Dongshan's eyes moved, and he was surprised that the other party could kill such a terrible monster!

Even if you change your guild, you may have a little trouble!

Without enough time to think, dongshancheng walked towards Johnson without warning.

Just then.

Johnson suddenly showed a strange smile.

Dongshancheng's face changed. Combined with all the signs here, he immediately realized that there was something wrong with Johnson in front of him!


His vision suddenly darkened.

Before he could react, the world composed of a sea of fire suddenly fell into darkness.

Chu Feng opened his invisibility cloak, and his figure appeared on a high rock!

Hell is coming!


This world has become a world without light.

But in Chu Feng's vision, we can see that black and white impermanence, ox head and horse face, and judge Zhong Kui all appear in the scope of the underground world.


Hook lock mercilessly reaps the lives of Dongshan Cheng's subordinates!

Screams enveloped the room!

Dongshancheng's face changed greatly. He immediately sent a message in his public screen——

"Johnson has a problem!"

"We should meet the gods!"

"The location coordinates are..."

However, before Dongshan Cheng announced more announcements, Chu Feng immediately targeted the odd super pupil of Dongshan group with [18 layers of hell]!

Dongshancheng's face immediately stiffened, and his consciousness fell into the eighteen layers of hell and suffered!

In the blink of an eye, all Dongshan groups died within the scope of the arrival of the underworld!

In the cave world, the pupil technique of super pupil can't play any role within the range of no light!

80% of the super pupil of Dongshan group had no resistance at all, so they were reaped by the four ghost envoys and Zhong Kui!

Chu Feng once again used more pupil power to summon the City God in the field of hell!

At that time, the huge figure of the city god shrouded the whole room!

A powerful ghost spirit turns into a strong force of wronged souls and suppresses the pupil technique of all super pupils of Dongshan group!

Almost in a few seconds, no matter what kind of pupil technique the super pupil of Dongshan group has, they are killed by ghost envoys in the field of hell, or shrouded in the power of the City God.

In the lower left corner of dongshancheng's interface, the news of the death of his guild members kept popping up, which made him surprised and angry!


Chu Feng didn't intend to give Dongshan any chance at all.

After using the pupil of hell to suppress his opponent, he immediately took out Hou Yi's bow and filled the pupil with the bow and arrow.

A bright, dazzling arrow turned into a meteor from the bow string of Hou Yi's bow and shot at dongshancheng's heart at an incredible speed!

Dongshancheng, who was restricted by [eighteen layers of hell], was in a weak position within the scope of the arrival of the underworld. He didn't have any resistance at all. He was shot through by Chu Feng with an arrow and killed in a second!

In the message panel of Chu Feng, countless messages about killing the super pupil of hostile forces pop up!

And his evolution point will be exploded!

Dongshan group has nearly 50 super pupils who participated in this operation. Although the quality is uneven, Chu Feng got 300000 evolution points after killing all of them!

Plus his previous 700000 evolution points, his total number of evolution points has exceeded one million!

You can upgrade the eternal God's eyes to level 9!

Chu Feng felt a little tired after killing all the super pupils of Dongshan group.

After he used the dungeon to descend and summoned ghosts and gods at the level of City God, the decline rate of pupil strength obviously became extremely exaggerated!

For up to half a minute, his pupil strength will be exhausted due to overuse.

"If it weren't for the special rules of the cave world and I couldn't use pupil surgery within the scope of no light, I wouldn't be so easy to kill all such powerful super pupils!"

Chu Feng realized that the coming of the underworld was not a big move that could be used casually, nor was it so invincible. Of course, he still took advantage of the rules of the grotto world this time.

Coincidentally, both the underground world and the grotto world have similar dark rules, but the grotto world also adds the setting of limiting pupil surgery.

After using up all the pupil operations, Chu Feng did not intend to stop, but chose to upgrade one of his super pupil and return to full pupil force at the speed of light.

After all, the time of the cave world is very urgent and needs to be excavated continuously. Now he has 44 times of excavation a day, and he can't waste too much time on things other than excavation.

Therefore, after using up the pupil, Chu Feng is even more unlikely to use Nu Wa's visualization to slowly and little by little restore the pupil force.

"My destiny pupil has been upgraded to level 7. If I want to upgrade to level 8, it will cost 500000 evolution points. It's too expensive!"

"The words of eternal God's eyes... Although I can now upgrade to level 9, I have no new ability. I can only increase the exploration time of ancient heaven, and I can't say it's very useful."

"As for Tianxuan God's eye and reincarnation pupil, we need to go to a higher level to obtain real powerful power. There is no need to upgrade for the time being."


Chu Feng continued to focus on the pupil of Shura.

He killed the enemy of the whole Dongshan group. Chu Feng condensed a trace of killing intention after opening the pupil of Shura. After it was transformed into pupil power, he instantly recovered one tenth.

But that's not enough.

If you upgrade the pupil of Shura, the conversion rate should also be improved accordingly.


"Spend 500000 evolution points to evolve the pupil of Shura!"

"Your Shura pupil has evolved to level 8!"

A brand-new super pupil panel appeared in front of Chu Feng again——

Super pupil: pupil of Shura

Equal order: eighth order (500010 / 1000000)

Abilities: kill intention cohesion, cold blood, seal of Shura, bloodthirsty, kill intention manifestation, kill intention field, kill intention storm, kill intention transformation, kill intention judgment

Kill intention judgment (New): when your kill intention exceeds the target's pupil force (soul like force and other attributes), you can consume the same amount of pupil force as the target value and directly conduct kill intention judgment!

Judgment 1: the murderous trial is launched, and the opponent dies directly due to insufficient pupil power.

Judgment 2: when the killing intention trial is launched, the opponent's pupil force is greater than the killing intention, which offsets the same amount of pupil force.

Judgment 3: the murderous intent trial is reactionary. The opponent has the means to avoid spiritual killing. Therefore, the judgment does not work. It consumes the same amount of murderous intent but does not cause any aggression.

Chu Feng's eyes moved.

Murder trial

It's almost like a death sentence!

However, killing intention judgment can consume killing intention without consuming pupil power.


Chu Feng also noticed that his killing intention was transformed to 30%!

PS: today's five watch, thanks for the words of the author.