enemies of the same level, even opponents in the copy, basically relying on the pupil of hell.

Of course, hell's pupil is not without limitations - it has great power over single bodies, but if you want to deal with more than one opponent or a super pupil team, it takes a very high pupil power to use the hell world, and it is not guaranteed to kill your opponent in an instant.


Being able to have more than one pair of super pupils will also have a greater increase in their own pupil strength. If you have the opportunity to obtain it, it must be necessary.

In the later stage, the practicability of upgrading some ordinary super pupils to level 5 and 6 is not so high, and upgrading to level 9 requires too many evolution points, which is not enough.

The current situation is that there are too many super pupils in Chu Feng. Each copy has a new super pupil. It is absolutely impossible for the evolution point to fill all pupil operations and synthesize the most important pupil. If there is no need to waste the evolution point, there will be more space for other super pupils without causing a waste of resources.

"OK, change it!"

After thinking for a long time, Chu Feng decided to try this copy.

Although there are risks, there is still a long way to go in the future. It is impossible to get SSS level evaluation so easily every time.

"This is your information..."

A document was sent to Chu Feng in the form of super pupil connection.

After Chu Feng receives the file, open it for viewing——

Copy: fantasy world

Main line: play the master of a sect, develop a grade sect into a five-star sect, and finally judge the final winner through the comprehensive strength of the sect.

Time: ten years

Note: in this copy, the person with super pupil can only stay in the sect, develop the sect strength, and step outside the sect is considered a failure. Super pupil can recruit sect disciples, expand the influence of the sect, and even interfere with the opponent's development of the sect, or send troops to attack the sect. Super pupil can't do it in person, but can only control it behind the scenes. Finally, only those who develop into the super pupil of the first door can win the copy.

Then there are various materials about the world.

"Behind the scenes?"

Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes, quickly browsed the data, and probably understood the meaning of this copy.

The super pupil plays the identity of the patriarch, and the main line is to develop the patriarch.

In these ten years, whoever has the strongest sect will win this copy, and the final winner is only one super pupil.

In this copy, there are at most ten super pupils, which is equivalent to a battle of power.

The super pupil plays the sect leader. In addition to developing the sect's power, he can also attack other sects, but he can't do it himself. He must send his disciples or elders in the sect.

After all, it's behind the scenes.

Super pupil can't do it by themselves. Those who do it are members of the sect.

However, the attack is not random. After all, there are other forces. If you attack others, your own sect will certainly be lost.

Therefore, there are many variables in this copy.

The difficulty is naturally great!

Chu Feng didn't feel difficult because of the difficulty, but his eyes brightened.

"This copy is suitable for my ability!"