"Tip: you are about to enter the foggy sea area. This sea area is easy to get lost and there are many hidden crises. Please drive carefully."

After the hull of the Black Pearl entered the foggy sea area, the helmsman had been replaced by Chu Feng.

Jack, and the crew behind him, became dignified.

The surrounding fog covered the whole sea.

The long-time light on the Black Pearl has no effect and cannot illuminate the situation ahead.

In the misty sea area, there are countless hidden reefs.

Even a legendary ship like the black pearl can't bear too many collisions.

Driving in the foggy sea is like a blind man moving forward in a complex maze. He will make close contact with the wall with his face without taking a few steps, which is full of difficulties.

Open the pupil of heaven.

In front of Chu Feng, there were constant reminders:

"Attention, there are reefs 500 meters ahead. You'd better avoid it!"

"Note that there is a reef community five kilometers ahead. You'd better take a detour in advance, otherwise you can't get out."

"Note that there is a fog Deep Sea Lord behind you. It may attack your ship at any time. The risk factor is class A."

Chu Feng's hands whirled wildly on the rudder.

The speed of the Black Pearl did not slow down from entering the foggy sea area, but accelerated!

Many of the crew of the Black Pearl looked pale!

They secretly scolded the living man in their hearts. He was really a little white. He didn't know how to live or die with a little strength. Sooner or later, they would know the terrible place of the foggy sea area!

Then, however, a scene that surprised them happened!

The Black Pearl sailed flexibly in the misty sea area and didn't hit any rocks.

They held the deck and looked under the sea. They were surprised to find that reefs passed by without any collision with the ship.

Even Jack, a captain who has lived for hundreds of years, couldn't help admiring Chu Feng's operating skills.

He realized that the young man was much stronger than he thought. He couldn't see the depth of each other at all.

"Does it mean that he has been to this sea area?"

Jack couldn't help muttering in his heart.

In such a dangerous foggy sea area, under the helm of this young man, it's like walking in his own back garden. Every huge reef just passes by the side of the ship, as if he has remembered all the conditions of this sea area and can pass with his eyes closed.

You know, the inertia of the black pearl is incomparably high.

According to the visible range of the foggy sea area, when you see the reef, it is basically too late to adjust the direction.

There is only one possibility that Chu Feng can avoid the reef so flexibly - he has the ability to know the danger in advance.

This ability, put in the dead sea area, is enough for an ordinary pirate to become a sea overlord!

Just then.

The hull of the Black Pearl suddenly shook violently.

Suddenly, a huge pressure enveloped the people on board.

If you look down, you will find that a huge shadow suddenly appears on the sea!

As if in the sea, an amazing monster was ready to surface and attack everyone on board!

"No, it's the Deep Sea Lord!"

"Damn it, how can monsters of this level appear here?"

"It's over. If we meet the Deep Sea Lord in the misty sea, we'll die again!"

The crew showed a look of despair!

The deep sea is a huge octopus monster, and its volume is as large as an island.

If the black pearl is a living legend, then the deep-sea Lord is a living nightmare. Even if it is a legend, he is not willing to meet an enemy of this level.

Chu Feng knew the Deep Sea Lord who followed him from the hint of the pupil of heaven.

When the octopus first appeared, a huge divine eye quietly appeared next to the deep-sea Lord.

Eternal God eyes, heaven form!

Thousand blade Shenfeng!

Under the vision of heaven, Chu Feng can display more than 500 thousand blade divine fronts.

Moreover, because he now has an incomparable number of super pupils, and the pupil force is more exaggerated, every thousand blade divine front is five feet long, enough to divide a magic fish into two!

More than 500 such thousand blade divine fronts fell on the Deep Sea Lord at the same time

The picture is terrible!

Underwater, there was a boiling sound.

The crew looked at a sudden change at the bottom of the water in amazement. They didn't know what had happened!

When the Deep Sea Lord surfaced, he had been divided into pieces!


All the crew members were stunned. Even Jack looked at the scene strangely and secretly put his eyes on Chu Feng.

He knew that the Deep Sea Lord would encounter such a fate. He was absolutely inseparable from the mysterious youth at the helm!

Originally, Jack still had some ghost ideas in his mind, but when he thought of Chu Feng's strength, his caution suddenly disappeared.

It's all ghosts. Don't die.

This man can't be provoked!

After the destruction of the Deep Sea Lord, the grain reserve of black pearl could not help worrying.

In front of Chu Feng, a prompt pops up:

"You have entered the core of the foggy sea, where there is a special spatial force that will hinder your senses."

"Detection, there is space distortion in front. You need to drive towards the rear to get closer to the Poseidon temple."

Chu Feng is no stranger to the power of space.

He immediately turned the boat according to the hint of the pupil of heaven.

Then, the Black Pearl he was driving began to move irregularly, and the hull shook like a roller coaster.

If the crew were not dead, they might throw up!

Jack was also dazed. He was a little unclear about Chu Feng's intention in this operation.

When the Black Pearl swung strangely for some time, suddenly, the fog in the sea became thinner.

"Look, there's an island ahead!"

A cry of surprise made Jack focus on the past.

Five nautical miles away, a foggy Island appeared in front of us!

Near the island, there is also a beach for the black pearl to berth ashore.

Jack was shocked.

"Did you really find the sea god temple?"

Legend has it that the sea god temple is on the island in the center of the foggy sea area, but no one can find it here.

However, the mysterious young man broke everyone's understanding and successfully found the sea god temple.

They realized that Chu Feng's operation was meaningful. Perhaps this was the key to finding the sea god temple.

When the Black Pearl docked.

Chu Feng didn't care about the people on board. He jumped off the black pearl and walked towards the sea god temple.

PS: I'm not feeling well today, and then I didn't save the manuscript. I'll make it up at the fourth watch first, and then at the weekend!