Don't worry about using the new ability.

Chu Feng used his supreme power here to see what accomplices prisoner 03 had.

However, the dark shadow appeared again in the picture.

The shadow said faintly, "this is your task."

Then, I don't know how, prisoner 03 seemed to have received the information he wanted, nodded, and began to prepare for action.

"This organization's activity form and confidentiality are very good." Chu Feng frowned.

His most important pupil can only see the picture, but can not see the information transmitted by others with their ideas.

Perhaps the supreme pupil needs to awaken more ability to see this information.

Chu Feng found that his supreme pupil will not be upgraded. When he obtains a new super pupil and the pupil force is increasing, the ability of the supreme pupil is also improving.

"Maybe the answer lies in the shadow?"

Since the two fate pictures are related to the shadow, and at this time, Chu Feng's supreme pupil awakened a new ability - to see the fate of the characters in the fate picture.

In short, Chu Feng can release the supreme pupil to the shadow in front of patient 03 and watch this guy's fate.

"Let me see what you really exist!"

The next second, Chu Feng launched the power of the supreme pupil!

When he used the most important pupil to the shadow, he immediately felt his head empty and the pupil force was falling rapidly!

Moreover, pupil force is constantly consumed.

Chu Feng was surprised.

"It seems that the activation of this ability needs to consume more pupil force..."

He took the time to watch the next picture of fate

In a dark conference room, twelve dark shadows suddenly came to the top position around a round table.

"All shadows?"

Chu Feng frowned. If he only looked at the characters in the scene, he couldn't tell which shadow was talking to patient 03.

The shadow sitting at the top circled the field. When he saw that everyone was ready, he said:

"We intend to launch the abyss project. In the first stage, we have achieved breakthrough progress - that is, successfully invading the world of the heavenly towers into the real world."

"In the second stage, we should try our best to limit the development of the Dragon Kingdom, interrupt their middle-level super pupil and lead to the high-level road, and pay special attention to the talented super pupil of the Dragon Kingdom, especially the God!"

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect to be named in this conference room!

However, in fact, this is also very normal. After all, Chu Feng is already the most famous group of super pupils in the super pupil era of the Dragon state.

It's no big deal to be noticed by overseas superpupils.

"The third stage... Open the door!"


Chu Feng's mind moved. When the dark figure sitting at the top put forward the concept of "door", the first thing he thought of was the gate of the nether world, which was also a channel from the world of heavenly towers to reality.

In the underground world, Chu Feng found that when the "door" was opened, the underground world would be connected with the real world. The time flow rate of the two worlds remained unchanged, and they could communicate with each other. Even the psionic transmission array could be used.

Chu Feng risked his life in exchange for these intelligence. Unexpectedly, the shadow even knew these intelligence.

It seems that the water of the heavenly towers is indeed much deeper than I thought.

The shadow continued: "the guy in the hell world is absolutely impossible to cooperate with us. The ancient heaven has been destroyed, and there are some messy places where there is no life and can't cooperate."

"The only option we have left is to find out the root cause."

"Next, you need to send super pupils to the Dragon kingdom. Hindering the development of their super pupils is only the first step. Next, you need to log in to their super pupil era in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom and create more copies of special points."

"The specific plan will be discussed at the next meeting."

The picture is over here.

After Chu Feng opened his eyes, Xia Longwu next to him immediately asked, "how's it going? Is there a result?"

In fact, there is a lot of information!

Chu Feng took a deep breath, which calmed his mood.

He took a slightly complicated look at Xia Longwu and decided not to tell the other party about the Linyuan plan first, but to find out the super pupil of the Dragon state first.

After all, it would be shocking if you could know part of the Linyuan plan by looking at prisoner 03.

Moreover, Chu Feng still doesn't know what those shadows are and what plans are behind them.

At present, the most important thing is to find out all the snipers outside the Dragon Kingdom, so as to destroy the shadow's plan. At that time, the other party will take the next action, find out the enemy's background, find out what the so-called Linyuan guild is, and then tell Xia Longwu.

If this information is given too early at this time, Xia Longwu is anxious to send longwuwei action, which may scare the snake. Chu Feng decides to explore the situation first.

Moreover, as Xia Longwu, if he knew about it and didn't report it to the military at the first time, he might be sentenced to a crime. For the sake of conservatism, Chu Feng decided not to talk about it first.

He paused and replied, "this guy is acting alone. Are there any other overseas snipers? Take me to see them."

Xia Longwu looked so moved that he obviously didn't expect Chu Feng to tell the information that the other party was acting alone.

He knew that with Chu Feng's style, he would not talk disorderly, that is to say, Chu Feng really has the ability to know each other's information

"No wonder we can get so many SSS level evaluations. It seems that it's really something!"

Xia Longwu nodded and said, "I'll take you to see other invaders."

Led by Xia Longwu, Chu Feng went to see prisoners 07, 013, 020 and 023.

As a result, the picture of the supreme pupil is that these overseas snipers are talking to a shadow.

However, Chu Feng noticed a detail.

Although the content of the shadow conversation is the same, the national language used is different.

It shows that the Linyuan plan is related to more than one country!

This is a very key intelligence obtained by Chu Feng!

Next, Chu Feng came to prisoner 033's room.

He opened the supreme pupil. The picture at this time is different!

Prisoner 033, in addition to the task of sniping, has to engage in an explosion in the territory of the Dragon kingdom!

Because the action is relatively large, she has accomplices, and in the picture of fate, there are other accomplices!

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth stirred slightly.

"I've found the person I'm looking for!"

PS: my wrist is not very comfortable today. It's the third watch. I'll have a rest during this period. I'm very moved by your concern. I won't say much. Thank you for the author's words. See you tomorrow!