"Long guoniu forced me to kill all the overseas snipers last night!"

"These damn things made them arrogant in the territory of our dragon Kingdom, and they were finally brought to justice!"

"Ha ha, the way of heaven has reincarnation. These animals deserve it!"

"It is worthy of being the Dragon Wuwei. The super pupil military force created by the whole dragon country is really powerful and terrible!"

"What a relief! It's not as simple as capturing one or two, but one pot at a time. I don't believe they dare to touch our dragon Kingdom next."

"I thought longwuwei couldn't cure those cockroaches. Unexpectedly, they were accumulating strength and catching them all. It's really much better than catching them one by one and startling the snake!"

"Born in the Dragon Kingdom, die without regret!"

At this moment, the atmosphere of the whole dragon kingdom is extremely United!

In the past, when the super pupil era just opened, all the people of the Dragon Kingdom, even if they treated their relatives and friends, were a little more vigilant for fear of exposing their information about the heavenly towers.

Of course, this environment is not conducive to collective development and will isolate everyone in society, resulting in a series of problems.

However, due to the current foreign enemies, there are many fewer internal battles in the Dragon kingdom. Although the competition mechanism of the heavenly towers still exists, there are conditions for cooperation in most of the competition modes in the world.

Such a move by overseas snipers, coupled with the battle of longwuwei, brought all the enemies to the end, which was a great prestige!

The whole dragon kingdom became united as never before.

Chu Feng brushed the forum while eating breakfast.

Just then, a special prompt popped up in the notification bar of his mobile phone.

It is a secret software about the shadow of the dragon country.

Chu Feng's mobile phone, arranged by Xia Longwu, is loaded with software with the highest security factor. At the same time, it can also be connected to the military client and has the right to access the Dragon shadow taskbar.

Of course, this software will not steal Chu Feng's privacy.

This is written in the super pupil contract.

The military needs to maintain Chu Feng's information security and avoid its disclosure. If the software is loaded with a program to steal identity information, it will be regarded as a breach of contract.

Open notification information.

It was Xia Longwu who gave Chu Feng 150000 merit points.

To tell the truth, this merit point has completed one and a half S-level tasks, and the reward is very high.

If Chu Feng killed all the enemies by himself, of course he won more than that.

However, Xia Longwu didn't want Chu Feng to come forward. He sent long Wuwei to solve it. It's a good thing that Chu Feng can get so many meritorious points without letting Chu Feng do it.

Of course, Chu Feng also made great efforts. After all, he ran all over the world, used the supreme pupil to explore intelligence, and took Cui Nan and various marks, which also consumed a lot of pupil power.

Now, Chu Feng's pupil strength has lost two-thirds, and it will take some time to recover.

After breakfast, Chu Feng immediately entered his own heaven space, took out Nu Wa's vision map and began to restore his lost pupil power.

Not far away, the dark door was tightly closed into a gap, like a half narrowed eye, peeping at everything

East of Longguo, half moon bay.

A woman in a tight black dress stood on a reef by the sea and stared at the endless sea.

In her hand, she holds a phone similar to a mobile phone, but in fact, this phone is a satellite phone, which has very good signal and encryption, and is equipped with the latest technology in the super pupil era, with first-class confidentiality.

After waiting for a moment, the phone was finally connected.

The woman said coldly, "go to the super pupil era."

After hanging up, she thought and connected to the super pupil era.

Meditating on a certain coordinate, the figure of a woman appears in the pure white space of the heavens, and here, waiting for several other people.

"The plan failed."

She had just entered the space, and the cold tone sounded in the space.

"Needless to say, we're still watching the news!"

Next to him, a man in kimono said coldly.

"What should we do now?"


"What about the organization? We failed so miserably this time. How can we explain when we go back?"

"You think there's no problem with the organization?"

The woman sneered.

One of them frowned: "black spider, pay attention to your tone of voice, your current identity, and there is no discussion with the organization. Be careful that you will die miserably!"

The black spider angrily scolded: "what? The organization called Linyuan doesn't want to create a God? Even the super pupil strength of the Dragon Kingdom doesn't understand? If the organization doesn't misjudge the power of long Wuwei, my subordinates..."

Before the black spider finished, suddenly, a black mist came out of her body, followed by a spasm, half kneeling on the ground, and the five orifices came out of the swirling black gas, which looked very strange!

Several others stepped back as soon as their faces changed.

For a moment, the black spider stood up again, but her eyes completely changed, dark and deep.

When that look fell on the others on the court, everyone felt a chill.

The indifferent tone of "black spider" sounded in several people's ears.

"Long Wuwei doesn't have such a powerful super pupil. Xia Longwu seems to have another powerful helper. This is really my calculation mistake."

"However, longwuwei is not as powerful as expected. It is estimated that this situation was made by a super pupil."

"I really underestimated that the Dragon Kingdom has such a strong combat power to find out all the people in our organization."

"Of course, if you have any opinions about the organization and want to withdraw, you can tell me here."

Looking at the "black spider" in front of us, the people present were silent.

What will happen if you betray the organization or run away? Look at the black spider in front of you. Who doesn't understand?

"Well, since none of you have a problem, let's do it first. You'll find a way to leave the dragon country from various customs, and someone will pick you up."

"By the way, the strength of most of you should be on the ninth floor of the heavenly pagoda?"

"I hope you will be able to wash away the shame of the failure of this mission in that large-scale event."

"I will release some information about the key figures of Longguo super pupil. If you can successfully complete the hunting, the organization will give you rewards."

Voice over.

The strange black gas came out of the mouth of the black spider again.

But when all the black gas gushed out, the black spider never came back, but turned into a mass of black water.

There was no one on the reef in half moon bay.

The waves beat on the reef and made a sound of waves. However, after the sound of waves, the spring tide receded, and the whole beach was silent without any sound

PS: Thank you for your words at the third watch today.