Open the character panel——

Role: Zhang Yuan


Identity: Lord of the sea


Special ability: Poseidon personality (complete)

Air transportation:???


Now, most of the properties on the play role panel have disappeared.

After obtaining the real Poseidon status, Chu Feng's life level changed, and naturally there was no concept of age, state, Qi and prestige.

At this time, Chu Feng felt that he had the power to decide all the existence of this copy!

let me put it another way.

Now he can do whatever he wants with this copy.

Originally, the reason why the dead sea area became so dangerous was deeply related to the pollution of Poseidon.

All kinds of mysterious forces are out of control.

If the tenth floor above the heavenly towers is the integration of the world, then perhaps the source of pollution is the power from other worlds.

It may also be related to the higher-level evil god world or the secret world.

Once Chu Feng clears the pollution source and obtains the status of Poseidon, he will completely dominate the whole copy!

Open panel——

Number remaining: 151

After nearly two months of copy time, there are still half of the survivors!

If it weren't for that team, death entered the scope of pollution sources and competed normally, I'm afraid this copy would last longer.

Just then

Chu Feng found that there was a huge naval battle thousands of miles away, which was being fiercely launched.

He projected his thoughts into the past.

Dozens of fleets completely surrounded the fleet of Longguo Chaotong.

The members of those dozens of fleets are the super pupil of the free country, the eagle country and the cherry blossom country.

After the large-scale restricted copy on the tenth floor of the heavenly towers, other countries have a non covenant agreement - that is to jointly target the dragon country!

Among the tasks of the cave world, the first 100 survivors are all from the Dragon Kingdom, which makes all over the world realize that the development of the Dragon kingdom must be curbed.

Therefore, it will be a very common scene for the dragon country super pupil to be targeted among the replicas above the tenth floor.

"Do you waste people only bully the less with more?"

On the side of the Dragon Kingdom, a valiant Female Pirate, with a cold face, asked the enemy hostages.

The pirates with a black beard in the fleet of the free country said with a grim smile, "bully the less with more? Don't say so many childish words when you come to the world of the heavenly towers!"

"In this game, only those who survive are qualified to reason with others."

"Fifty one people are still missing. I think there are more than 60 people on this side of the Dragon kingdom?"

"Why don't you choose some people to die and ensure that the following people can pass the copy?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Behind him came a burst of laughter.

They seem to feel that they have eaten the Dragon kingdom.

The famous dragon country female superpupil sneered and said, "what's our mentality? Don't laugh to death. If you can take more heads, you'll earn more!"

Blackbeard sneered, "in that case, don't talk nonsense, brothers, kill me!"

Dozens of fleets attacked Longguo Chaotong.

The scene was dense.

Various pupil techniques seem to surround dozens of Longguo super pupils on the field.

The camp of the Dragon Kingdom raised a huge protective shield. Everyone was fighting hard, but there was no chance of life.

"Hahaha, you really don't think that this copy can be so lucky. Meet the God to save you?"

Blackbeard laughed wildly and triumphantly.

Just then.

On the ninth day, a thunder light suddenly fell on Blackbeard!


The thunder suddenly appeared, accompanied by the huge bombing sound, and Blackbeard's laughter suddenly disappeared.

And his people are gone!

Everyone looked in the direction of Blackbeard in amazement!

When the thunder disappeared, Blackbeard had no residue left!

What happened?

People were puzzled.

How could such a big living man be struck by thunder?

Is this pretending to be struck by thunder?

The shocking is still behind

A huge wave and tsunami suddenly blew around, swallowing all the super pupils except the Dragon kingdom!

"Damn it, what power do you have?"

The super pupil of the joint team stared at the super pupil of the Dragon kingdom with stunned eyes, completely wondering under what circumstances did the other party master such terrible power?

If they had taken it out earlier, could they kill so many people here?

The super pupils of the Dragon Kingdom also showed a blind face.

They all looked at each other and didn't understand what was happening at present.

Is this what God said... Retribution?

But even if you suddenly encounter a tsunami, you won't just engage in the super pupil on the opposite side, will you?

The super pupil of the joint team looked at the innocent expression on the faces of the people in the Dragon kingdom. They were almost mad!

Who knows where this power comes from!

Before long, a large area of enemies were killed by the power of Poseidon.

When there are only 100 superpupils left in the remaining number on the spot, they will not continue to die.

Here, the first 100 superpupils have been determined.

This copy can end almost between Chu Feng's thoughts.

"You got 150000 evolution points!"

In the distance, Chu Feng breathed a sigh. Although he had the position of sea god, it still consumed a lot of his pupil power to kill the enemy in such a long distance.

Chu Feng naturally has no good feelings for overseas hypermydriasis.

Since they are in trouble with the compatriots of the Dragon Kingdom, Chu Feng will naturally help them if he has the ability.

Anyway, only the top 100 can pass the task of the heavenly towers.

Chu Feng, of course, chose to let his own people who were also the Dragon Kingdom go in!

"Now, I have 1.5 million evolution points."

Looking at the number of evolution points on the panel, Chu Feng nodded slightly.

However, so far, he has no super pupil and has reached grade 9.

In addition to the directly integrated hell pupil and supreme pupil

Chu Feng plans to keep the evolution point first and see how to use it later.

Don't think there are a lot of one million evolution points. He still has several pupil techniques that can be upgraded, and one million evolution points is enough to upgrade one pupil technique to level 9, or two super pupils to level 8. It's not enough!

When there are only 100 people left, the next step is reward settlement.

Chu Feng's heart moved and immediately opened the eternal God's eyes.

Every time he completes the copy, he has to go to the ancient heaven to explore!

What's more, Chu Feng came to a new area of ancient Tianting after repairing the three pointed and two edged Dao last time.

Dourate palace!

PS: This is a transitional copy. It's easier to write. Some better copies are in the back. Be patient.