But before long, the octopus became a charcoal roasted delicacy on chufeng's raft.

With a movement of thought, he took out the wine pot and sprinkled some wine on it.

Well, it's just cooking wine!

Although there is no other seasoning, good wine with seafood barbecue is a great taste in the world!

The pupil of heaven suggests that this octopus can be eaten. Of course, it may not be strange for humans in this world to eat these strange fish.

In the endless Dead Sea, he drifted with the tide. Anyway, Chu Feng had nothing to do, so he swallowed the whole octopus.

He was a little surprised.

"Eating these deep-sea fish seems to enhance my physique."

Open the eternal God's eyes, Chu Feng looks at his constitution, which is really better than before.

As a result, he got rid of hunger and became healthy.

Just then.

Another prompt pops up in the pupil of the heavenly way of Chu Feng:

"You triggered [a chance] and [destiny guide]!"

"Five kilometers away, the black pearl, one of the legends of the dead sea area, haunted!"

"The black pearl is a ghost ship. There is a mysterious power hidden on the ship. It is said that the ship can lead to any position in the dead sea. All adventurers who want to get eternal life want to get the ship."

After Chu Feng saw the prompt, of course, he did not hesitate to rob the ship!

"With the pupil of heaven's way, my [a chance] and [destiny guide] trigger will have a prompt, which is not so easy to miss."

In the previous copies, Chu Feng can often get opportunities, which is related to this aura.

Of course, because there is no prompt, it is triggered sometimes, and he doesn't know.

With the hint of the pupil of heaven, these auras are not so easy to miss when triggered.

Open the Vientiane sky pupil.

Chu Feng immediately used the force of gravity to push the small raft towards the direction of the black pearl.



Black Pearl.

The ship was hidden in the shadow, and on the ship, there was a faint light of long lights.

The crew's clothes were in rags, as if they had not been changed for more than ten years.


There was a loud noise from the ship.

Most of them are the cries of playing cards, drinking and boxing. It is impossible to expect the spiritual activities of a group of rough men to have any spiritual connotation. Most of them are vulgar games to meet desires and entertainment.

Just then.

A cry of surprise came from the bow.

"Brothers are going to copy the guy. An enemy is coming!"

The pirates playing cards, boxing and drinking were all disturbed and ran to the bow of the ship one after another.

A few hundred meters away, a small raft was approaching them quickly.

"Hahaha, there's only one person. Why are you panicking?"

"He's another adventurer who doesn't know how to live or die. When I cut him down, I'll turn him into our crew."

"Alas, that's how I got on your pirate ship. Now I haven't been home for a hundred years."

"Why do you go home? Isn't the endless sea secret what you want all your life? Although you are dead now, you can still explore after death. Anyway, you have fulfilled your long cherished wish and won't lose!"

There was a burst of laughter, sarcasm and sigh on the deck

It seems that no one will pay attention to the enemy on the raft.

As a legend that has lived on the sea for hundreds of years, the owner of the Black Pearl has not changed so far.

Of course, the owner of the ship is already dead.


When Chu Feng's small raft was just approaching the black pearl, he had already taken off the long light tied on the railing. In an instant, he exerted himself on the raft, kicked his feet, and his whole body soared up like a shell, jumped and fell on the deck.

When his feet just landed, a group of ferocious pirates suddenly rushed out of the dark. With a ferocious smile on his face and a knife in his hand, he chopped at Chu Feng.

"Thousand blade God front!"

Chu Feng opened the eternal God's eyes and launched the pupil technique that had not been used for a long time.

After the eternal divine eyes are upgraded to level 8, 180 divine fronts cross the bodies of these pirates in the normal field of vision mode.

Suddenly, their bodies were divided into two parts.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

"My waist, my waist is separated from my legs!"

"Shit! My head is too far away to find my body!"

"What the hell is this guy? Does he have the power of Poseidon?"

"We feel like telling Captain Jack to clean up the little thief!"

Chu Feng looked at a pile of "limbs" cut to pieces by his thousand blade divine front, jumping and jumping in front of him, and some headless bodies bumping around. It was not easy to pick up his own head and pick up his eyebrows.

"It's a little interesting."

And a figure suddenly appeared on the sail.

With a black gun in his left hand and a black knife in his right hand, he looked at Chu Feng with empty eyes. Suddenly, he jumped down from above and made a sudden attack.

"Hint: the captain of the black pearl is attacking you. As long as you subdue him, the whole ship is yours."

Chu Feng instantly opened the pupil of hell

Ten minutes later.

Chu Feng played with Captain Jack's black gun in his left hand and his black knife in his right hand, smiling at a large number of Pirates kneeling in front of him.

"So this gun and this knife can take away your immortal body?"

Captain Jack... No, he should be called Jack now. He is just a prisoner of Chu Feng.

The expression on his face disappeared. With a standard dog licking expression and a flattering smile on his face, he said to Chu Feng: "Oh, my Lord, regardless of villains, from today on, this black pearl is your ship!"


Chu Feng had a playful smile and the hell's pupils reflected in the sea of blood. When he looked at Jack, the latter couldn't help trembling.

Even if he was dead, he couldn't help feeling the shudder of his soul when facing these eyes.

"Shit! Did I meet a hell messenger?"

Jack felt guilty.

He never thought that he was a dead man and would feel afraid.

It's also interesting that a thing that has already become a ghost should secretly scold the ghost in his heart.

Chu Feng has found out the situation of the black pearl.

This is a cursed ship.

The crew who stayed on the ship had already died, but because of the curse of the black pearl, they would not die, but they would never leave the ship.

Of course, there is a special way to deal with this group of immortal crew - Captain Jack's black gun and black knife.

The disobedient crew died under these two weapons... Again.

Therefore, the remaining crew of the black pearl are all a group of death fearing ghosts.

Even if they are dead, they are afraid to die again.

Because only after dying once can we know the value of life.