"There is not much time left. I must hurry up."

Chu Feng entered the ancient heaven this time. It has taken six hours, and there are still four hours to use.

in other words.

He basically had only one chance to refine again.

Chu Feng dared not neglect, and his divine sense swept around quickly.

Soon after.

Chu Feng's divine consciousness suddenly swept to the divinity of fire attribute.

"Is it the remains of divine soldiers with attributes?"

He was a little surprised.

Usually, the level of the wreckage of divine soldiers with attributes will not be low.

Divinity is an extremely advanced power.

All the remains of divine soldiers in ancient heaven are attached with divinity.

However, if it is the remains of divine soldiers with attributes, the divinity will be preserved more completely.

The corresponding grade and repair ability are naturally higher.

"But... Can you repair the three pointed and two edged sword from the remains of the divine soldier with the attribute of fire?"

Chu Feng had some doubts.

The divine power of fire attribute may not be compatible with thunder attribute, right?

Maybe there will be a big bang or something.

However, there is no better choice at the moment.

"Anyway, the system will give a prompt later. If you really can't integrate, you should also inform me in advance."

Chu Feng dared to go to the place where the magic soldiers were.

Not long.

A long flame gun appeared in front of Chu Feng.

Its whole body breathes a powerful and incomparable flame breath, and fire dragons flow around the whole body of this long gun.

Chu Feng was surprised.

This magic weapon is amazing!

When he approaches, the system immediately pops up a prompt:

"The Vulcan spear is one percent complete and extremely damaged. It can be used as a secret treasure of the heavens (remaining times of use: 3). It can also be used to repair three pointed and two edged knives."

"Remarks: the musket God of the Vulcan spear can be used for repair, while the flame Rune and gem can be used to strengthen the three pointed and two edged sword, add additional flame attributes, or fuse the lethality of thunder and fire attributes."

Chu Feng's heart jumped when he saw this.

Thunder and fire attributes, when combined, the destructive power will explode!

According to the meaning of the system, the Vulcan spear has been seriously damaged. Even if the product level is a secret treasure of the heavens, it can only be used three times at most.

Such a secret treasure of the heavens is meaningless to Chu Feng. It might as well be used to strengthen the three pointed and two edged sword.

As for reinforcement.

As the Vulcan spear is relatively complete, it can be used to strengthen both the magic weapon itself and the veins and gemstones on its body.

With four hours left, Chu Feng certainly couldn't integrate the Vulcan long gun into his three pointed two-edged sword.

Then you can only come twice.

"How about refining gemstones?"

Chu Feng thought and took down the gem.

At this time, a prompt will pop up again:

"Vulcan gem can be fused with emerald."

"After gemstones are fused, your three pointed two edged sword will gain the following attributes:"

"1: the power of thunder and fire. Your three pointed and two edged sword has two attributes: the power of thunder and fire, which is located on the divine weapon, and the power of fire in the gem."

"2: Vulcan space. Your three pointed and two edged sword will have some divine power, which will be transformed into the power of fire attribute and stored in gemstones. When using single attribute power, your three pointed and two edged sword power will be halved. When using fusion attribute power, your three pointed and two edged sword will gain extremely terrible destructive power."

"Note: because your three pointed two edged knife is not complete, you will destroy yourself when using the fusion power. Please use it carefully!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

"If the Vulcan gem is integrated, isn't it conducive to further controlling the power of the three pointed and two edged sword?"

Although the Vulcan gem is inlaid, the effect will be halved by using the power of single attribute.

In fact, at the current level of Chu Feng, if not with the help of the body in the copy, there is no way to use the complete power of the three pointed and two edged knife.

After opening the Vulcan space, the power of gemstones is conducive to further control the destructive power of divine soldiers, which is a good thing!

Chu Feng immediately chose to fuse the Vulcan gem first.

Use Tianxuan divine fire.

Chu Feng carefully extracted the Vulcan gem from the Vulcan spear.

Then, the Vulcan gem slowly dissolves under the burning of Tianxuan fire.

"It's worthy of being a Vulcan gem, but it's really resistant to high temperature..."

The refining of gemstones is not as difficult as magic soldiers.

When Chu Feng dissolved the last gem with divine fire, it took only an hour.

However, the speed of Vulcan gem is obviously much slower than last time.


Chu Feng tried his best to urge the power of divine fire and refined it rapidly.

After three hours

Finally, the Vulcan gem is completely integrated into the three pointed and two edged sword.

At this time, thunder roared faintly from the three pointed and two edged knives.

However, these thunder breath poured into the Vulcan space.

Next, part of the thunder divinity of the three pointed two edged sword began to transform in the Vulcan gem.

From the appearance, the thunder smell of the three pointed and two edged knife is really weak.

But this is only the thunder divinity of the three pointed and two edged sword, which has been transformed into the God of fire space and has become another attribute divinity.

Join these two kinds of divine power of thunder and fire. If combined, it will produce an extremely terrible explosion!

After all, the attributes of thunder and fire symbolize incomparably terrible destructive power.

If these two attributes are combined together and still carry divinity, the power is completely unimaginable!

"I don't know if samadhi true fire can integrate into the Vulcan space."

Chu Feng couldn't help thinking that there was an extremely special divine fire in the hall where he obtained Hou Yi's bow.

Samadhi is really hot!

This flame can even kill Doudi instantly. It's powerful.

However, the idea is just thinking.

Samadhi's true fire is no worse than the thunder of the three pointed and two edged sword itself, and it appears together with Hou Yi's bow.

If you don't control your power well and play with fire, it will become a joke.

After successfully fusing the Vulcan gem with the three pointed two edged sword.

Chu Feng's time to explore the ancient heaven has also been used up.

His body automatically exits this space.

"Next, we should completely integrate the incomplete way of heaven."

Chu Feng didn't do one thing in this copy.

Is to completely repair the incomplete way of heaven.

His divine sense is completely connected with the nine celestial realms and feels a incomplete place.

By repairing this place with the consciousness of heaven and Taoism, the final splicing can be completed.

It took several months.

Chu Feng's idea of heaven has completely integrated this heaven and earth.

Just then.

A prompt popped up in front of him:

"You have repaired the heavenly way of the world and obtained an additional super pupil - the pupil of the heavenly way!"