"What do you mean by pollution?"

The court was quiet for a few seconds, the crowd paused for a moment, and then someone asked questions.

The shadow smiled and said, "I believe you all know the secret power, that is pollution!"

"Among the copies of the survival of the sea, the sea area is called the dead sea area. Its root is a seed from the mysterious world, which erodes the sea god, and then makes the whole sea polluted."

"According to our investigation, the reason why the mysterious world appears is that the world has changed due to the erosion of external gods."

"As long as we get the power of God outside the mysterious world and copy it into reality, we can create pollution in reality even without opening the door."

"This is much lower than the risk of opening the door."

All the shadows here know that the door is risky and the success rate is not high.

As long as you have an independent space in the heavens and have the ability to approach the open door, you can close the door and even harvest a channel.

The last recovery of evil spirits was just an attempt by Dongshan group. Unexpectedly, it succeeded, but they also summarized the defects of this plan.

Secret incubation is improvement.

Put forward the shadow of the plan and continue to explain: "the mysterious pollution force is diffuse."

"As long as we get the secret seed, we can open the incubation of external gods."

"However, we do not hatch external gods."

"When we plant [evil god seed], we directly break this egg and let the evil god power bred in it flow into the East China Sea and erode the sea water there."

"If it were just sea water, it might not have much impact on the Dragon kingdom."

"However, if the East China Sea is completely polluted, the summer sea breeze and atmospheric circulation will send the power in the sea water to the mainland of the Dragon kingdom."

"The polluted dragon country's super pupil will become a group of mysterious monsters, and the dragon country has to free up a lot of resources to repair the mysterious power of the East China Sea. At this time, we can curb the development of the dragon country!"

When the plan was put forward, all the shadows took a deep breath.

From the sound of their breathing, we can hear the excitement!

In other words, the Linyuan guild has regarded the Dragon kingdom as the number one enemy. Most of the super pupils behind the shadow are super guild forces outside the Dragon kingdom. How do you want to see the Dragon Kingdom develop?

But a laugh came from nearby:

"Well, if you carry out this plan, the sea water of your cherry blossom country will also be seriously damaged. Is it not hindering your own development?"

"It should be the duty of the royal family to control the sea water. Our Dongshan group is only responsible for cultivating super pupils." the other party replied faintly.

"Tut Tut, I really admire the brain circuit of your cherry blossom people. When you get crazy, you don't even care about yourself!"

A shadow mocked.

The other side still calmly responded: "it's all for the great plan of the God of the abyss!"

Soon, the plan was unanimously approved.

That's it. It's over.

Chu Feng finally figured out what Dongshan's Secret hatch was!

He sneered in his heart.

"What a Dongshan group, the practice is really disgusting!"

Dongshan group's plan is to start with seawater!

The secret power is diffuse. Once it is invested in a certain area, it will take the area as the center and continue to be released.

Once this force enters the sea, it will spread to the global ocean due to the action of ocean currents!

you 're right!

Not just the Dragon kingdom!

It's global!

You think there are many oceans in the world, but they are not.

There is only one ocean.

The sea is interconnected. Once the mysterious force pollutes the sea, the sea will flow everywhere. At that time, the coastal areas of the world will suffer!

No country can be spared!

However, the Linyuan guild still insists on implementing this plan, even if their country will be implicated!

In order to contain the Dragon Kingdom, these lunatics are really desperate at all costs!

Of course, there is a very important reason why super pupils in countries such as cherry blossom country and free country dare to do so - their mainland is rich in precipitation, and they can complete their supply by relying on natural precipitation.

What about the Dragon kingdom?

Longguo is a country that is very short of water. There are two major basins of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The final river will flow into the sea.

There is a certain exchange between continental water and seawater.

Once the sea water suffers, the Dragon Kingdom dare not convert the sea water into fresh water resources, and may pollute a large part of the water resources, so the whole dragon kingdom may suffer from a shortage of water resources!

The disgusting thing about the secret incubation is that they do not want to create panic and chaos again with the recovery of evil gods, but intend to launch a war on water resources against the dragon country, causing an economic and resource crisis, thus hindering the development of the dragon country.

His heart is punishable!

Secret forces, as a diffusive force, will spread again if they are not completely eradicated.

The area of the sea is so vast, and there are all kinds of complex deep sea. Once eroded by mysterious forces

Then the price is.

Mankind has lost the ocean forever!

Tourism, agriculture, fishery and various industries in coastal areas will be devastated!

Once these lunatics complete the power of [secret incubation], the consequences for the Dragon kingdom will be unimaginable!


Dongshan group, which is behind all this, will never care about the life and death of the people in the cherry blossom country.

Because they are a group and take profit as the fundamental purpose.

Even if they are scolded miserably, with this asset force, they can go wherever they want. Who can stop them?

But once the plan is successful, it can also drag down the power of the royal family.

You're the royal family. Cherry blossom is difficult. You should be in front, right?

As a result, Dongshan group not only attacked the Dragon Kingdom, but also dragged down the royal family, raised its control in the cherry blossom Kingdom, but also promoted the cooperation with Arasaka Liufeng in disguise, killing more with one stone.

This plan, which does great harm to all mankind, is the most beneficial to themselves!

It can be said that

Sinister to the extreme!

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes showed a killing intention.

He never felt like he wanted to get rid of an organization.

Dongshan group's stay in this world is a cancer in the world!

In addition, mankind is afraid that future generations will be persecuted by this organization!

"Good. I'll destroy your plan myself."

Chu Feng's eyes showed Ling lie's killing intention.

This killing intention, through the eyes connected by destiny, fell on Dongshan's broken body, making his back suddenly feel cold and piercing.

Dongshanpo turned around in amazement, but found that Yamaguchi bowed respectfully: "I have received your will."

Then his figure slowly retreated.

Dongshan Po stood where he was and watched the mountain pass blowing without any abnormality. His back gradually disappeared at the elevator door and remained silent for a long time.

Is... Your own illusion?