September 7th.

Near the four corner business building.

It is located in the center of the city. If you look down from the tall buildings of the TV station, there is a jungle composed of tall buildings nearby.

Above a building, a slightly obese figure wearing a white shirt and sunglasses appeared.

His hair is yellowish brown, his beard is thicker than Oriental people, his skin is very white, and his hair is slightly curly.

Obviously, this is a white man from western countries.

The white man came to the edge of the tall building and took off his sunglasses.

In his pupils, complex stars were immediately reflected, and good chess pieces moved orderly in his pupils.

in fact.

These "chess pieces" are white men.

If you look from his vision, you can see the distribution of all the people in the building.

In several of the specially marked figures, their actions are slightly sneaky, moving silently in the air vents, narrow air ducts and the outside of the building.

They are both outsiders and foreign snipers.

This time, the four corner commercial building was bombed!

When everything was deployed, the brightly marked figures retreated quickly according to the planned route.

The white man looked around at the scene.

The pedestrians on the street are walking as usual, and the road is full of traffic without exception.

The white man gently lifted his mouth, raised his arm and looked at the time of the electronic watch.

"It's time..."

"Death, come to receive people!"

He pressed the button of the watch gently.

However, after a second.

Nothing happened.

"Is that the watch you're looking for?"

Just then, a joking voice sounded behind the white man.

The white man turned his head in an instant. Behind him, a man in a jacket and sunglasses appeared unconsciously.

"Tut Tut, the God of death has come to receive people. The lines are a little handsome!"

The jacket man took off his sunglasses.

A feeling of extreme danger rose in the white man's heart, and a strange metal ball appeared in his hand.

"Oh? The a12-z bomb, a product of the science fiction world, is interesting. It can instantly cause a big explosion within five miles, which is comparable to a small atomic bomb." the jacket man grinned. Although from his words, we can hear what terrible effect this bomb will bring if it is detonated in reality, his tone was very frivolous and did not show any concern, "Children can't play with such dangerous toys. I'd better give them to my uncle!"

Next second.

When the white man wanted to start the metal ball, he found that the metal ball in his hand was missing and appeared in the jacket man's hand.

"The pupil of theft!"

"Are you... Amun of longwuwei?"

A fluent Chinese jumped out of the white voice and looked into the pupil of the man in the jacket, full of fear.

"Ha ha, it seems you know me." Amun smiled and played with the metal ball in his hand. "Since you know it's me, take out all your things to deal with me!"

The white man stopped moving at all.

He knows that Amun is the shadow of the dragon country. At the same time, his pupil surgery risk has reached SS level!

Don't look, it's just stealing

However, Amun's pupil technique can not only steal the secrets of the heavens you take out, but also show your pupil technique to steal and use!

The more you resist, the more things you give Amun!

Even this Amun can steal other people's thoughts!

It can be called the most terrible shadow of the dragon country!

The white man knew that if he didn't move now, the other party must be thinking about his intelligence.

He threw out any ideas directly.

"Oh? It seems that you know my ability." Amun smiled. "If your mind is stolen by me and divulges information, it should be regarded as violating the super pupil contract?"

"Tut Tut, is that organization so terrible?"

"How dare you think of such a means to limit you?"

The white man looked indifferent. He knew that Amun was deliberately arousing his fear of the organization.

Violating the super pupil contract has terrible consequences. Amun deliberately said this to arouse his thoughts on the organization. Then he can take the opportunity to steal his thoughts and analyze the organization, and he will divulge information in a disguised form.

At that time, the superpupil still can't be kept.

In the face of such a dangerous super pupil, the white man is so smart that he doesn't even bother to run away.

Because even the idea of running away will be stolen by Amun.

"It's boring. You're an idiot. Alas, I wasted so much time talking to you." Amun shook his head and walked over helplessly. "Since you're an idiot, please lie down!"

After talking, amon's pupils showed gray pupils.

It was like a suction that sucked in the white soul.

Next second.

The white man fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

"The nearest opponent is really getting more and more troublesome!"

When the white man was unconscious, the smile on Amun's face disappeared and was replaced by a dignified color.

"Confidentiality is well done. The people in this organization have such a high awareness that they don't even give me ideas. It's really loyal to be a dog!"

"I don't know who Xia Longwu found. He learned about the incident in advance and asked me to take people back!"

"I don't think Amun can do what that person can do?"


Amun's mouth gently recalled that a month and a half ago, a shadow of the Dragon Kingdom completed an S-level task, directly crossed thousands of miles and killed Dongshan and Tuohai.

Before that, Xia Longwu still respected himself.

However, since the death of Dongshan Tuohai, Xia Longwu's attitude has become much more insipid. He has less respect than before when he looks at Amun.

"Tut Tut, I don't know who took Xia Longwu's heart away from me. I'm really curious!"

Amun put on his sunglasses again. At this time, several dragon guards came to him and reported: "all the overseas snipers have been captured, a total of 12 people."

"Come on, take me to see them."

Amun's tone was faint.

A dozen foreign snipers were brought to Amun.

Their minds just had a fierce sense of resistance, but at the moment of touching Amun's eyes, the anger and resistance suddenly disappeared.

Stolen by Amun!

This is the terrible part of the pupil of theft. Even thoughts and thoughts can be stolen!

"Hum, it's just a group of puppets. I don't know anything."

After a second, Amun's tone was cold and impatiently waved, "take them all back!"

At the same time, Amun's mind is also full of doubts.

The organization's defense against intelligence is so strong that even those who can steal consciousness can't find intelligence.

What immortal did Xia Longwu find?

This can find out their accomplices and plans.

Amun was curious about it.