"I see. My pupil of heaven can see what will happen next after I make every decision."

"This is equivalent to making a prediction of my decision."

"Of course, compared with the supreme pupil, my pupil of heaven also has limitations, that is, I can only see the next step, not what will happen in a longer time."

"It seems that my predictive ability of the pupil of heaven is more inclined to solve the current problems."

After understanding the ability of the pupil of heaven, Chu Feng didn't hurry over, but first focused on other directions.

"There are four directions."

"In the room on the right, you will be attacked by poisons."

"In the front room, you will encounter the trap of darts and stingers, but you can get a broken bow and arrow."

"The back room, a safe area, but there's nothing."

Chu Feng thought about it and finally decided to go to the room on the left first.

After all, broken bows and arrows are of no use to me. They are not as good as Hou Yi's bow!

But now this body is short of food and water. It must be supplemented accordingly in order to get rid of the crisis.

Fire is also a very useful prop, which can increase the visibility of the field of vision. If you encounter other super pupils, the fire can broaden the scope of your pupil surgery, which is equivalent to increasing the attack range.

In the cave world, fire is the guarantee of using pupil technique.

Chu Feng picked up his hoe and began to dig into the room on the left.

"It's really hard!"

It took a lot of effort with his hoe to dig out a small piece.

At this time, Chu Feng realized that his physical condition was not very good.

He opened the supreme pupil, took out the wine pot and took a sip.

After drinking, his physical strength was supplemented to a certain extent. A burning feeling came from his whole body, but it was suppressed by the eternal God's eyes, which in turn enhanced the physique of his body.

Soon, Chu Feng's excavation speed increased more than ten times!

"I see. It takes a lot of time to dig a room."

"Although the hoe is used only ten times a day, if the excavation speed is not fast enough, it is likely that it will not be used up ten times a day."

"If you dig less, you will explore a lot less space than others, and the corresponding harvest will be reduced."

It took about twenty minutes for Chu Feng to dig to the next room.

Holding up the torch, the brilliant light enveloped the front of the field of vision and illuminated the jagged strange rocks in the cave world.

"Only in the place covered by the torch light source can you see what's ahead."

Chu Feng tried to put his eyes on the place where the torch was not illuminated. Even if he opened the eternal God's eyes, he could not see the objects in front of him.

Super vision is useless!

However, the pupil of heaven can see what will happen next.

In a sense, the pupil of heaven sees a law, not what is in front of you.

Therefore, we can break through the limitations of the rules of the cave world.

Chu Feng walked forward a few steps and found a treasure chest.

Open the box. There is a bottle of mineral water, a piece of bread and a fire.

Chu Feng first opened the mineral water bottle, drank a few mouthfuls, quenched his thirst, and then ate the bread.

In fact, Chu Feng has a wine pot that can also replace mineral water, but it also takes some time to replenish the wine and has the effect of healing. Therefore, Chu Feng still chooses to save resources.

After eating the bread and drinking some water, Chu Feng found that his physical strength recovered quickly, even better than the healing effect of the wine pot.

"Perhaps there are great restrictions on the objects of other worlds in the cave world."

Chu Feng thought, took out Hou Yi's bow and tried to shoot an arrow at random.

Although he used only a small amount of pupil force, the power of Hou Yi's bow was incomparable. It was not a big problem to destroy a small wooden house!

However, when used here, the power was weakened a lot, perhaps less than 10% of the original, which verified Chu Feng's idea.

"It seems that the world is much more dangerous than expected."

"Most of the super pupils who died at the beginning of the battle died so quickly because they underestimated the danger of the cave world and acted too rashly."

"Draw lessons from the past. I must be careful in my next action."

Even if the pupil of heaven could see the next step, Chu Feng did not choose to act rashly.

He looked around again, and there was a promotion from the room in each direction.

"On the left, there are a bunch of poisonous insects. If you go in, you'll die!"

"The right side is empty. Digging in is a waste of time!"

"In front, there is a mechanism chessboard left behind. You can try to crack it! If you succeed, you will get the reward of iron Rune!"

"Rear, demon treasure box, after opening, you will have to deal with an extremely dangerous demon, but after defeating it, you will get a demon spear!"

Chu Feng weighed it over and chose "front".

"The devil should be very dangerous for me now. It's hard to deal with, and I don't know if pupil surgery has any effect."

"Since the monsters in the cave world are so dangerous, it's best not to provoke them rashly when you don't have the ability in the early stage!"

"Chess game... I have the pupil of heaven and the eyes of eternal God, and I have played chess. I should be able to try."

Chu seal was digging ahead. After twenty minutes, a new room opened with his shovel, and the road opened.

Holding up the fire to illuminate the room, it is much smaller than the previous rooms. There are not so many strange stones on the four walls, and there are relics of civilization.

In the center of the room, on the stone table, there is an iron chessboard with pieces scattered everywhere. The attack and killing between sunspots and white words are very fierce. It seems that if you take a wrong step, you will lose the whole game of chess.

But look carefully, it seems that both sides have a chance to defeat each other. It depends on whether they can take those steps!

"Play chess, hehe, I can!"

Chu Feng walked over and gently stirred up the corners of his mouth.

When he was in the immortal Xia world, he played chess with the wine Taoist. Now his chess skills are first-class.

Besides, there are eternal God eyes and the pupil of heaven. One has strong learning and analysis ability, and the other can see the next step. It's a cheating device!

Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes, thought first, came up with a move of chess, and then looked at the effect with the pupil of heaven.

"This step is feasible!"

After being confirmed, Chu Feng began to play chess.

In less than ten minutes, he broke the chess game.

Ahead, there was a sound of mechanism hub turning.

The door at the end of the room opens. In the room on the next floor, a gray rune is suspended on an altar, emitting hazy brilliance, mysterious, mysterious and detached