The young man was wearing a Green Dragon Armor and his eyes were indifferent. He looked at ye Lianxue and said, "no reason, just because he is the descendant of the devil!"

Ye Lianxue angrily said, "what devil is not a devil? In my opinion, you guys are more like demons?"

Just then, a middle-aged man, surrounded by all the soldiers, came over.


Ye Lianxue immediately walked over.

It is ye Lianxue's father, ye Wen, who is also the commander of the Beihuang Great Wall urban defense army.

His eagle sharp eyes seemed to melt when he looked at ye Lianxue.

Then IP man raised his head, looked at the young man and said seriously, "Dong Zhan, you are also a strong man in the realm of war respect. Don't talk about the descendants of demons. Those are things that children play with."

"Why did you come to trouble Ao Feng this time?"

"Don't forget the agreement!"

Dong Zhan said lightly, "it's very simple. If he wants to stay here, tell me the skill!"

"When I finish, I can ensure that he has a new life and will not be bullied by others."

"Anyway, it's better to put such a good skill on him and disappear into the long river of history with this waste. It's better to keep it for me."

Ye Wen's pupil contracted.

"Where did you get the information?"

Dong Zhan smiled, "it won't bother you!"

"No!" IP man's eyes immediately flashed a sharp look, "Dong Zhan, that's a skill prohibited by the imperial dynasty. It has been destroyed. You can't appear in the world since then. If you want to get this skill, you're violating the imperial dynasty, okay?"

"Also, pay attention to your identity!"

"Although your talent is a good talent in BeiCang spirit college, if you enter the sacred wind college, you are nothing."

"I advise you not to think that you have reached the realm of Zhan Zun, so you don't know the greatness of heaven and earth, and think you can do whatever you want!"

Suddenly, a breath belonging to Zhan Zun burst out on Ye man.

However, Dong Zhan was unmoved and even laughed.

"Do you think that your little fighting power can overwhelm me?"

The next second,

Dong Zhan broke out a stronger breath!

Even, this breath has covered a section of Ye Wen.

"Did you break through?" IP man looked at him.

"Yes, otherwise, why do you think I dare to do whatever I want in this northern wilderness?"

Dong Zhan's face wore a wild smile.

"Why, ye man, I remember you were also known as a master in Beihuang. Now, do you want to compete with me?"

"Do you think I'll be afraid of you?"

IP man stepped forward.

However, a young hand suddenly pulled ye and asked.

"Dad, don't fight him, it's dangerous!" ye Lianxue looked worried.

The atmosphere on the court was very dignified.

No one thought that after Dong Zhan came back, he got stronger power than ye man.

Although I don't know what's going on in his mouth, since Dong Zhan is aimed at "demon descendants", the boy who is put in the military camp and no one likes, everyone present will not question Dong Zhan's practice.

Even, it will support.

The situation became deadlocked.

At this time, a lazy voice sounded from afar.

"Hehe, it's very lively here. I even demolished my house."

They turned their heads and saw "Ao Feng" walking by with his head in his hands and a piece of grass in his mouth as if nothing had happened.

He glanced at the torn down yurt. It seemed that it was not his own home. He just glanced away and showed indifference.

"Big brother..."

Ye Lianxue looked at him anxiously.

Chu Feng smiled at ye Lianxue, then turned his eyes to Dong Zhan, and his eyes became sharp.

"Are you trying to trouble me?"

Dong Zhan frowned.

In fact, he has seen Ao Feng before.

Image: just a waste.

After a few months, he went to the border to fight and killed an enemy in zhanzun realm. After his strength broke through, he came back again, but found that Ao Feng was like a different person.

His eyes, when they fell on him, even made him feel a little uneasy.

"It's impossible. It's just a waste that can't reach the level of a fighter. How can I be afraid of him?"

Dong Zhan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Ao Feng, I know there is a skill in your mind."

"As long as you give him to me, I can guarantee that you can live a carefree life in the imperial dynasty in the future, and no one will dare to trouble you!"

"If you don't give it, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ye Wen's eyes were on Chu Feng, but he saw the boy spit out the grass in his mouth and smiled.

"Come and get it if you can."

"However, let me say first that you are interested in my skills and I am interested in the location of your BeiCang spirit yard."

"If you lose, please give me this position."

Hearing Ao Feng's words, everyone looked at him like a fool.

Is this guy crazy?

Doesn't he know what Aofeng is?

With the power of a god of war, you only have 50 war slag. Why fight with AO Feng?

What's more, Ao Feng's current strength has faintly suppressed Ye Wen. He can be said to be the first expert among the northern wasteland garrison!

Everyone is absolutely crazy about this guy!

Even ye Lianxue couldn't help walking over and wanted to hold Chu Feng.

However, ye man pulled his baby daughter and looked at Chu Feng with a strange light.

Ye Lianxue's heart moved

She knows her father's way of doing things. Is there really anything special about Ao Feng?

A sign of [successful challenge] emerged on Dong Zhan's head.

With this agreement, the battle between the two is a formal battle!

Chu Feng sighed.

"If it weren't for the special rules of this copy, who would tell you so much nonsense?"

Before Dong Zhan could speak, suddenly his pupils contracted!

Chu Feng appeared in front of Dong Zhan like a ghost, with a smile on his mouth.

It's like a flower in front of you

Then Dong Zhan found that his body was hit by a mountain like force, and his body involuntarily flew high into the air!

At an incredible speed, he smashed towards the mountain in the distance!


With a loud noise

The mountain peak in the distance was smashed into a deep pit by Dong Zhan's body!

With the deafening noise, the rolling smoke rolled up!

The battle was over in less than a second!

Chu Feng's body suddenly burst into a golden battle light!

He stepped into the realm of zhanzong in an instant!