In the fifth year of Daqian, in the Northern Wilderness of Montenegro, the small quasi demon was born from the black fog. It was ignorant and did not have wisdom.

In the seventh year of Daqian, a white fox with snow-white fur suddenly jumped on the quasi Hua demon. With ruby eyes, he stared curiously at the quasi Hua demon and gently touched it. The quasi Hua demon instantly increased its Taoist practice for 20 years.

In the 10th year of the reign of the great Qianlong emperor, the pseudo demon came to the depths of the northern wasteland. A ten thousand year old tree demon suddenly burst out black gas. After the demons absorbed the evil spirit, the Taoist priest rose for another 50 years, and his temperament was violent.

In the 20th year of the reign of emperor Daqian, the demons attacked a passing caravan on an official road in Montenegro. However, they were severely damaged by a Taoist priest, lost 30 years of Taoist practice and returned to the depths of Montenegro.

After that, it is the memory of being killed by Chu Feng's sword.

"That tree demon..."

Chu Feng's eyes moved. From the memory of the quasi demon, he saw a big demon with ten thousand years of Taoism.

"It turns out that my demon atlas can quantify merits and virtues and obtain fortune rewards according to the way of killing monsters."

"This condensation pill is the treasure I obtained by killing the quasi Hua demon."

"Then, what I want to do next is to kill demons all the way and get treasures."

Chu Feng swallowed the congealing pill into his stomach without hesitation.

A stream of medicine flows out from the abdomen and turns into a trickle, moistening the meridians up and down the body and opening hundreds of orifices.

However, in half a day, the Taoist practice increased by three months. Chu Feng held the demon cutting sword, and the white moon peak practice was more solid, and the power increased by 10%.

In Montenegro.

Countless demons are rampant!

Along the way, Chu Feng was thirsty. Suddenly he heard the sound of running water pouring down the waterfall not far away.

Follow the sound.

I saw a flying waterfall coming down, stirring up a splash of water.

The steaming mist on the water surface, separated by a layer of yarn fog, vaguely visible is a white figure dancing in the stream.

The figure turned around, and a phoenix eye that charmed all sentient beings seemed to pass through the fog and fall on Chu Feng, sending out a fatal temptation.


Chu Feng's Taoism was not very high, but his pupil power was very strong. He immediately saw through the charm of the Banshee. There was no waves in his heart, and the demon cutting sword jumped up from behind.


The white moon sword light crosses the water mist and cuts towards the Banshee!

"Oh, the little Taoist really doesn't understand the customs. He's really willing to fight others!"

When the sword light fell, the beautiful shadow disappeared in an instant.

The fog became thicker and thicker, enveloping the land.

Chu Feng glanced casually. The vegetation on the black mountain was shrouded in fog and could not see the surrounding situation clearly.

The pleasant laughter like a silver bell came from all directions and echoed in the deep mountains, as if it had the magic of disturbing people's minds.

The more the laughter went to the back, the colder it was, and finally turned into a cold killing intention!

Then, a white Banshee with ferocious black marks on her face and sharp purple claws appeared from the fog, with fierce eyes and two blood marks on her mouth, attacking Chu Feng!

"You demon should have killed many people."

Chu Feng's face was ancient, and his clothes suddenly burst open!

The golden dragon pattern carved on his back burst out a burst of bright Buddha light!

Dawei Tianlong!

The Banshee was shocked, but when the Buddha light shone on her, the evil spirit condensed from sin was immediately purified!

"Ah ah ah!"

A shrill and miserable cry spread all over Montenegro, sending out a heartrending wail!

But for a long time.

The Banshee fell to the ground, and her body was full of black gas. Finally, she became a yellow weasel. She was ugly and her eyes were full of hatred. She stared at Chu Feng and died in peace!

Close your eyes.

After reading the "demon atlas" in the sea, I didn't stop until page 109!

The memory of the banshee, like a fast-moving movie, flashed through Chu Feng's eyes page by page.

In the second year of Daqian, a yellow weasel walked through the dead streets and came to the beheading demon temple hall. A demon chopper with a demon chopping axe cut off the head of the human ghost shark demon with an axe. The demon blood splashed all over the weasel. It licked the demon blood curiously and suddenly became larger!

In the fifth year of Daqian, in the deep lane, five or six servants with swords chased the yellow weasel to kill it. The yellow weasel was forced to a dead corner. Before he died, he suddenly fought back and killed two people. He ate human blood, repaired the injury, and then grew stronger. Then he killed the other four people and raised the demon with human blood.

In the 10th year of Daqian, the yellow weasel attacked a village and killed dozens of villagers' children. Then he was chased and killed by a Taoist priest. He fled in a hurry for several months. Helpless, he fled into the Daqian palace and mistakenly entered a treasure hall. He saw a crystal pill suspended on the tripod furnace. It leaped up, swallowed the pill, and grew into a thousand years of Taoism and cultivation.

In the 20th year of Daqian, Huang weasel found the Taoist priest who chased her. He killed her and sucked her blood. Then he was wanted by TIANYAO master. He had no way to go and fled into Montenegro.

Because the weasel has cultivated into a human form, it often turns into a beautiful woman who seduces passers-by and kills them to suck blood. Since entering Montenegro, it has been sucking human blood for more than a thousand years. It is extremely evil and resentful. It has been a Taoist practice for 1500 years until it was purified by the great Wei Tianlong sealed by Chu.

In the sea of knowledge of Chu Feng, golden words suddenly appeared.

Then, in his consciousness, there was an inheritance of sword sect called Tianxin sword technique.

"Tianxin sword technique can also be ranked among the top five in the sword sect. It can be practiced to the realm of transcendence and holiness, and it can go directly to the realm of Taoist respect. Unexpectedly, the reward for killing this banshee is so rich!"

Chu Feng read the sea, and the operation tips of Tianxin sword technique are just like engraved in his own instinct. When his mind moves, the Tao technique becomes his own.

Because he killed the Banshee and absorbed the memory, Chu Feng's Taoism increased a lot. Open the panel and have a look——

"Jiupin Taoist!"

Kill demons all the way.

Seven days later.

Chu Feng killed two thousand year old demons, ten hundred year old demons, and countless small demons passed by.

Some monsters were born naturally because the evil spirit of Montenegro was too heavy. They didn't harm people. Chu Feng chose to let go of the evil spirit.

Some monsters seem to be infected with the evil spirit of the big demon, especially the ten thousand year old tree demon in Montenegro. It becomes cruel and kills everyone. Even if it hasn't hurt anyone, it's a matter of merit to cut it early.

A small number of monsters with high Taoism have experienced ups and downs from the world. Like the banshee, they have seen the scene of the Daqian Dynasty.

"Alas, the people are suffering!"

Chu Feng shook his head. From these monsters, he saw the real scene of the Daqian Dynasty.

The people are living in abject poverty and sorrow is everywhere!

Strange diseases have displaced countless people and suffered from physical deformities.

In many counties and counties, there have been severe droughts for months, no grain harvest, starving a large number of people, bones everywhere, houses withered and a dead city.

Although not out of Montenegro, Chu Feng had seen the scene of Daqian in advance.

Really, purgatory on earth!

Because of absorbing the memories of many big demons, Chu Feng's Taoist practice was not affected by these memories, but increased his experience and traveled thousands of miles every day.

Open the panel again——

"Wupin Taoist priest!"