"Feng Shen, haven't seen you for a long time." Jiang Xue said hello, and then said, "the brother you're looking for is still attacking a higher-level copy."

The hippo laughed and said, "that guy's strategy is too fast and missed the big scene. Now it's estimated that he will have to go up a few more layers in anger to calm his regret, ha ha!"

Bai Xiu said: "if you want to ask brother Jiong for information, it's probably not the right time to come now. He is among the copies, and brother Jiong's layers are already above the tenth floor of the heavenly tower. He shouldn't be too interested in this copy."

"OK..." Chu Feng's tone was a little helpless. In addition to brother Ji, he really didn't think who knew the information.

At first glance, the group Friends of Chengshen group are also discussing the copy. If they know the information, they will not waste the event here, but start to prepare.

Bai Xiu paused and said, "however, someone may know the intelligence of the tenth layer copy. You can consult."

"Xia Longwu?"

Chu Feng immediately thought of this man.

The leader of long Wuwei invited himself to participate in this copy at the first time. He must be very interested in the opponent's long Wuwei.

The high-level military of the Dragon kingdom can't be worse than brother Jiong in intelligence, right?


Bai Xiu nodded, "however, only you should have the opportunity to contact longwuwei directly."

Jiang Xue thought for a moment and suddenly said, "that guy Lu Ping didn't go to Xia Longwu a few days ago. He seems to have been rejected. Now he's so angry that he can't even go to the super pupil era. He goes directly to the Internet bar all night."

"Hahaha, he really doesn't have a card. It's estimated that he went to the cherry blossom country to make soy sauce, which is despised by others?"

The hippo laughed.

"Cherry Blossom country?" Chu Feng's heart moved. Is Lu Ping also the shadow of the dragon country?

In the image of the cherry blossom country, it is the mission of Dongshan to expand the sea, but the guy was killed by his own arrow. There may be other shadows of the dragon country to perform the mission in the cherry blossom country.

However, Dongshan Tuohai was directly killed by himself, so the tasks of others were naturally interrupted.

Jiang Xue couldn't help but take a deep look at Chu Feng. She knew that Chu Feng had Hou Yi bow. Dongshan Tuohai was given seconds by this powerful super pupil.

Bai xiudao said, "if it were you, Xia Longwu might be willing to give you the information."

"However, there should be a confidentiality agreement at that time. You can't disclose the information to us."

"It doesn't matter. If you enter the copy together at that time, you can directly use the super pupil connection to command us what to do. We'll just listen to you at that time."

Chu Feng nodded and didn't refuse Bai Xiu's invitation.

After entering this copy, the whole dragon kingdom is a camp. At that time, everyone will be teammates. If they encounter difficulties, they can help each other.

After Chu Feng got the information, it's not a big deal to guide them how to act next.

Super pupil connection.

Unexpectedly, Xia Longwu was connected the next second.

Chu Feng: "do you have any information about the tenth floor of the heavenly towers and the super large limited activity copy?"

Xia Longwu: "cough, I knew you were here to ask this."

"I do have information, but I must tell you in advance. This information is calculated through simulation. I can only guess the general direction of this copy. As for the specific information, it is absolutely impossible to know."

"After all, the copy of this super limited activity is estimated to be an unprecedented copy of the heavenly pagodas. There can be no premise intelligence in it."

"Of course, for this replica, we still have some technologies to model the architecture of the replica."

Chu Feng was surprised.

I have to say, the senior military officials of the Dragon Kingdom really have everything!

Even the replica architecture can be simulated. If it is so powerful, isn't it against the sky?

Of course, according to Xia Longwu, their simulation is certainly not so powerful and can not be 100% accurate, but even if you can guess the general structure, direction and task of the copy, you can make some valuable preparations in advance.

Xia Longwu: "of course, intelligence can't be given to you in vain. After all, it also needs to pay a high price to simulate a copy. The current price is to exchange 50000 merit points."

Chu Feng: "... Fifty thousand, is it a little expensive?"

Xia Longwu: "this copy of intelligence was originally monopolized by the military. I didn't intend to open it to the outside world. I can exchange 50000 meritorious points with you. That's already my private affair. You know, there was a shadow of the dragon country a few days ago. I wanted to get intelligence with me. I didn't exchange it at a double price."

Chu Feng immediately thought of what Jiang Xue said about Lu Ping and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Even the group friends who form a god group are not qualified to want it. It seems that their card face is really not small!

"OK, 50000 merit points, I'll change it!"

"OK, but you must sign a super pupil contract. Before entering the replica, you can't disclose this information. Even if the replica is released, you can't disclose the information about the replica simulation."

Chu Feng nodded. The copy simulation is absolutely of vital strategic significance to the Dragon kingdom. It is the core secret of long Wuwei and is not enough for foreign humanity.

After receiving the copy of the information, Chu Feng Dingqing took a look.

"Due to the large number of people, this copy is likely to be a copy with the theme of survival. A large number of super pupil people will be eliminated in the early stage."

"Moreover, because every country can send super pupils without limit, in order to limit the advantage in number, every super pupil may be isolated."

"In this way, at the beginning of this mission, the super pupil will act alone within a range, and may encounter other super pupil in the development stage."

"Maybe this replica is a mesh replica. All super pupil players are a chess piece in the net, moving in the chessboard..."

Soon, a mesh copy of the framework in units of cells showed up in the form of 3D projection in front of Chu Feng.


"Survival copy..."

"That is to say, people with hypermydriasis will move between cells."

"It's very likely that every cell will be distinguished. You won't know what's in it until you enter the range of cells."

"Because of the unknown, there are various possibilities for collision."

"When the super pupil moves to the next cell, he may encounter monsters in the copy background, treasures hidden by chance, super pupil in the same camp, or super pupil in the opposite camp."


"My pupil of heaven can see the next step."

"Isn't it a perfect fit for this copy task?"