Cave world.

In the cherry blossom country, the Dongshan sun opened his eyes and looked at the pop-up information in front of him with a slight frown.

"Feng Shen, unexpectedly also appears in this copy. It seems that you should be careful later!"

He didn't forget that someone in the Dragon Kingdom rumored that Dongshan Tuohai was killed by the gods with one arrow. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, from the SSS level evaluation obtained by the gods' contact for several times, he had several different super pupils, which must not be a good role to deal with.

Eagle country, a slender man, looked at the hint in front of him and gently lifted the corners of his mouth.

"Feng Shen, he even came. It's a little interesting!"

In the free country, a strong man, his forehead was all bald, his arms were embroidered with large tiger and Cheetah tattoos, and his face had a crazy color of extremists. His eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the name of Fengshen.

"Well, the strongest super pupil of the Dragon Kingdom has also come here. This time, I will end your mythical record!"

When the name of Fengshen appeared in the chat box, all the super pupil people in the cave world were alarmed.

From all kinds of grapevine news, they have heard that there was a mysterious super pupil in the Dragon Kingdom, which won the SSS level evaluation of almost every layer.

However, there is little information about Fengshen!

So many overseas super guilds are wondering whether this will be a cover issued by the Dragon kingdom in order to cover up the real weapons of the Dragon kingdom.

Today, since the name of Fengshen appears in the cave world, it means that they can face this legendary figure.

For a time, the major super guilds that came to this copy all had a strong interest in Fengshen.



At this point.

On the public screen of Eagle country, a message suddenly appeared.

Harry Taylor: "I found a trace of the Dragon Kingdom team. It is suspected to be the Dragon Wuwei. The number of people is about three, and the coordinates are near (100101). Is there any support?"

Soon, a hyperpupil named Cece Gary contacted Harry by private letter.

"We are near this position. You can make continuous progress with us at any time. We have six people here, and we can catch them all!"

"OK, I'll wait for you to come."

"How far are you from there?"

"Five mobile units, but long Guochao Tong seems to be digging deeper. I avoided them. Now my hoe has been used up. They should throw me six coordinate positions."

"Try to follow them, don't be found, and don't be escaped by them. We'll support them soon."



Chu Feng looked at the private letter and gently stirred up the corner of his mouth.

Harry Taylor is the eagle super pupil controlled by him, and Chu Feng deliberately said in his name that he had found the Dragon super pupil, so as to attract the eagle super pupil guild,

After all, the number of super pupils in Eagle country is better. Kill one camp first!

He slowly sent Sisi the location, and then determined their location step by step through the other party's reply.

Of course, Chu Feng had put on his invisibility cloak and was not exposed.

The two super pupils he controls and the black-and-white impermanence summoned by the pupil of hell explore the way around.

Well, when Sisi came to the position given by Chu Feng, the three super pupils he met were Johnson and black-and-white impermanence.

Of course.

All this is just a predation trap under Chu Feng's cloth!

Waiting to catch more Eagle super pupils.

"Since you are united against our dragon country, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chu Feng's eyes showed a touch of coldness.

Retirement over time.

Under Chu Feng's ingenious calculation, he used all the hoes on the way to the (99, 99) coordinates, just one hour from the refresh the next day.

Right here, Chu Feng waited for Sisi to be arrested.

But how long, a super pupil team, entered here.

They first met Harry who Chu Feng had arranged for the past. After confirming that there was no problem, they relaxed each other's vigilance step by step.

"I see the super pupil of the Dragon Kingdom, right in front. They should have used all the hoes!"

"Well, in that case, there is a dead corner!"

Cecilia smiled with an expression of confidence.

In the cave world, when the hoe is used up, they will be trapped in a room without any access.

Once you kill your guild members at this time, you can block them in a dead corner!

Just then.

Black and white impermanence guards beside the cave and turns into two shadows, which flash past!

Cece, who was following Johnson, saw a bright light.

"That should be the super pupil of the Dragon kingdom!"

"They should have realized that we found them!"

"Take your weapons and prepare to kill them!"

Three dragon country super pupils and seven Eagle country super pupils will not win!

They killed him with confidence!

Less than half a minute.

Below came a burst of information that the eagle country's super pupil had been killed in battle.

Now, it's the turn of the super pupil of the eagle country.

"What's going on?"

"How did Cece's Guild die in battle?"

"Wait, look, Sisi doesn't seem to be dead. There's no information about his death below!"

In Eagle Kingdom, Nelson Fergus's eyes showed a cold feeling. He scolded: "these fools are mostly ambushed by others!"

"President, what should we do now?"

A subordinate asked.

Nelson Fergus took a deep breath: "that guy is not dead yet. I have super pupil connection with Ceci and cooperated several times. Although his brain is not easy to use, he still has strength."

"Since he is still alive, I will contact him with super pupil connection and ask him what happened."

After a few minutes of trying to connect

Nelson Fergus frowned and failed to connect.

It was not until that day that the superpupil connection was connected.

"Cece, what the hell is going on?"

Nelson Fergus asked coldly.

"We have been attacked by the gods!"


"We were about to kill those dragon country super pupils, but Feng Shen came here just at this time..."

Nelson Fergus frowned, and Feng Shen just came at this time, isn't it a coincidence?

"The strength of Fengshen is too strong. We are not his opponent at all..."

"Is the God you met a man?"


"Give me his position. I'll take the whole guild and kill him myself!"