Chu Feng felt a little surprised that his pupil of heaven could even prompt which super pupil had confidential information?

However, when you think about it carefully, if the pupil of heaven's way is simple, I'm afraid it doesn't play such a powerful role.

It's mainly your own destiny guide.

The aura of [destiny guide] enables him to automatically attract key figures related to the core of the replica, and the super pupil who has relevant information is naturally among them.

Under the influence of the aura, Chu Feng was destined to have some "friendship" with these people, but the pupil of heaven pointed out in advance to make the "coincidence" look more "natural".

Chu Feng picked up the trident of the sea god and manipulated the power of the sea.

Suddenly, the Black Pearl sank suddenly, and all the crew were surprised.


A surprising scene happened.

Under the protection of the trident of Poseidon, the Black Pearl dived into the deep sea as if it had become a submarine.

In fact, it was Chu Feng's power to control the sea, let the Black Pearl dive under the water, and then quickly drove towards the super pupil ship.

The sea water in the dead sea area is very special, which can block the exploration of pupil force.

Therefore, in this sea area, super pupil people often perceive the existence of the enemy only when the magic fish is less than ten meters away.

If the pupil force is as strong as Chu Feng, you can naturally explore the seabed thousands of meters below, but few can do it.

Under the cover of the deep sea, Chu Feng led the black pearl to hide towards the target.



Foggy waters.

A huge ship, in the vast sea fog, is sneaking hard.


However, after a while, there was a violent crash from the ship.

The big guy hit a rock ahead and the whole hull shook violently.

"Damn it, why is this sea so difficult to walk!"

Above the deck, there was a curse.

In the eyes of the super pupil, a strange light appeared and fell on the position where the ship hit.

Although the ship's structure is very firm, it collided with the reef at this forward speed, and the ship's hull will be slightly damaged due to inertia.

However, when his pupil fell on the ship, the damaged area immediately recovered.

Standing beside him, the boy in sailor's clothes smiled and joked, "anyway, you are a super pupil of the repair department. You are almost the same whether repairing people or ships."

"Hum, I hope my pupil can repair the head of the president. If the Black Pearl doesn't get it, we should give up the deep-sea heart. However, he has to explore the sea god temple. Without the black pearl, we can go there?"

"Hehe, after all, it's a Tiantong Raider strategy he finally obtained. He missed the tenth floor. Coupled with the stimulation of God sealing, do you think he can't be crazy about the extra super pupil?"

Just then.

The young sailor's face suddenly changed.

His pupils became deep, as if he had crossed the sea of the dead sea and looked somewhere under the deep sea.

"What's the matter?"

Those with hypermydriasis in the repair department frowned slightly and noticed the changes in the mood of their teammates.

The young man was surprised and said, "it's strange. I seem to see a giant following our ship under the deep sea, but I don't know what it is..."

The black pearl, also known as the ghost ship, has the ability to hide the body shape, and can isolate the pupil force exploration of the super pupil.

Of course, the sailor's boy can see the black pearl, which shows that his superpupil is the superpupil of the observation system, and the order is not low.

"We'd better report to the president."

"Well, get ready for battle early."

After a brief exchange, the two superpupils standing on the deck crossed the busy sailors nearby.

These sailors were all aborigines hired by them. When the super pupil passed them, the sailors' eyes were obviously afraid.

They had seen these senior officers on board and the mysterious captain, who had incredible power.

All sailors in the Dead Sea are in awe of the mysterious forces in the sea, including human beings with powers.

Among the many sailors, only a 12-year-old little man looked at the eyes of the two super pupils without fear, but full of thought.

If you look carefully, you can also find that there is golden brilliance in his pupils.

you 're right!

This is an ordinary sailor controlled by Chu Feng with [huangquan soul guide] and [destiny connection] to complete the sharing of vision.

If you want to cross such a long distance and control the superpupil, it is naturally impossible, but if the target is just an ordinary aborigine without any ability, it is naturally not a problem.

Coupled with the connection of destiny, Chu Feng controls this body and can naturally go undercover to the enemy's hometown.

But how long.

A dozen people with hypermydriasis, centered on a burly middle-aged man, came out.

After the middle-aged man came to the deck, he immediately opened the super pupil to check the direction of the black pearl.

"Strange, what about the enemy you said?"

The middle-aged man is obviously the captain of the ship and the president of the super pupil of the ship.

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly and looked at the sailor's boy.

The young man was stunned, walked forward, opened the super pupil again, and looked in the direction of the black pearl.

It turned out that

The black pearl is gone!

"This..." the sailor boy was stunned. What did he see and ran away as soon as he appeared?

Are you kidding me?

"Maybe it's a magic fish in the deep sea."

A superpupil nearby smiled, trying to find an explanation.

This statement is naturally unreliable.

The middle-aged man frowned: "don't relax your vigilance, we..."

Before he could finish this sentence, suddenly, the ship set off a wave of hundreds of feet in all directions!

Like a tsunami!

However, who has seen the tsunami roll over from all directions?

It's like a demon opening its mouth to swallow them!

Accompanied by a burst of exclamations and curses.

The ship's superpupils were submerged.

"Evolution point + 100000!"

In front of Chu Feng, a panel pops up.

He counted the number of superpupils he killed and made sure that the enemy of that ship had been solved.

As for the heart of the deep sea

After the president came out, Chu Feng had seen the relevant information and confirmed his position with his supreme pupil.

Well, it's no use keeping these enemies.

Chu Feng continued to control the trident of Poseidon and moved rapidly towards the heart of the deep sea.

As long as we gather together the black pearl and the trident of Poseidon, we may be able to complete the task of hiding the heart of the deep sea.