"Sasano, how's the situation?"

A serious voice came from the messenger.

"Report to captain Kitano. The suspect is from Longguo. We were about to catch her. Unexpectedly, the guy had many means. She escaped in a lifeboat!"

Chu Feng deliberately controlled satano Guitai and reported angrily.

With his supreme eyes, he has learned from the fate of Keita sasano about each other's character, subordinated boss, daily work and all aspects that need to be paid attention to.

Therefore, kyuta sasano's situation has not been subject to any doubt.

Beiye said in a deep voice: "forget it, you can find an intelligence officer in the Dragon Kingdom, but you can't catch the other party. It's a mistake, so the reward for meritorious service will be cancelled."


At the same time, Chu Feng also controlled Yamaguchi Yichuan and used satellite phones at the other end to talk to a senior level of Dongshan group.

"Yamaguchi, you have a new task."

"Let's talk about the specific situation in the group first."

"I need you to go to the royal family..."

The information in the communication is very simple and does not disclose any relevant information.

The person who really received this message was Chu Feng.

He moved in his heart and secretly said, "Yamaguchi's identity can be said to be a chess piece sent by dongshanji * * to the royal family, and this task is probably related to the royal family."

On the surface, the cherry blossom country is still dominated by the royal family. However, the real super pupil resources are basically in the hands of Dongshan group.

Now, the information about Cherry Blossom country is basically the information of Dongshan group, but the royal family has rarely mentioned it.

Chu Feng felt that the identity of Shankou Yichuan was really good. He could break into the Dongshan group and see what the royal family was like.

He immediately controlled Yamaguchi Yichuan, got on a special car that had been prepared long ago, and drove all the way to the headquarters of Dongshan group.

When getting on the bus, the driver was obviously an information super pupil. When Yamaguchi was getting on the bus, the other party took off his sunglasses, and his pupils emitted strange light and swept it.

Yamaguchi raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't say anything, he obviously expressed his dissatisfaction with the move.

The driver apologized and said, "sorry, Mr. Yamaguchi, I heard that you and Mr. Sakano just went on a mission to capture the intelligence personnel of Longguo. In case, I need to confirm your situation."

Yamaguchi said coldly, "what's the situation now?"

"There is nothing unusual about you."


The driver nodded immediately, turned around and drove honestly.

At the moment when the other party turned around, Yamaguchi's pupils burst into a golden light.

Far away in sasano's villa.

Chu Feng secretly smiled.

"It's pupil surgery for electronic equipment detection. What did I think it was, that's it?"

The driver's pupil technique is similar to that of a metal detector, which is to check whether Yamaguchi's body has a tracker or monitor.

No wonder he's just a driver

If this guy's pupil technique can really detect that Yamaguchi Yichuan is controlled by Chu Feng, he won't be just a driver in charge of reception.

Chu Feng used the "destiny connection" to pass through the bustling streets and come all the way to the headquarters of Dongshan group from the perspective of Yamaguchi.

When passing the gate, several super pupil people in black uniforms bowed.

"Mr. Yamaguchi, please use pupil surgery for certification."

Chu Feng swept through the gate of the headquarters from the perspective of Shankou, and suddenly found that there was a stage sized platform surrounded by various equipment.

Pupil surgery is the identity authentication of a super pupil.

Dongshan group's testing is very strict. It needs to perform pupil surgery to confirm its identity before it can pass the testing.

Other ordinary puppet controlled pupil surgery can't pass this test at all.

Including Chu Feng's "soul of the yellow spring".

The mechanism of "huangquan soul guidance" is to create a huangquan fantasy, so that the other party's soul can be lost on the long huangquan road. After completely losing his heart and soul, he can be controlled by the pupil invasion of Chu Feng.

In essence, Yamaguchi's soul has almost disappeared and become a walking corpse puppet, which can not pass this test.


After Yamaguchi Yichuan stood up, the surroundings suddenly became ghostly.

In the dark wind, the cries of countless dead souls sounded nearby, which made the detection personnel present tremble from their souls.

"Mr. Yamaguchi, there is no problem with your identity. Please pass!"

A inspector immediately announced that there was no abnormality in the identity of Shankou, stopped the detection and respectfully made way for a road.

Yamaguchi's super pupil level is very high. Even if it's just detection, it's not aimed at them. The power afterwave of pupil technology also makes these inspectors who don't have a high level unbearable.

Easily passed the most difficult level.

The next inspection gates lit the green light for Yamaguchi.

Chu Feng can use Yamaguchi's pupil technique, relying on the pupil technique of eternal God's eyes.

With his own pupil power, I'm afraid he can play a more powerful power than Yamaguchi himself!

Who would doubt?

After passing the heavy inspection, at the end of the gate is an elevator full of high-tech metal texture.

There is a special ID card at the door of the elevator, which can only be used after authentication.

As a chess piece sent to the royal family, Yamaguchi's apparent identity is that of the royal family. Naturally, he will not have such a card.

So someone swiped his card at the door instead of him.

Take the elevator to the 20th floor.

When the elevator door opens, you can see a broad and simple Nordic wind hall.

Next to the wide French window, stood a middle-aged man in a suit, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Chu Feng recognized each other's identity through the supreme pupil.

Dongshan Po is Dongshan Cheng's cousin in blood and the eldest son of Dongshan Tuohai. His identity in Dongshan group is one level higher than that of Dongshan Cheng solved by Chu Feng.

Dongshanpo is much better than dongshancheng in terms of super pupil level, mind, status and achievements.

Yamaguchi is an ordinary ghost super pupil. He doesn't have a high status. However, because his pupil technique is very appetizing to Dongshan, he was selected by him and sent to the royal family. He is also a confidant around him.

After all, before entering Dongshan group, Yamaguchi's identity was relatively clean and there were not so many interest disputes, which was easy to control. And he can have today's identity, which is also promoted by Dongshan.

Looking at the bustling night scene outside the window, dongshanpo blew on the back of Shankou and said:

"We have the news of [secret seed]. It's not much time before [secret incubation plan]. What you need to do next is to contact the royal family and get a sum of money from them, that is, it's a price paid for the great plan to revive the cherry blossom country!"