Dragon camp, public screen chat room.

After Chu Feng destroyed the whole team of Dongshan group who went to the cave world this time, the discussion on "Fengshen" was crazily brushed on the whole screen again!

"Lying in the trough, the God is a cow. It seems that he killed another guild?"

"Is Dongshan Cheng the president of Dongshan group?"

"Good guy, I remember that the super pupil is very strong. Once he killed the whole guild alone. As a result, this time, it was his turn to be singled out by the gods?"

"God, eternal God!"

While they were discussing one after another, suddenly, a pair of eyes appeared on their heads.

All the longguochao pupils were stunned.

"Brothers, do you have a pair of eyes on your head?"

"Shit! That's the tracking of the heavenly eye. Our position has been exposed!"

"Heavenly eye? Why did he come to the cave world?"

"It's normal. This guy is a dog leg of the overseas super pupil force. He has very good eyes. As long as he knows a little information about you, he can start position tracking for you."

"Shit, it's disgusting. Can anyone track his position?"

Generally speaking, the tracking type of pupil surgery has a very serious disadvantage - it will be anti tracked by others.

Therefore, the tracking system's super pupil ability can break through the distance limit and lock the enemy, but it is also easy to be targeted by others.

In addition, their combat ability is weak, so the super pupil tracker can only be a puppet of some forces or super guilds.

"No, Tianyan is estimated to be in the core position and protected by the leaders of the super guild."

"Yes, if we go to Tianyan, it will be equivalent to a war with all foreign super pupil people?"

"What now?"

"Anyway, the whole picture is hung on the opposite side, or let's get together and fight with them?"


A long Wuwei suddenly said in the chat box: "in terms of hard power, although the number and comprehensive quality of our dragon country's super pupil are stronger than them, if all the super pupil forces unite and target our dragon country together, the chance of winning is very low!"

"What should we do?"

Some people are not convinced. Should they sit and wait to die?

"Try to explore the grottoes first. Don't forget that this is the role of the heavenly towers. The props in the grotto world may not be worse than the pupils. As long as we explore enough opportunities, enhance our strength, disperse and fight guerrilla warfare with them, we may not have no chance of winning!"

The long Wuwei explained.

Although this is not a good solution and it means a bit of gambling on luck, it has to be said that in terms of number, the Dragon kingdom is only a super pupil camp, but it has to face almost all the allies of other super pupil camps, which is difficult to deal with!

"Let's develop first. If we can, wait for God!"

The Dragon Wuwei continued to express his views.

The crowd's eyes lit up.

As long as they don't concentrate and keep fighting guerrillas with the enemy's super pupil, the combat effectiveness of Feng Shen will be very strong!

After all, he is an army alone!

As long as they don't die too fast, there will be a chance if the gods come to support them.

Because as long as the super pupil of the Dragon Kingdom acts separately, the hostile super pupil must also act separately.

If they get together, how can they catch and kill all the scattered Longguo superpupils?

"You have advantages in number and intelligence, but we have gods!"

"Whoever laughs last depends on whether you chase fast or kill fast!"



Come to the end of the flame passage.

Chu Feng saw a flame hoe directly ahead, suspended in a sea of fire.

Control the fire god pearl.

Chu Feng scattered the flames around him, and then went to the flame hoe.

At this time, his system pops up a prompt:

"Congratulations on getting the Vulcan hoe!"

"Vulcan hoe: it can dig a special flame cave. This is an important prop on your way to the artifact. Please take good care of it!"

After obtaining the Vulcan hoe, Chu Feng's daily excavation times increased from 44 to 64.

"Vulcan hoe has twenty excavation opportunities!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

However, he soon realized that it was already near the God of fire scepter, and the next caves needed a god of fire hoe to dig.

In other words, he actually digs 20 times a day.

Just then.

A hint came from the pupil of the heavenly way of Chu Feng:

"There is a hidden passage in front of you on the right. You can go to the Vulcan casting table and cast all your hoes into Vulcan hoes!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

He quickly manipulated the jewel of the God of fire and opened the hidden road.

A hidden passage was revealed as the fire god pearl controlled the surrounding sea of fire and retreated around.

Chu Feng went in.

After five excavations, suddenly a warning pops up——

"There is a three headed ground fire dog approaching you!"

Chu Feng directly used Hou Yi's bow and gave three ground fire dogs an arrow!

Three ground fire dogs have certain divinity and are difficult to kill.

Houyi bow is the weapon of the gods. The divinity of the three headed ground fire dog is really a little tricky for ordinary people with super pupil, but it seems completely insignificant to Chu Feng's Houyi bow.

With an arrow, three ground fire dogs immediately fell to the ground.

Five more excavations.

At present, a huge lava casting platform appeared.

"You can put your hoe on it and cast it into a Vulcan hoe!"

According to the prompt in front of him, Chu Feng controlled three hoes and flew to the casting table.

With a crisp beating of iron.

After about half an hour, three brand-new, flame shrouded hoes rose up with the flames in full bloom and fell behind Chu Feng.

Excavation times + 30!

Now Chu Feng can dig 94 times a day!

This is like an excavator that will never stop. It won't be hindered at all!

Chu Feng's heart was so happy that he had 94 mining opportunities a day. He could copy all the way to the artifact room!

Of course, he still needs to get a key on the way, but even with detour, it only takes one and a half days to enter the artifact room at most.

Just then.

Chu Feng saw the chat in the lower left corner.

The content is that long Guochao Tong is discussing the matter of Tianyan.

"Tianyan, why didn't I feel his presence?"

Chu Feng frowned. He hoped Tianyan would find himself, so he could track the other party and end the hostile super pupil!


A message pops up in front of Chu Feng——

"Jiang Xue invited you to connect with super pupil..."