Tianyan frowned and sent a message on the public screen:

"I suddenly can't see Li leilong's position."

"Recently, several Longguo superpupils suddenly disappeared in the same position."

"It may be a special place. You can arrange some people to go and see what happened in that place."

Tianyan sent a coordinate in the chat group.

Impressively, it is the entrance of the Thor hammer treasure strategy route.

Several big men who were also in the chat group slightly opened their eyes, moved their eyes, and arranged some of their men to go to the location of the coordinates.


Hundreds of super pupils were arranged to go to the entrance. In each guild, more than ten to twenty super pupils were arranged.

This scale, put in any copy, I'm afraid it's all the number of Raiders!

And such a group of super pupils can form a mighty army!

On the way

Any obstacle or monster is not worth mentioning in front of these super pupil people.

After only one day's journey, hundreds of hypermydriasis gathered at that coordinate.

They could not see that there was a passage with thunder light not far away.

Tianyan: "you go in and explore. It may be an artifact room. Don't be preempted by long Guochao Tong!"

Hundreds of people with hypermydriasis poured into the channel at the same time, and the momentum looked terrible.

Turn on positioning mode again.

Tianyan's mouth with a cold smile continued to obtain the location information of other Longguo super pupils.



An area at the extreme edge of the cave world.

Although there are not many monsters in this place, the caves here are very complex.

Dozens of caves are communicated in each room. If it is not for the guidance of the fate compass, even if there are map coordinates, it is easy to wander in the complex maze.

It's like a ghost hitting a wall.

Sometimes, when you go along the front coordinates, you come back.

However, Chu Feng would not have such a problem because he had the compass of fate.

His Vulcan hoe quickly dug in the cave.

Break the room.

Enter it.

Several bat monsters with blood sucking fangs rushed towards Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng just gently waved the God of fire scepter, and the towering flame immediately swallowed up the figure of the bat monster.

When the bodies of these monsters fell to the ground, they became a black evil spirit and gathered in Chu Feng's eyes.

He opened the pupil of Shura!

Along the way, he hunted and killed countless monsters in the cave world. Chu Feng can also get a strong killing intention by killing these monsters!

At the moment, his eyes were extremely cold, and his whole body sent out the wave of killing intention with extreme terror. These killing intentions even turned into real breath and turned into smoke like black gas, which lingered around him.

Happy to kill!

If it's just hunting monsters on the way, it's not enough for Chu Feng's killing intention to reach this point.

However, the information about the death of long Guochao Tong kept popping up in the lower left corner, which made Chu Feng's killing intention stronger and stronger!

In addition to the killing intention of killing the enemy, there is also the natural killing intention, which is constantly superimposed!

Remaining hypermydriasis in Longguo: 474

Another day later, the Dragon Kingdom has produced more than 200 deaths, which is extremely amazing!

Chu Feng took a deep breath. After the pupil of Shura gathered the killing intention, it was transformed into the eternal God's eyes.

A trace of cold feeling made him almost overflow his killing intention, and he converged back a little, restoring a trace of rationality in his eyes.

If he didn't restrain himself, Chu Feng might turn back and kill him recklessly!

However, he still has a more important step to do!

Dig again.

In the room ahead, a treasure chest appeared.

Another hoe!

Now, seven hoes have been suspended on Chu Feng's body, and he has excavated a lot!

But his steps did not stop!

An ordinary hoe is thrown into the Vulcan casting table. After a short period of polishing, it becomes a Vulcan hoe.

Pick up axes all the way, dig all the way, and don't stop at all!

After a day's journey.

Chu Feng even directly crossed hundreds of coordinate units and came to the position of (300300).

Look up.

A stone pillar extending to the sky extends to the top of the cave world. At the end, it seems that there is a slight light, which seems to be the exit of the cave world.

The stone pillar looks thousands of meters high. I don't know how long it will take to climb it slowly.

Even if the Dragon travels around the world, it takes Chu Feng a lot of time to climb the thousands of meters of stone pillars.

"If you upgrade Tianxuan divine eye to level 7, you can obtain [mountain sea Lingyun]!"

Chu Feng's eyes moved.

[mountain, sea and cloud] is a skill that allows the body to fly naturally. When it broke the world, let alone thousands of meters, even thousands of miles high, it was just going up!

It costs 200000 evolutionary points.

"Your Tianxuan divine eye has been upgraded to level 7!"

"Gain a new skill: [mountain, sea and cloud]!"

Chu Feng's body immediately soared up like a winged ROC, flying in the wind to the top of the stone pillar.

It takes only half a day.

To the highest level of the cave world.

Above, there is an extremely small hole.

The sun outside, projected in.

The top of the stone column is a groove, forming a lake basin, which can collect water.

Rainwater flows in from the hole and fills the lake basin. There is a clear lake water.

Chu Feng stood by the lake and looked down.

A magical scene happened.

Through the lake, you can see everything in the cave world!

All caves seem to have become transparent, which can penetrate the obstacles of the terrain and see anything you want to see.

At the bottom of the lake, there is a seal.

Chu Feng first ignored the seal, but first paid attention to one of the figures.

Heavenly eye!

He was dressed in a gray robe, and there were several super pupil people around him.

After using the supreme pupil, Chu Feng immediately confirmed the other party's information, which was indeed the heavenly eye.

"Pupil surgery can be used."

After confirming this information, Chu Feng opened the pupil of Shura.

"Whether to release the murderous trial?"


"Judgment: the opponent has a treasure to avoid mental attack, but it is not enough to offset the judgment of killing intention. You can kill the target by consuming all the killing intention."

"Do you want to choose trial - consume all killing intentions and kill the target?"


When Chu Feng's idea moved, his killing intention turned into a storm and quietly emerged towards the eye of heaven!

Thousands of miles apart.

The heavenly eye sitting on the ground suddenly turned into a black weapon and exploded around!

In this way, his people became a pool of dark ink, leaving only a gray robe dyed black and in place.

The scene is very strange!

Everyone looked back in amazement. They didn't see the eye of heaven. They only saw the empty gray robe and a message popped up on the public screen of the system——

"Tianyan was attacked by enemy super pupil and has been killed!"

PS: another chapter!